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Ash was fast asleep in the tree, where he normally slept since he, Cilan and Iris didn't exactly have three tents, and he was the only one who could get up there. Plus he didn't mind. Cilan himself couldn't sleep, as he was thinking about how his journey with Ash was coming to an end. He wasn't sure when he'd see him again, but the thought of it made him shiver. As he looked up at the boy in the tree, sleeping so peacefully, he couldn't help but smile.

'I can't just lie here. I won't fall asleep. Maybe I could just make myself tired...', Cilan thought as he got out of bed and began to pace around the area in circles. Around and around he paced, his footsteps getting more tedious each time they squashed the grass. He was lost in thought until his foot was wedged under a long, and he found himself falling towards the tree. A loud shaking sound and the rattling of leaves was all he could hear until he heard the painful groans of his crush.

" did that happen? I've never fell from the tree before..."

Cilan shrieked and tried to run back to his tent, but he was too late.

"Wha-hey! Cilan, get back here!"

Defeated, he turned back and sat down, cross-legged in embarrassment. He admitted to his mistake and apologized, making Ash sigh with relief. Suddenly, he collapsed onto his knees and ended up lying down sideways. Cilan ran to his side as he sat up and held his head. He looked at his leg, which was twisted in a way it wasn't supposed to be.

"Looks like the fall broke your leg..."

"I-I'll be fine...I'll just...fix it"

Ash's wincing was enough to convince Cilan he needed to help. He got him inside the tent and bandaged up his leg. The whole time, Ash was either silent or insisting on selflessness, constantly reminding Cilan he "Could've done it myself" or he "Didn't have to go to all this trouble", but, of course, it was ignored. Once it was done, Cilan suggested Ash stay in his tent for the night.

"You can't climb back up with that leg"

"Cilan, I've done these things before, you've seen me! I'll be fine, really", Ash persuaded, attempting to get out of the tent.

"Nope!", Cilan breathed, pulling him back, "You're staying here tonight. End of discussion"

Ash sighed and smiled fondly, moving a few inches closer to Cilan. The man blushed with fury, getting excited but also hoping he'd move closer. Once he heard Ash yawn, he decided it was time to confess his thoughts, as he knew Ash was less defensive when he was tired and with people he trusted. Plus it was the perfect atmosphere, and Cilan was pretty sure Ash trusted him.



"Lately, I've been thinking a lot about something. About, the fact that, well, eventually, our journey is gonna be over, and you'll leave me..."

Although he knew he was listening, he felt Ash' head rest on his shoulder. Still blushing, he wrapped his arms around his and cuddled him close.

"What'd'you mean?"

"Think about it. You've already gone to the Unova League, which is why you started this journey in the first place, and there's really not much left for you to do..."

"Cilan, we're always gonna be friends. You know that"

"I know. But it won't be the same once you're gone...and how do I know I'll see you again...?"

His voice trembled and tears rolled down his face. His grip on Ash tightened. He didn't want him to go. He always knew, even when their journey started, that he'd have to watch Ash leave eventually. But how could he? Unexpectedly, he felt a pair of soft arms around his, and he saw a messy bush of raven hair on his chest.

"Then I won't leave"

Cilan felt his face dry from the tears.


"If you don't want me to go, I won't. I don't have to, and if you want me to stay, why should I? I'll stay with you forever, if that's what you want"

He felt himself smile.


"Of course. But, on one condition"

Ash raised his head to face Cilan, his eyes sparkling with emotion.

"You don't leave me either, okay? You have to stay, too"


They felt each other's warm embrace as tears of happiness flooded the floor.

"I promise"

There was a long pause before Cilan spoke.



"I love you"

Another pause, then Cilan heard him chuckle.

"I love you too"

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