Aquashipping vs Pikashipping

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Once again, beastiality, I know. Obviously, in real life, if a human and a frog had a s****l relationship, I'd be like 'wtf'. But in the Pokemon world, it's unclear exactly what Pokemon are compared to humans, and their relationships can vary as seen in the anime and games. If you still don't agree, with all due respect, I suggest you don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the idea of shipping inhuman creatures with humans.

Other than that, enjoy!

(P.S. this is a continuation of the last Aquashipping one)

"Ash is taking a while to wake up...", Serena murmured as she set the last plate on the table for breakfast.

"When I got up this morning, he looked injured and kind of sick. Something must've happened to him, but let's not worry. He's Ash, he'll be fine. I think he can manage", Clemont reminded her of their friend's bewildering immune system.

"Yeah! Ash is strong! Besides, he was probably just training too much!", Bonnie laughed as she sat down at the table, cupping Dedenne in her hands.

The table was quite a few meters away from the tents, so little did the group know that Ash was heavily breathing and groaning every now and then. He shifted from side to side in his sleep, gripping the sheets. As soon as Greninja forced its way out of its Pokeball, he was practically gasping for air.

"Pika pika pi!", Pikachu scolded as it waved its arms around frantically.

'How could you let this happen to him?'

"Ninja!", Greninja answered back.

'It was an accident!'

"Pika pika! Pikachu!"

'We have to help him! He wouldn't want anyone else to worry'

At that very moment, Ash's eyes fluttered open. The two bickering Pokemon didn't notice until he slowly forced himself up, moaning slightly with every breath.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!"

'Ash! You're awake!'

Ash, having been Pikachu's partner for years, understood flawlessly what he was saying, just not what he meant.

"Y-Yeah...why wouldn't I be?", he whispered weakly.

He felt a pair of warm hands envelop either side of his waist, torso and back. Greninja's hands were so large compared to him that he could easily depend on them alone to hold him. And he did. Not that he wanted to, but he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness crash onto him, and his sight started to blur.

"Ninja. Gre", Greninja insisted as he laid the boy down, half-sitting up.

'You need to rest'

Ash tried to argue a little bit, being the typical selfless boy he is, but he felt his energy drained from him with every movement.

"Pika pika!"

'Be careful!'

"Don't worry, Pikachu", Ash chuckled quietly, "Me and Greninja have a bond. I trust it"

Pikachu immediately puffed its cheeks and crossed its arms.

"And I trust you just as much"

Hmph. How rude. Pikachu had been with him for years, yet he'd owned this Greninja for just over three months, and just because of some stupid 'bond', he trusted them equally?! Technically, he had a bond with Pikachu too, if he can understand it so accurately!

"Ah, wait, I have so much to do. I have to train. Wait! What if the others are worried about me?", Ash mumbled.

Pikachu and Greninja unknowingly rolled their eyes in unison, knowing their trainer tended to forget to care about himself.

"Pikapi! Pikachu pi!"

'No! I'll take care of you!'

Greninja realized the competition in the air and huffed. Two could play at this game.

"Gre. Greninja!"

'I'm bigger. I'll be more helpful'

Well, at least Pikachu was a little more subtle. Greninja just throwing shade.

"Guys, guys, it's okay. I'll be fine taking care of myself. You two can go and-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was bombarded with immediate, desperate protests from his two Pokemon. Reluctantly, he held his hands out in playful defeat.

"Alright, alright. I'll accept the help. But don't worry too much, okay?"

The two Pokemon nodded before Ash's eyes suddenly lost the ability to focus, and he began to fall backwards again. Pikachu immediately ran in an attempt to catch him, but Greninja was already holding when he took a step.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!", Pikachu cried, waving its arms around.

'Just because you have a bond, doesn't mean you get to have him all to yourself!'

"Ninja", Greninja teased with a smirk, caressing his trainer's head and shoulders, making sure he was comfortable.

'Shush. You'll wake him up'

Greninja smirked as Pikachu retreated to its sleeping position on Ash's lap. Greninja cackled as he effortlessly flicked the mouse Pokemon off of the boy, watching with delight as its cheeks sparked in shock.

Little did they know Ash's friends were outside the tent, using Clemont's new x-ray camera. 

I'd do the same, honestly.

Hope you guys liked it :)

Requests are open as usual, have a great day!

(sorry this was so short)

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