Ash x Tierno

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Ok, I know this ship is really weird because these two are in no way related and it would probably never happen, but I've been shipping these two for a while. Also, apologies to people who have requested stuff. Like I did with Who is Ash, this is an old story I found in my computer so I'm publishing it. So I can be at least a little bit active. Also also, this Oneshot has some topics that could be sensitive to some people. I'd say this story is probably mature.

Anyway, I love you guys and your support, enjoy!

"Heh, I'm the best", Alain muttered to himself as he placed the trophy in the cabinet. 

"Alain, stop being so cocky. You weren't like this before", Mairin complained, "And everyone's getting sick of it"

"They're only getting sick of me because they're jealous"

"Not really. They're getting sick of it because you're acting like a jerk"

"Oh yeah?", he turned to face her, "Who said that?"

"I heard Tierno talking about you yesterday, he said it. And I agree. And so does everyone else. Doesn't that give you a sign that maybe you should stop?"

"Oh, please. He's only salty because he didn't even get in the top three. I could easily beat him. In fact, I'm gonna go deal with him right now", he growled as he stomped out of the room.


Tierno made his way down the street, on the way to the Professor's Lab. He was going to confront Alain, although he was terrified of him since he suddenly became so egotistical. However, he was making life hard for everyone, especially the people who lost against him in the Kalos League, including Ash. He hated that. That he would ruin Ash's day whenever he could just because he got second. Although, the main reason he hated it was due to his love for the younger boy, but he wouldn't admit that part openly.

"Hey, loser"

He looked to see Alain leaning on a wall in front of him, grinning deviously. He took a deep breath, reminding him that not only was he defending himself, but he was also defending his crush.

"I was just about to go talk to y-"

"Save me the boring stuff", Alain interrupted, "I heard you've been talking trash about me"

"Yeah, because you've been talking trash about everyone else and we're not going to deal with it anymore! You brag about being Champion and how much you helped with the Team Flare situation, but I'd say you hardly did anything at all! In my opinion, we wouldn't have been able to stop it without Ash, who, may I remind you, got kidnapped and tortured by Lysandre because of you. Yet you make yourself out to be such a hero! When, in fact, you're a bully!"

After his outburst, Tierno couldn't help but smile. He felt strong. And proud, that he'd defended the one he loved.

Suddenly, he felt himself being dragged into an alleyway, and shoved into a corner. He squirmed to escape, but Alain used both his arms to block any exits.

"Listen, you. How dare you speak to me that way! May I remind you that I am the Champion, the hero of Kalos! Everybody knows my name, everyone loves me! No one even knows who you are, so don't act like you're better than me!"

He felt his confidence drown in a sea of fear.

"No one even wants to be friends with you, you good-for-nothing fatty! You always wobble when you walk, struggling to reach your Pokeballs through all that fat! And there's a lot more that I can say about you besides your weight! Don't ever challenge me again, or I'll-"

He abruptly stopped his harassment when it appeared something was thrown at his head. He stood up and turned around. Tierno also looked to see who it was.

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