Megabondshipping vs Amourshipping

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Things I will apologize now:

-Amount of Megabondshipping

-Amount of AUs (this is that AU you know I do where the Pokemon Regions are a part of America and Ash is from somewhere in Asia? Yeah, sorry if you don't like it)

-My grammar 

Things I won't apologize now:

-Exposing Serena

Enjoy! :) (Rated PG for slurs, language and theme)

A party was being thrown to celebrate the defeat of Lysandre and Team Flare and the rebuilding of Lumiose City. Everyone Ash had met throughout his journey in Kalos was there. Even Alain, which, though he wouldn't admit it openly, he was very happy about. Since it was a huge party, and Alain was going to be there, Ash decided to wear one of his many hanfu-style clothing for the occasion. There were even a few Chinese hairpins in his tied-up hair, which his friends were quite surprised to see. They weren't used to seeing Ash so elegant and traditional, but now that they'd seen it, they quite liked it.

"Hey, Ash", Alain called out to his friend as he approached him.

As soon as the younger boy realized, he started panicking as a blush spread across his face. What should he do? What if he messes up and makes himself look stupid to Alain? He tried his best to collect himself and faced him.

"H-Hey, Alain", he greeted back, forcing a smile.

"I just wanted to tell you, you look really good today"

All he could see was Ash beaming massively. But little did he know that he was squealing on the inside. Alain just gave him a compliment!

"T-Thank you, Alain Xiansheng...", Ash thanked before cringing at his own words.

Why did he refer to Alain as 'Mister'? Was he so nervous that he did it in Chinese?

"I was hoping to talk to you, actually..."


"Yes, I wanted to tell you that-"

Poor Alain was interrupted when Serena appeared from behind Ash and grabbed his hand, dragging him to someplace else.

"A-Ah, Serena? Where are you taking me?"

Serena didn't answer as they arrived in a secluded spot. There was no one around. 

Soon, Ash came back to Alain. The man grinned as he saw him, finally able to tell him what he wanted to say for months now.

"Ash, you're back! Now, I have something to tell you"

"What is it, Alain?"

Alain paused for a moment. The way Ash talked sounded different. Sure, he was smiling and looked happy, but he was clenching his own shaking hands so tightly, he could see him trembling. He thought nothing of it.

"I wanted to tell you that...well...I like you"

Ash was silent for a moment, keeping his head down. Alain looked at him closely. Was that a tear just rolled down his face? Ash wiped it away before replying.

"B-Baoqian, uh, I mean, sorry, Alain. But I cannot return your feelings. I like Serena. We are in fact dating now"

Alain's eyes widened. He was very upset that Ash couldn't return his feelings, more so that that stupid girl Serena captured his heart. But what concerned him was how quickly Ash had said it, despite how much he stuttered. He was acting like someone was pointing a gun at him.

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