Love Pentagon Part 3!

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This was a request from someone. Enjoy!

"Ash, can you get my scarf, please?"


Ash and Alain had been sitting in the lab room for hours. They lost track of time talking to each other, which Alain was enjoying so much that he'd forgotten he was in competition with four other people for Ash's heart. 

Steven, who had only just recently been added to his list of love rivals, since he'd been flirting with him since the Kalos Crisis. 

Sawyer, who clearly showed his affection for him by writing down everything he said in a notebook, telling him he was using it for battling. Pretty creepy. 

Gary, who'd grown up with him in Pallet Town, and had known him the longest, but in Alain's opinion, that was the only thing that kept him on the list.

Clemont, his nerdy inventor friend, who Alain never really liked. He was always showing off how smart he was with his exploding gadgets.

And, finally, the best, Alain. In his opinion (and mine, sort of), he was the best candidate for him. He was strong, passionate and kind when he wanted to be. Only really when he was with Ash.

"I'm just gonna go out and check something. I think I hear a noise"

"Oh, I'll go with you, Alain! It's not safe to go out on your own!"

Alain tried his hardest to hide the pink tint clouding his face. Ash would say that to anyone, but when he said it to him, he felt special.

As soon as he stepped out the door, Alain noticed a huge package on the floor.

"What's this?", he murmured as he picked up the package, "'To Ash. From your secret a-SECRET ADMIRER?!"

He screamed so loud the Pidgeys in the trees flew away.

"Alain, what is it?"

" have"

"Just tell me!", Ash insisted, taking the package from him. 

Alain squinted his eyes, waiting for any kind of reaction.

"Oh. Okay. What do I do with this?"

" it? I guess? But if you don't want to, I can throw it away!"

"Nope! I wanna see what's inside!"

Alain really tried it.

They went inside and Ash ripped the package open. There was a note inside:

"'We know each other
I hope you remember me
I'm coming to see you
Hint: I used to be really horrible to you'"

"Who do you think it is?", Alain asked, ready to assassinate whoever's name came out of his mouth.

"My best guess is Gary. He used to be pretty horrible to me. And he's already close, so..."

-The Next Day-

Alain gathered Clemont, Sawyer, Gary and Steven with him into the lab for a meeting.

"Okay, look, I know we all hate each other because the four of you are going after a boy that clearly only I deserve", Alain started, already receiving eye rolls and offended glares, "But we have a crisis"

"Which is?", Steven questioned, "This better be important. I'm missing my daily autograph signing meet and greet because of this. The people wanna see me, I'm impORTANT YOU KNO-"

"Ash has a secret admirer"

Alain watched as their jaws dropped. Clemont leaned forward with anticipation.


"Who do you think, dumbass? It's a SECRET admirer, I obviously don't know who it is! If I did I would've killed them by now"

Clemont leaned back, scoffing as he looked to the side.

"However...Ash gave me an idea on who he thinks it is"

All except Gary leaned forward with anticipation.


Alain said nothing, only turned to glare at Gary with the widest eyes. They all did the same. Gary raised his hands in confusion and disbelief.

"Not cool man", Steven.

"Wha-I-It wasn't me! And even if it was, so what? It's not like there are rules to how you win someone over!"

"We're all supposed to be on the same level here. Ash is supposed to choose between us! Not get bribed into being in a relationship!", Steven shifted his gaze from Gary to Alain, "Is this reALLY WHAT I'M MISSING MY MEET AND GREET FO-"

"Alright, if you want me to prove it, I'll prove it!"

They all followed Gary to Ash's room, where the package was. Ash happened to in there sitting on the floor, looking at the package.

"My apartment is in the South of Lumiose, I'm staying with two other people. Hey, Ash, what address does it say on that package?"

"Lemme see...South of Lumiose. From an apartment block. Number 3-"

Gary turned on his heel and sped out of the lab, four teenage boys chasing after him, screaming.

-A few hours later-

The six boys hung out in Ash's room. All but Ash himself kept their distance from Gary, of course. The boy didn't even know they were mad at him.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps. Small pieces of paper trailed after the sound. Without warning, Ash got up and started to follow the line of paper, the other five shadowing him. Once he got downstairs, he entered a dark room and turned on a light.


There stood two men. One with purple hair, another with blonde hair. Both holding packages.

"I'm your secret admirer!", they said in unison.

Gary stood in front of the group and held his hands out, as if he was lecturing them.

"See! What did I tell ya! I'm staying with two other people! Y'all don't even pay attention to me when I speak!"

"Then why were you running?"

"'Cause y'all were chasing after me!"

Alain brushed off the stupidity he'd just witnessed and walked over to Trip and Paul.

"Who are you guys?"

"We're friends of Ash's!"

"Yep! We used to be really horrible to him. But we heard he was in Kalos. So we came here!"

"We both like him. However, only one of us deserves him", Paul stated, motioning to himself.

"What? So I got six rivals now?", Alain moaned as he turned to see Ash with hearts in his eyes, "Motherf-OF ALL THE PEOPLE HE COULD LIKE-"

"Well, welcome to the team, boys", Steven greeted as he shook each of their hands, "Keep in mind, this boy is mine. I will make him hate you. You might as well give up right now and go home"

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere"

"Neither am I"

Well, I guess Ash is in a...wait, how many people? 8? So a love octagon? Does it even count if he already likes one of them? Is it Trip or Paul? Who do you think it is?

I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope the person who requested likes it. I laughed a lot while writing this. If you have suggestions I'd love to hear it!

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