Ash x Steven

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Haven't done this one in while. Enjoy!

(I. am. so. sorry. for. the. amount. of. A. Us. but. I. just. love. them. :).)

Steven's vision was clouded with dust as a sharp, violent breeze blew his way. The last thing he saw was the Megalith falling to its annihilation as Lysandre was destroyed by the Ultimate Weapon.

'When am I gonna get to talk to that cute kid?...', Steven thought to himself as he recalled the boy's adorable face and satisfying, fearless voice. 

He never caught his name, but he was sure he would after this disaster was over. He'd been watching him since the Kalos League, only being able to focus on him since. And when he saw him go against Alain, he found himself wanting Alain to lose. 

'I never liked Alain anyway...annoying dude...if he goes for that cute kid, then I'll finally have an excuse to beat him up', Steven thought with a devious smile.

His vision started to return to him as he looked around. Everyone seemed fine, except for one boy who'd been thrown mercilessly into the ground by the harsh wind. He was still clutching his Pikachu, but Steven didn't see him move.

"That's the kid!", he exclaimed as he rushed over to the boy, whose Pikachu was now trying to shake him awake.

He kneeled to his side and, seeing how pale and injured he was, immediately checked his pulse.

"Thank goodness you're alive...", he kept muttering to the boy as if he was talking to him, "You're freezing...gosh, you're way too light, are you underweight?...I know you're short and skinny, that an open wound?!"

"Pika pika!", Pikachu started to urge him, waving its arms around.

With one hand on the boy, Steven used his other hand to pet the Pokemon's head.

"It's okay...I'll take care of him", he reassured it as a helicopter landed near them.

He gently lifted the boy up and carried him into the vehicle, sitting down and laying him on his shoulder so his body leaned on his. As the child's head rested on his shoulder, he couldn't help but plant a soft kiss on his head. Even with his lips he could feel how soft the boy's dark hair was. Pikachu, standing on the boy's lap holding his hat, murmured as it watched this complete stranger caress its trainer.


Steven chuckled in admiration at the pair of them. An adorable little trainer with a Pikachu who looks out for him. If only he could remember the boy's name.

"You care about him too, don't you?"

Realizing his feelings, Pikachu cooed in delight. During their journey, many people had caught feelings for its trainer. It happened so often that he started to pay it no mind. But this man seemed to love him much more than it'd ever seen.

He wasn't sure whether it was turbulence or something else, but the helicopter unpredictably began to give in to the wind, violently shifting from side to side. Even the pilot didn't know what was going on as he kept his hands firm on the steering wheel to try and stabilize the vehicle, but to no avail. He carefully placed the boy in a safe position before steadying his way over to the door. Yanking it open, he saw a certain ginger-haired man with a jet pack, whose Pokemon were continuously throwing moves at the helicopter.

"You!? I thought you were dead?", he screamed while getting ready to release his own Pokemon.

"Dead?! Ha! As if I would ever let my own weapon stop me", Lysandre yelled back as his Pokemon spat more moves at the smoking helicopter, "Now give me the boy and no one gets hurt"

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