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"Bet you had fun doing all that in Kalos, huh?"

"Yeah, it was great!"

Ash and Gary were peacefully talking about his journey in Kalos, when suddenly, Ash felt a sharp pain.

"Oh, uh, hold on a sec", Ash stammered as he suddenly got up, clenching himself.

He made it to the bathroom as quickly as possible and shut the door, falling back into the wall and breathing heavily. He slowly lifted the sleeve of his hoodie so he could see one of the many injuries he'd gotten from the Kalos crisis. 

He hadn't been able to get them treated since his friends, and family were with him almost all the time, and he didn't want them to know. But every day they were getting more suspicious about why he covered so much of his body all the time. Even in the sunny weather, he'd wear log sleeves.

His breath quickened when he heard a loud knock at the door.

"Ash, are you alright?"

Ash needed to do something. He couldn't just let Gary worry, but he felt like he was spinning, everything was going blurry. Too many thoughts attacked his mind at once, and he ended up plummeting towards the ground, hardly making a sound. However, Gary having his ear at the door, it was enough for his friend to realise he was no longer conscious.

Delia soon arrived to undo the lock, watching with panic as her son lay on the floor, blood seeping from under his body. Gary gently picked him up and carried him to the bed, assuring Delia he could take care of him.

Hours passed, and Ash remained unresponsive. Gary took the opportunity that he wasn't awake to pull Ash's jeans up from the bottom. He almost screamed when he saw the bloody wound dominating his leg. Hesitantly, he started to poke it, but stopped when he saw Ash twitch.

"Ash, are you okay?", he asked quietly, leaning towards his crush.

"Wha, huh, yeah, I'm fine..."

He grabbed him by the hand, hoisting him up to hug him tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt? How did all those injuries get there?"

"It''s a long story"

He pulled away and faced him with firm eyes.

"Then tell me"

Gary listened in shock as Ash told him how Team Flare took over Kalos, how he got hurt, how Alain didn't help him. Well, that was how Gary saw it, anyway. Ash seemed to forgive Alain, and he liked him a little more than Gary wanted him to.

"Ash, why didn't you tell anyone? If I hadn't found out, you could've-...never mind..."

"Gary, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to worry anyone. It obviously hurt me. I didn't want it to hurt anyone else, and especially because of me"

"Ash, you could never hurt me. Well, you hurt me a little by not telling me"


"I don't want you to go to Kalos again"

"Wait, what?"

"And I don't want you seeing any of the people you met there, especially Alain"

"Gary, wait-"

"I'm calling an ambulance right now"

"Gary, NO"

Gary grabbed his phone and started to dial. Ash tried to wrestle it from his big hands, but ended up getting pushed back onto the bed. With Gary on top of him. He could hardly catch a breath. Everything started to go blurry again. The last thing he felt was Gary caressing his cheek, before he closed his eyes.


A faint, gentle voice echoed in the distance as Ash slowly opened his eyes. He saw a tall man walk over to him and sit on his hospital bed and hold his hand. Then pull him into a hug and whisper something into his ear.

"Ash, I'm so glad, you're awake", Gary cried as he slowly pushed Ash back so he could sit.

"Zapped with Mega Evolution energy, huh?"

Ash lowered his head as Gary ruffled through his hair. Tears started to stream down his cheeks and onto the bed. Seeing the tears, Gary wrapped his arms around him as he started to breakdown.

" j-just all happened s-so fast and I...I didn't know what to minute I was running with Alain, the next minute he's...he's standing there while I pass out...then suddenly my whole body is hurting so much, because it's being filled with poison and I...", Ash sobbed into Gary's chest.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Tell me. I'm listening", Gary comforted, squeezing the younger boy's arms.

"And I...I wanted to tell you, Gary, I did, but then I just much it would hurt you and I...I just kept quiet...I'm sorry..."

Minutes of silence passed by as less tears fell between them. Gary smiled, feeling that both of them were ere finally at peace.



"Don't you dare, ever, hide something from me again. Okay?"


"...One more thing"


Gary smacked his lips onto Ash's, pulling him into a long, sweet kiss. Ash allowed him to dig his fingers into his back as he clenched Gary's shoulders.

"I love you"

"...I love you too"

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