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This is an AU set in the real world where Ash is the Prince of China and Paul is the son of one of the servants at the Palace.  Ash's name is Asuri Shu Ki, but Ash for short. A little smut.

A sword slash was heard as a soldier fell to the floor. Ash stood in front of the soldier with his sword in hand, a victorious look on his face. An old, fat man with purple hair came up to him, clapping.

"Marvelous, Prince Ki! Marvelous indeed! To think that at the age of 14 you can take on one of the best soldiers..."

Ash wasn't paying attention as he was looking at his friend, Paul. His name was really Ping Hau Len, which literally everyone he knew suggested he call him as they did, but he always called him Paul since they met when Ash was just a toddler. He smiled at him, to which he smiled back, as they both knew they wanted the old man to end his speech and go away already.

"...I knew since you started this training when you were just 3. Well, I'll let you and Ping get to it then"

He walked away, leaving the two alone. Paul collected himself as Ash put his sword away, and asked him to follow him. They walked in and out halls and rooms and stairways in the Palace, until they reached a small room. Most of it was taken up by a king-size bed with red and golden sheets, white pillows and a bouquet of roses. Scented candles lined the walls of the room, filling the air with satisfying smells. Ash felt flustered just by looking at it.

"What's all this?", he asked, his face slightly red.

"Oh, it's my little surprise to you. Come", Paul answered, taking his hand and leading him to sit on the bed with him.

He climbed over Ash, putting his legs on either side of his body and using his hands to surround him and force him down onto the bed. He was now lying down, Paul on top of him. 

"What are you-"

"Shhhh. Just let me do my thing, okay?"

He firmly placed his hands on Ash's shoulders and his crusty brown lips onto Ash's soft red lips. Ash felt his breathing come to an abrupt halt as his tongue touched another. They stayed in the same position until Paul pulled himself back, allowing Ash to catch his breath. The dark blush was visible on his face now. Paul smiled, licked his lips and went in for another kiss. Soon, he was biting his neck and Ash was panting.

-The Next Day-

Once again, Ash had managed to take down another soldier, being praised by Paul's father once more. He was paying zero attention now, as he and Paul were staring at each other, a cute smile on his face. As soon as he walked away, they stepped toward each other.

"You know, it's...not allowed. The Prince to be a with a boy...", Ash said awkwardly. Paul held his shoulders and grinned deviously, making the teen giggle with nervousness. 

"That's what makes it even better", he replied.

Deciding that what they were going to do was promised despite the rules, the two new lovebirds walked through the Palace doors to go back to their favorite place...

Hope you enjoyed! I'm not very good at writing these types of stories, so if anyone has some suggestions, please let me know! And, just for laughs, here's the story in Chinese:

当一名士兵倒在地上时,听到一把刀剑。阿什站在士兵面前,手里拿着剑,脸上带着胜利的表情。一个留着紫色头发的胖胖老头走近他,鼓掌。"奇妙,王子Ki!确实非常棒!想想在14岁时你可以选择一位最好的士兵......"Ash正在看着他的朋友保罗时没注意到。他的名字真的是Ping Hau Len,实际上他认识的每个人都建议他像他们一样打电话给他,但他总是称他为Paul,因为他们在Ash只是一个小孩时遇到了他们。他对他笑了笑,他笑了笑,因为他们都知道他们希望老人结束他的演讲并且已经离开了。"......自从你刚开始接受训练以来,我就知道了。好吧,我会让你和Ping接手吧"他走开了,一个人留下了。保罗收起了自己,因为阿什把剑放开了,并让他跟着他。他们走进宫殿的大厅,房间和楼梯,直到他们到达一个小房间。大部分床都是一张特大号床,红色和金色床单,白色枕头和一束玫瑰花。在房间的墙壁上排列着香味的蜡烛,让空气充满了令人满意的气味。看到它,Ash感到慌乱。"这是什么?"他问道,脸色略带红色。"哦,这对我来说是个小惊喜。来吧,"保罗回答说,握住他的手,让他和他一起坐在床上。他爬过Ash,将双腿放在身体的两侧,用双手环绕着他,将他压在床上。他现在躺着,保罗站在他的上方。"你是做什么的-""嘘。让我做我的事,好吗?"他坚定地将双手放在Ash的肩膀上,将他坚硬的棕色嘴唇放在Ash柔软的红唇上。当他的舌头碰到另一个人的时候,Ash感到他的呼吸突然停止了。他们一直保持着相同的姿势,直到保罗退后一步,让Ash喘不过气来。现在脸上可见黑暗的腮红。保罗笑了笑,舔了舔嘴唇然后再去亲吻。很快,他咬着他的脖子,Ash气喘吁吁。-第二天- Ash又一次成功击败了另一名士兵,再次被保罗的父亲称赞。他现在没注意了,因为他和保罗正盯着对方,脸上露出可爱的笑容。他一走开,便走向彼此。 "你知道,这是......不允许。王子和一个男孩在一起......",Ash尴尬地说道。保罗搂着他的肩膀狡猾地笑了笑,让青少年傻笑起来。 "这才是让它变得更好的原因",他回答道。 尽管有规则,决定他们将要做的事情得到承诺,两只新的爱情鸟走过宫门,回到他们最喜欢的地方......

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