Collideshipping vs Amourshipping

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"It's been great catching up with you! It seems you've done a lot since we last met!"

Ash grinned at Barry's comment. The same thing all his other friends had said when they met him again. 

The blonde seemed cool as always, but on the inside, he was nervous wreck, trying to make himself look good in front of his crush after all this time.

"I'm sure you have stuff to gloat about!"

"Nothing compared to you. You better slow down, or I'm gonna have to fine you!"

In unison, they laughed at the nostalgic joke, slowly leaning closer into the middle of the bench. Barry suddenly stopped when he felt something slap the back of his head.

"What did you just say?! I'll have you know you don't have a single right to be fining my future husband!"

Ash pulled a face, knowing immediately who it was. That annoying tone and 'future husband' talk was far too familiar.

Barry, on the other hand, had no clue who he was facing when he turned to see a blue-eye honey blonde girl.

"You didn't have to hit his head", Ash moaned, receiving a shrug in turn.

"Have you two met?", Barry asked.

"I should be asking the same question!", Serena retaliated.

With a sigh, Ash introduced them to each other. Barry could tell by his face expressions, and his reaction when she made him address her as a 'childhood friend', that this girl wasn't the most likeable. And Ash liked everyone. 

Even Paul, the shady loner who mistreated his Pokemon, earned a smile from Ash every now and then.

"I've been friends with Ash for six years!", the girl boasted, leaning on Ash's shoulder.

Ash froze for a moment before snapping out of it, face full of attitude.

"Actually, it doesn't count if we didn't talk for the six years. That's such a stupid thing to say!", he snapped, acting almost as if he was making fun of the way he spoke.

Serena was taken aback, but Barry had hardly ever seen Ash act out like that before.

"Ash, are you alright?"

The dark-haired boy froze again, then blinked several times and proceeded to apologize.

"It must've been 'cause Serena touched me"

"Wait, what? Am I missing something here?"

"I never really told anyone, but why wouldn't I trust you?"

Barry blushed at the remark, playing with his fingers.

"It's this...thing. I have. Whenever I come into contact with something, somehow I can do exactly what it does. It's really dangerous if I'm not careful"

"Oh, alright. I get it. No more explanation needed"

Serena raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, so what did you get from me just then, when you were being rude?"

"No more explanation needed", Barry repeated, smiling and grinning.

Ash was completely oblivious to their quarrel as he spotted two familiar people a few feet away from them.

"It's Clemont and Bonnie! Let's go meet them!"

Ash took Barry's hand and pulled him off the bench.

"You gotta be quick, or else I'll fine you!"

"Of course that's the trait you'd get from me..."

They were a few steps away when a large, snake-like Pokemon broke through the ground, roaring wildly. Immediately people began to run for their lives, but the Gyarados had the five cornered.

"I don't have my Pokemon with me!", Barry panicked as Ash nodded in agreement.

"I do! Braixen, come out!", Serena yelled as she released the fire-type.

"Is she stupid...?"

"Serenaaaa!", Bonnie groaned, "Gyarados is a water-type! Fire type moves won't work on it!"

"Ash's Greninja got beat by a Charizard, I know what I'm doing!"

Braixen appeared to be at least a little smarter than its trainer; it freaked out as soon it saw the water-type and hurled its stick away. Ash just managed to catch it in between his fingers, only when a large flame erupted from his palms did he realize what he had done. Fortunately, it was enough to tame the water type and send it digging its way back into the ground.

"Phew! That was amazing, Ash!", Barry panted, seizing the opportunity to pull the other into a hug.

"I...didn't really do anything..."

"Still, it was so much better than Serena thinking her Braixen could stop it...", Barry smirked at his rival.

Bonnie couldn't help but start giggling at their little rivalry. First it was Clemont, then Alain, then even Lysandre! And now one of Ash's friends? 

"Come on, Ash. Even I got that one", Clemont tried to make things make sense to the dense young boy, but to no avail.

Barry threw his arm around the dark-haired boy, trying his best to keep his cool as he did so.

"It's almost sunset. How about we go watch, just you and me!"

He smiled as he saw Ash's eyes glisten with excitement, one of the many traits he had that caused people to be attracted to him. But he would probably never understand any of that, seeing as he had no idea why Clemont and Bonnie had to keep Serena from murdering Barry as he left with him.

Thanks if you read and feel free to request.


So sorry to the person who requested this! I took more than a week (I should probably stop letting schoolwork get in the way)

This seems badly written, I didn't rush, but used Google Translate for some of it because I did so much schoolwork in English that my brain is tired of thinking of the words

To others who requested, I am working on them you haven't been forgotten :)

Have a great day

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