Ash x Tierno

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Didn't think I'd write this ship again, let alone someone request it! But I kinda ship it, so it's okay. I know, it's weird. Enjoy!

Tierno's legs dragged themselves across the floor of the halls of the arena.

"I can't believe I lost the League...", he mumbled to himself in disappointment, "I was really looking forward to battling against Ash"

His heart skipped a beat and his cheeks turned pink as he thought about him. Ever since he met him at that summer camp, he always knew he had some sort of feeling towards the younger boy. But he knew Serena did as well, so he pretended to like her instead in an attempt to fend off her affection towards Ash. Which hadn't been working.

As he turned a corner, he heard some heavy breathing coming his way. He saw Pikachu run down the hall, calling out in concern. Following suit, he saw Ash, limping through the corridor, hardly clutching onto his bag as his breath labored. He sounded not only tired, but sick, and looked like it too. He was pale, sweaty and red.

Tierno, as worried as he was, didn't know how to approach him. He hid behind the corner, still watching them.

"Pikapi! Pika, pikachu!", Pikachu bellowed at its trainer, who stopped in his tracks.

Before he could reply, Ash suddenly fell backwards against a wall, hardly catching his breath as he slid down the wall and sat up as much as he could.

Tierno was stuck. He wanted to help, but how?

Ash grabbed his shoulder, wincing in pain. Pikachu waved its hands around, trying to get him to stop, but he still tried to stand back up. Finally, a gasp of shock escaped him as he collapsed, his cap rolling to the side. Pikachu took his hand and screamed his name, trying to get him to wake up.

"Let me help!", Tierno shouted as he ran towards them.

He gently slid his hands under Ash's limp body and raised him off of the ground. Regardless of the intense blushing and heat he was feeling, with his crush's body against his chest, panic started to consume him. He didn't know what to do. Ash was clearly so sick, and he could see a few bruises as well. Pikachu stood next to him, crying.

"I'll call an ambulance", he told it as he pulled out a phone and dialed the numbers.

Soon, Ash was lying in a hospital bed with a gas mask over his mouth, seemingly almost dead. Tierno was outside with Nurse Joy.

"He was exhausted! He shouldn't have pushed himself so much! Especially when he was injured like that. He'll have to stay overnight"

Tierno nodded his head as she walked away, and pressed his face into the glass. He'd always admired Ash for how he persevered, but he was pretty sure everyone agreed with him when he thought the boy should give himself a break every now and then. He was always pushing himself, training to the point where he forgot to sleep. He knew that even if he hadn't traveled with him.

Even Serena didn't think like that, and she'd been there since the start of his journey. She just so happened to be seen running towards the hospital room at that very moment. Why was it that when Tierno thought about someone, they showed up?

"Where's Ash? Is he okay?", Serena panted.

"Wouldn't you like to know...", Tierno mumbled to himself, ignoring the girl's question, "You and your horrible fashion choices and annoying high-pitched voice...Shauna has better sense than you, and she's an idiot"


He turned to her angrily, clenching his fists.

"He'll be fine. You don't need to be here", he snapped.

Serena stepped back in shock.

"Tierno...what's gotten into you?"

"More like what's wrong with you! You say how much you love Ash, yet you're never there for him when he needs it. You say how you always want to be with him, but you weren't with him when he collapsed. He's been at the hospital for hours, and you only come now? Do you really love him, or do you just think he belongs to you, because you like him? If you really loved someone, you'd care about them. You don't care about Ash. You just want him to yourself"

Serena thought for a second.

"Tierno...are you...trying to get me to hate Ash because you love me?"

Tierno growled in frustration. What was wrong with her? And he thought Ash was the dense one. She couldn't understand a concept that didn't give her the upper hand. She didn't understand that the world didn't revolve around her.

"I mean...I know I'm pretty and all, but don't you think that's a little too far, even for me? Maybe find a girl that's interested"

"You are the most delusional person I know. You think everyone in your life is there to cater to you and make you happy. You think you're too good for everyone. But no. It's the other way around. You're selfish. I only pretended to like you to hide my feelings for Ash"

Serena's eyes widened.


"Exactly. And I don't usually say these things out loud, but clearly, I love him more than you ever will"

He turned his back to her, entered the hospital room, knowing she was watching, took Ash's gas mask off and placed his lips on his. He smiled as he felt how soft and smooth they were.

Serena started to stomp towards the door, but an arm blocked her path. Nurse Joy stood in front of her, scowling.

"B-But...Nurse Joy-"

"I don't want to hear it! You've been yelling so loudly, the whole ward can hear you! Please keep your issues to yourself! Can't you see they're having a moment?", she scolded, pointing at the two boys inside.

Damn. Even Nurse Joy ships it.

Serena tried to swing at her, but two other doctors restrained her and escorted her out, keeping her violently swaying arms and legs from damaging anything.

"She's crazy", Tierno chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, I know"

He turned round with sparkling eyes. Ash was awake, smiling. He caressed the younger boy's cheek as he leaned closer.

"And I'm crazy...for you"

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