Diodeshipping vs Sceptileshipping

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This is set in Pokemon XYZ Episode 35 A Riveting Rivalry, after Ash beats Sawyer in the Kalos League.


Clemont saw Ash walking down the hallway. He ran up to him and surprised the younger, shorter boy with a hug. 

"Ash, you were amazing!", Clemont praised, blushing.

"Thanks, Clemont", Ash thanked as Clemont let go of him.

As he let go, he saw that Ash was paler than usual, but parts of his face were also quite red, and his body looked a little beaten up, too. He was sweating, panting, and his eyes were only half-open. He placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him a little.

"Ash, are you okay? You seem a little-"

Suddenly, Ash's shoulder slipped from his hand as he fell to his knees. His cap flew off of his head, and Pikachu jumped off of his shoulder and stood in front of him, staring at him worriedly.


Clemont dropped to his own knees, quick enough to catch his friend before he could collapse face-first. He was partly having the time of his life, his crush was half-conscious in his arms, but then again, he had no time to dream as Ash looked like he was in immense pain.

"I'm fine, just, I'm, I'm just tired", Ash panted, barely managing to get the words out.

"Maybe a little too tired. And hurt too. You need to rest. Looks like that last battle with Sawyer really messed you up"

He cringed as he realized whose name he'd mentioned. Sawyer. He'd always knew he shared the same feelings for Ash as himself, so he never particularly liked Sawyer for that reason. And now, even thought Ash beat him in their battle, Sawyer was partly to blame for Ash's condition, as he knew about the Bond Phenomenon and how it would hurt him.

Greninja was more than happy to carry Ash to their hotel room, as it had no problem doing it anyway. He also felt bad for Ash, because it was the other half of their Bond, and it'd shifted the pain onto Ash by not being able to bear it by itself.

Clemont watched Ash sleep for hours on end, sometimes singing to the boy while dreaming about their future together, and sometimes just staying silent to admire how beautiful he was. He was doing just that when the worst person who could possibly be there burst through the door.

"Ash, are you okay?!", he screamed before he saw the person he was talking to lost in a deep slumber. Clemont stood up and addressed the boy with an unpleasant face expression.

"Sawyer...what are you doing here? Took you a while to get here, didn't it? Ash is sleeping. He fainted after his battle with you", he explained, clearly disgusted. Not like Sawyer didn't act the same.

"Oh. I went to the hospital after I heard about it, because that's where I assumed any decent person would take their injured friend after they'd just collapsed. Not back to the hotel room", he retaliated, displaying his aggression more explicitly than Clemont had. The lemon-haired teen took a few steps closer as he spoke.

"Well I'm sorry if I care enough for my friend to take care of him myself rather than hand him over to a hospital"

Sawyer did the same.

"Take care of him? From the looks of it, you've just sat there. I can still see all those scratches on his arms"

"Which are only there because you went too hard on him!"

"Why would I go easy in the Kalos League?!"




The two squabblers turned to see a small, yellow mouse Pokemon yelling at them to shush as it stood on the lap of its awakened trainer. After holding his head, Ash looked up so they could see his slightly teary eyes and confusion. A hand seemed to slide over his own. He looked to his left to see Clemont smiling, as if that whole argument he'd just heard had never happened.

"Ash, you okay?", he gently asked.

"Uh...yeah. I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you"

"Oh, it's fine. You're fine, right? There was no need to take you to a hospital"

Sawyer could only stand and watch as Clemont subtly bashed him, using their crush as a weapon, and even smirking at Sawyer after his last sentence. Ash knew well what was happening, but didn't want to seem needy at the same time. Oh, what to do? The poor kid. He really did hate being in the center of love triangles.

"What? Oh, no. I'm fine"

Ash gave Sawyer an apologetic look as Clemont shot him a sly one. Receiving both messages, he wasn't sure which to take into account. Should he be angry towards Clemont? Or grateful towards Ash? Either one would satisfy him anyway.

The rest of the night was spent awkwardly, with Sawyer and Clemont silently competing against each other, and Ash staying quiet about it while trying to break the tension. The raven-haired teen eventually fell asleep in Clemont's arms again, causing Sawyer to growl in jealousy. He should get a turn, too.

"Ash is mine", he uttered as soon as he was sure Ash was sleeping.

"Oh yeah?"

"Wanna battle for him?"

"Pika pikachu!"

They were about to get their Pokeballs out when the yellow mouse intervened between them once again, forcing them to give in. For now.

Oh, Ash. How many love triangles are you going to get dragged into?

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