Chapter 1-1: Nexus

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I wanted to ask, have you ever heard the story of the slayer of gods? No I don't mean actual gods. One person vowed to end a curse with their own hands. Even through there were others like him, they were close to that person. They were family. He was often looked at as a dear friend, a brother to some. To me he was a warrior, my polar opposite, my lover. As stories of him began to fade into the darkest abyss their are a very few who knew him. The struggles he lived through.
I was able to see him again, but under different circumstances. He needed our help, STRQ's help, once more. His body and mind were consumed by anger, pity, question. I don't think I've ever since him be this way before?
Who could I be talking about you ask. Well he had very few family left. I meet his mother a long time ago and she helped me from time to time with her wisdom.
The person who lead this man into such a stated was no in other than his father. It was a strong love hate relationship. Even if he did most of the hating, his father played with his state of mind like a game.
That day at sea where their war was to rage. They fought each other like rivals one desperate to kill the other the other just observing. With two ships at sea they fought in solidarity. No one were to disturbed them. The dark clouds had begun to roll in almost like the sky was cry over these two a father and son trying to kill each other.
Eventually, only one remained standing....

One year had passed after leaving beacon. I would think of my family every now and then wonder what they are doing if they're okay living life the best they could. I would want to say I came to the tribe and they welcomed me with open arms. That they accepted me as their new leader without a second thought. But all the ridicule all the defeat they threw on me it became hard to believe this was the right choice. Every night I would crawl back to my tent. My body cut up destroyed internally coughing up my own blood. This was my new life.
"Get up Y/N!" Milla shouted curling my hand into a fist I refused her demands, Milla grabbed my collar starring me in the eyes, " I know your stronger than this I've seen it in the Vytal Festival. So tell me what the hell is wrong with you."
"So easy for someone whose always on the run just to stay alive! What the fuck did you bring me here if it wasn't going to be easy."
"Get your head out of your ass Y/N! being a tribe leader of these people you have to make street cred, otherwise you're just like the people they kill on raids."
"So that's it! You use our power to help theses people kill-"
"I am a victim of their raid! That night it help me realize." Walking out my tent she stopped, turning her head towards me, "power is absolute."
Milla...I couldn't believe how far she's come. How low she stooped. She's not the Milla Kin I remember. As my blood stained the floor I picked myself up one knee at a time. I was never told any motivational speeches as a kid, but I'm sure someone once said, get knocked down lay there for a while, cry a little if you need to, but get back on your feet. Cause that shows you got heart.
What a load of shit. Damn my insides hurt. It's like someone stabbed me several times in the gut, twisting my organs back and forth. The feeling of nausea had me light headed even my blood took its time to refill.
I wish I was joking but I wasn't. That last night Raven and I had was so vivid in my head as well as the day we departed. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I exhaled annoyed by everything that's happen. Mistral wasn't built in a day.

Raven POV

I looked up at the night sky counting the less numbers of starts drawing an outline of them seeing what shape they made. The moon hug high over my head, remembering the story Y/N told me that night of the dance. To be completely honest I felt like that moon tonight. You, You were my fragments that made me whole. Some of your idiocies is rubbing off on me...
"Raven..." Summer called out sneaking up behind me holding two cups. Who knows what Summer made this time, she's been dabbling with recipes ever since Y/N had left. Something just to keep her minds off things. You saw her like a little sister, I'm sure she felt the same way towards you after a while. Then leaving just like that as if nothing what you said mattered to anyone. Not just leaving for no reason, the fact that you are going to be the tribes new leader knowing little of what those people are capable of. Now they have Milla and You to their ranks, who know what huntsman and huntdress can stop you.
"Thank you, Summer," I generously took one of summers cup looking inside the contents of the cup not really thinking about it but thinking about...
"You know you can see him, you too are connected right?" Summer sounded sorrowful, as if my hurt was hurting her to. Placing a hand on her shoulder she lifted her head as she looked at me smiling. She almost looked like a little child waddling towards me, "i know it's not just you Raven. I miss him too."
"I know summer but it's not that we don't want to see each other. It's that we can't see each other...not yet." I explained summer tilted her head confused by what I meant, "Y/N cares a lot, he didn't want to see anyone of us hurt. If we were together he would blame himself if someone had injured themselves. I know full well the kind of power he restrains himself from using. The fact that his emotions can create a beast unlike any grimm we've fought in the past." Seems I was throwing Summer for a loop, I don't think she quite understood what I meant, "it's just a difficult time right now. I'm sure Y/N will see us again down the road."
"Oh! I mean if you say so," Summer replied joking openly. Standing right beside me she paced her lips on her cup. Taking a few sips of her drink before pulling away, "y'know Raven you've changed a lot. From when we first meet you were distance quite refused to interact with your team. Over time you started to warm up to Tai and I talking a bit more sharing your secrets with me. Then Y/N came along and like a flower garden in May you started to bloom. Wether that would be through socializing or fighting you were open confident in control. It was awe inspiring. It made me wanna be better for everyone else." I glanced over at Summer who shown a smile under set sorrow, "it's like you and Y/N took off leave all of us in the dust. I know I told you to follow your heart and I still believe that. But if your allowing yourself to be restrained from your desire then..."

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