Chapter 4

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"The rules are simple no fights, clean up after yourself and so on more rules are in a booklet you get after getting registered. You also have to work for your keep." Janet explains.

"Work for your keep, how so?" Liam asks.

"With so many people to keep this place running smoothly the more hands, we have worked the better and faster work gets done. But since you are still young you basically have to focus on school with some training here and there. When you turn sixteen then you can start your real job and full-time training" she explains.

We nod and listen as she continues to explain some basic information about the base. "Okay, now that you have more ideas about the base we should get you guys registered," Janet says standing up.

We follow her down the maze of hallways. Eventually, we get to what I assume is the receptionist. "Aaa Janet nice to see you, some new people I see. Have they been put in the system yet?" The receptionist asks.

"Yes, at the nursing area," Janet says.

"Good good, names please, "the lady asks.





A few seconds later the sound of a printer goes off. Soon the lady hands us a white name tag and slips of paper. "The name tag helps us identify you and your positions so we can always know what your specialty is. The paper is your schedule, it will change once you go into full-on training and when you have all the basic training done." The receptionist informs us.

My name is the biggest on the tame tag -Kaindra- underneath are the numbers 0879 with a bit more information in smaller letters. The tag is nothing special just a piece of white paper in a plastic holder.

Nodding our thanks we walk down the hall with Janet. "I will show you to your rooms and give you a tour of the place then leave you to your own devices." Nodding we follow Janet as she leads us through building after building.

"How can people not get lost here?" Jen asks bewildered.

"Most people only go to the places they need, most rooms are for specific uses only, like the weights room or training rooms. Half the rooms are also bedrooms and storage so only if you need to you would go in the" Janet explains.

We stop in front of the door. "This will be your room and Liam your room is down the hall" Janet explains as we enter. "They're nothing special. If you need anything just ask and we will see what we can do. Now get settled and meet me in the mess hall when you are ready and I will give you a tour." Janet says before leaving down the hall.

"Let's be fast about this, quicker we are done quicker we can relax" Jen exclaims walking into our room.

"Nothing much I see" Kaitlyn mutters choosing a bed.

"It's not like they had much time to prepare. Who knew zombies were going to come" Jen says. "At least we have bunk beds."

"Yeah but there are four beds and three of us, who gets the fourth?" Kaitlyn asks.

"Just means we get to meet a new person," I say putting my stuff on a bed. "Now let's go," I say turning to the door.

Before I open the door someone opens it. "Oh sorry did I get the wrong room?" The person asks standing in the doorway.

"No it's fine I think we are roommates," I say moving out of her way.

"Oh great. Looks like you already chose your beds." She says looking around.

"Yeah sorry about that" Kaitlyn says hopping off her bed. "I'm Kaitlyn by the way the bouncy one is Jen and the serious one is Kaindra."

"Samantha but everyone calls me Sam." Sam introduces herself.

"Okay great now we should head out. Hey, do you want to come with us?" I ask.

"Sure," She says dropping her stuff on her bed.

"Great let's go," I say exiting the room. "This is Liam," I say motioning to him.

"Hey," he says sticking out his hand to shake.

"Sam," She says.

"So how's your room?" Liam asks.

"Nothing much, you?" I ask.

"Small only has one bed and barely any legroom," he says.

"At least it's not a gym floor," I say.

"Yeah, I guess. We should probably get going don't want to miss that tour." He says.

"No, we don't I don't feel like getting lost." I joke we all laugh.

Entering the classroom I quickly spot my friends. Walking over I take a seat at the end of the table. "Anything interesting so far?" I ask.

"Nothing just the same old gossip like normal" Kaitlyn says.

I spot Sam at the door and wave her over. "How's it going?" Jen asks.

"Much better than I found you guys I don't know what I would do if I had to sit with one of them," she says pointing over her shoulder.

"I agree," Jen says we all laugh.

Liam comes and we all wave him over. He smiles as he comes over but stops as a girl stands in front of him. "Hey I don't think we met I'm Kaycee," she says putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Liam, but my friends are waiting for me so would you excuse me," he says brushing her off.

"Well, some things never change," Kaitlyn says. Liam just rolls his eyes.

"Yep, it's crazy some people aren't even fifteen yet," he says shaking his head.

"You want to know what crazy, we have to do school in summer" Jen exclaims.

"It's okay Jen we are done next year which is earlier than normal school," I say.

"Yeah, we better be done next year," She says pouting.

"Hey, Liam do you want to come to sit with us for the class?" A girl asks walking up to our table.

"No I think I'm good here," he says.

"You sure?" She asks.

"I think so," he says turning back around. The girl pouts walking away.

"Some things never change even when the world is ending," I say they all laugh.

The class was nothing special, most of the stuff Jordan covered with me which I am great full for, less work for me. I can't say the same for the others but hey not everyone gets hit by a car and turns into a vampire.

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