Chapter 40

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It's officially the Christmas party aka Christmas. All the trader groups are back and ready for the first Christmas party. Sam and Jen run up to me once I enter the gate. "What are you doing missy it's the Christmas party and you went scouting we have to get ready." Sam screeches grabbing my arm. Jen follows assisting Sam in dragging me inside.

I try to pull my arms out of their death grip as gently as possible without success. Slumping I let them drag me inside. I spot Kaitlyn leaning on a door inside. She smirks at me ignoring my pleading look. Scowling I stick my going out at her. Her smile only widens making my frown deeper.

"Why guys come on I was only gone for two hours. The parties not till six we have more than enough time." Whining lamely in an attempt to escape their clutches.

They shake their heads in unison as they continue to drag me along. "Nu-ha you missy can't get out of this. It's a party you have to be ready." Jen yanks my arm harder to get her point across.

Sam nods her head in full agreement. I swear these two are twins. I thought Sam was going to be a more chill person but man I was wrong. After a few days breaking in and she showed her crazy side. But that's why we love her, Jen and she is like two peas in a pod.

Whimpering I dig my heels into the ground in a last attempt to stop them. "But why it's only Christmas, not the queen's birthday."

" It's only Christmas it's ONLY CHRISTMAS girl come on. We get to dance and drink it's a party the first party at the base." I don't know how they managed to say that at the same time nor do I want to.

"But one this is not like a high school party in movies, they are wwaaayyy more mundane and not as crazy as they make them be. And two we have had big parties get together before. And three the most important there is no alcohol it's the zombie apocalypse people."

Sam and Jen stop turning to me. "We know that no alcohol doesn't mean there are no drinks just no alcoholic drinks. And if your form of a party is the big base badge announcement we do every month that is sad." Jen states pulling me again.

I let them pull me knowing there is no way out of this. I cry out the whole time as they lead me to the closest bathroom to our room. Stumbling into the shower room my so-called friends yank my backpack off my back at the same time they remove my jacket.

"In you go, missy, and don't take forever." Jen ushers me into a shower stall. Sam smirks clapping her hands excitedly. Complying I take a quick shower. Drying my hair with the wave of my hand I walk out of the shower stall.

Only making it two steps out before hands are on my arms again whisking me away.

"No oh no nonononono I let you drag me all around the base but I will not let you put that horrendous stuff on my face." Putting my hands in front of me protectively keeping the brush away from my face.

"But why it would make you so much prettier," Jen says sweetly holding up the demon's brush.

"I don't care that stuff was pointless before and is useless now." I continue jumping from bed to bed dogging the oncoming attacks of the makeup brush.

Sam sighs putting a hand on Jens's shoulder to stop her. "Sorry, Jen but I don't think we are going to win this battle. We are lucky enough to make her leave her weapons in the room and that took thirty minutes."

Reluctantly Jen puts the brush down. "How do you even still have that stuff it's been months?" I ask slowly coming off of the bed I was hiding behind.

Jen smirks winking "that's a secret."

Sam turns to me smiling innocently. "So Kain how about you-."


"But what about-"


"But why not-"

"No no and let me think no."

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"And I don't need to know as I already would say no."

She holds up a purple shirt "so you won't wear this tonight."

Giving her a deadpan look I shake my head. She sighs throwing the shirt over her shoulder. "I give up Jen how did you deal with this for so long."

Jen shrugs "I was lucky enough to get her to wear a necklace that won't the one she always wears. I usually went to Kaitlyn to dress her up."

I glair at her holding a hand over my precious necklace. "How dare you offend the necklace." Jen glares back at me unblinking. Checking the time I stand up. " Would you look at that it's time to go?"

Sam and Jen jump to their feet squealing.

Rolling my eyes I leave the room. Let's have some fun, shall we? Sam and Jen follow behind me as we leave for the hangar bay where the party is.

Squeals and giggles follow behind me the closer we get. Rolling my eyes I put my hands in my pants pockets. Dam those chatterboxes can't they just enjoy the party when they get there instead of hyping it up and possibly getting disappointed?

Hundreds of voices reach my ears as we get closer. A few minutes later Sam, Jen, and I walk into the hanger bay. Kaitlyn went ahead of us to help get the place ready.

My face slackens as we enter my eyes rolling into my head as I look around. Dandelions, branches, and leaves decorate the hanger bay hiding the once bare concrete room in green. Coating the room in a fresh scent. Candles line the walls with LEDs for a soft glow instead of a harsh light blanketing the room in gold. The small podium on the side is lined with musical instruments already playing a joyful song.

Tables line the back wall layered with food and drinks. More tables circle an open space for dancing. A small area is roped off with smaller tables for kids. The place was transformed from a boring hanger bay to a beautiful room meant for partying.

Kaitlyn walks up to us her face bright and cheery. She waits a few seconds looking at our reactions. "You can stop gawking now" Kaitlyn grins at me as I snap my eyes to her.

"You did all this?" I breathe looking around again.

"Well not alone I helped but yes I did. You like it?" Kaitlyn looks at me again before flicking her eyes to Sam and Jen.

" It's beautiful Kait oh my God it's so pretty I can't believe it." Jen squeals jumping up and down.

"Well, what are we doing standing here let's party." Sam cries grabbing Jen's hand and pulling her onto the already packed dance floor.

Kaitlyn and I watch quietly smiling at our friends. Turning to Kaitlyn I nod towards the refreshments table "Want to get a drink before joining the fun?"

She nods following me. Picking up a cup I fill it with some water. Turning around I take a sip leaning on the table as I watch the people dance. "So how did they manage to get you not to bring your weapons?" Kaitlyn asks leaning on the table beside me.

Taking another sip I wait a few seconds as I watch the dancers. "Well thirty minutes of them trying to hide and take them away from me well arguing that they won't be needed. I gave in when they finally had a good argument against me not bringing them."

"Mmhm and what was that argument?" Kaitlyn asks raising an eyebrow.

"They argued that since I could take on anything without having a physical weapon I wouldn't need to bring them." I watch her waiting to see if she caught onto my meaning.

She nods smirking at me understanding my hidden meaning. "Well, I think I had enough to drink feel like dancing Kain?" Kaitlyn reaches out her hand.

Grabbing onto her hand I smile "but of course madam." We laugh walking onto the dance floor. Finding Sam, Jen, and Liam we all make a small circle dancing together. For hours we dance and eat. Laughing and smiling forgetting about the murders and the zombies lurking around. We enjoy ourselves together making memories to keep forever and always.

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