Chapter 54

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Damon hits the mat with a thump growling out in frustration. "Indra, you couldn't go any easier on me?"

I laugh shrugging, he rolls his eyes taking my offered hand "you asked me not to hold back too much remember? You wanted to practice going against a stronger and faster person, your lucky I can't use my elements or you would be more than bruised." He sighs jumping back to our starting position and bouncing on the balls of his feet. He wiggles his fingers ready for the next round. Smiling I slide into my stance as he launches at me.

Cleaning the blood of our weapons I wrinkle my nose as Damon comes to sit beside me. Pushing him away I move to a new spot. He chuckles shaking the floor as he drops beside me again. "What Indra can't stand the smell of a man?"

Pushing him away again I blow his stench away from me "no you just smell like death and that is an unflattering smell."

He jumps at me wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me into his chest. I wiggle as he rubs my hair messing up the braid I had in. "Dam stop," I cry he just laughs continuing his assault on my poor hair.

"Not until you take it back."

"What?" I ask innocently still trying to wiggle out without hurting him.

"Take back that you said I smelled like death."

He tightens his hold as I nearly slip free. "Fine fine I take it back," he loosens his hold letting me out "to my grave," I scream rolling back as he jumps up attempting to grab me again.

Dodging his attempts at grabbing me we run around the gym for another five minutes. He begins to pant as I skip circles around him. "Not...Good after...practice," I giggle tackling him to the ground. Pinning his arms behind him I lean down my fangs barred at his neck. He pants sighing as he drops his head. "You win, again," grinning I look down to his neck breathing out against his skin.

My fangs lengthen as I look at his neck. The vein pulses as the blood flow under his skin. My gums begin to ache to beg me to puncture the skin to the blood hidden underneath. The steady beat of his heart beats louder and louder under me never skipping a beat. My head lowers the vampire in me resurfacing from its hidden depths in my mind.

"Indra are you okay?" Damon's question slides over me on deaf ears. My fangs nick the skin a small drop of blood flowing out. "Indra Indra snap out of it Indra...Kaindra comes on snap out of it." His please break through the blood lust nocking the vampire back. Jumping off of him I look down at his neck seeing the small bits of blood were I almost tore into.

"I'm so sorry Damon I-I...I'm sorry," turning my back to him I run my hands over my face.

He stands up and comes up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hey hey Indra it's okay you didn't hurt me, I'm fine there's nothing there you didn't hurt me." I pull out of his hold keeping my back to him.

Closing my eyes I focus on the air around me instead of the blood I can still hear. "But I almost did Dam. I almost hurt you." My voice cracks at the end, I could have killed you is what I don't say.

"But you didn't Indra your just hungry," he holds my shoulders again not letting me break free. "You're just hungry Indra, have you been feeding?" Walking to my weapons on the floor I keep my eyes down.

"I'll see you tomorrow Dam," ignoring his questioning eyes I leave the room. One month, one month Damon and I have been training Eric would stop by three times a week to teach us anything new. One month I haven't fed, with the witch's threat still fresh I haven't left at night worried someone might come to fulfill it. Once or twice I have seen one of her minions lurking around the corner watching.

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