Chapter 16

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Enya turns to me after watching the sky for some time. "Kaindra are you going to leave me now?" she asks quietly staring up at me with pleading eyes.

I smile down at her slowly stroking her hair. "I could never leave you here little fire never" I state. She smiles happily getting more comfortable in my lap. We sit and watch the sky till I feel Enya begin to lean on me more. I whisper gently to her "Time to go to bed little fire."

She stirs a little before leaning onto me again. Chuckling gently I pick her up cutting off my little fires before making it over to a sturdy tree. Letting her go I support her on a wind current as I climb up the tree placing my hammock in the branches securely. I bring Enya up on the wind current gently placing her in the hammock. Taking out my blanket I place it on top of her brushing the hair off her forehead. A fond smile graces my face as I watch her.

Moving away I back up to the middle of the tree making a comfortable hollow in the tree. Covering the area with leaves and snow. Laying down I look over to my hammock one last time before falling asleep.

Bolting upright I look to survey my surroundings. I rub my eyes tiredly before my body re-energizes itself. Looking to my hammock I climb over after re-shaping the tree back to its original shape. Still sleeping soundly is Enya. Gleaming I leave her to sleep as I drop out of the tree. Striding over to the forgotten knife in the middle of the clearing I scoop it up and attach it to my belt.

Spinning in a circle I survey the clearing. No open game and no zombies, not even a sound. Before leaving to scout for food I climb back up the tree and leave my backpack on a branch beside the hammock and grab my bow.

Once again leaving the tree I take off in a random direction. Making sure to stay within hearing distance from the tree I loop around in a wide circle. Keeping my steps silent I crouch down slowly approaching the rabbits. Slowly drawing an arrow I nock it and aim. Firing I quickly grab another and shot the second. Standing to my full height I place my bow at my back and yank my arrows free. Pulling the blood off I drop it onto the ground and place my now clean arrows back with their twins. Grabbing the rabbits by the ears I continue my scouting.

No other small game showed it's fine I just needed enough till lunch or so. By the time I made it back to the clearing Enya was up and going through my bag. "Morning little fire," I say cheerfully skipping into the clearing. "I have breakfast."

She jumps in the hammock at my sudden appearance. Vamping forward I climb up the tree in a blur. Steadying the hammock I fall back comfortably. "How did you get up here so fast, and please can you not scare me like that again I nearly died" Enya screeches.

Grabbing her flailing arms I force her to look at me. "I will never let anything happen to you okay as long as I am here nothing will happen to you okay, " I state sincerely.

She looks at me through her eyelashes "you promise" she says.

"I promise," I say brushing her bangs away from her eyes. "Now let's get you out of this tree and down for breakfast."

She nods and leans forward letting me scoop her up and out of the hammock. "How does smocked rabbit with fruit and greens sound?" I ask once she is sadly at the trunk of the tree.

"Perfect I never had a rabbit before" she smiles at me as I pack my hammock back into my bag. "Hey, Kaindra you're not mad at me for going through your bag are you?"

I look at her rating my eyebrow "not at all I left it there for you if you ever got hungry before I got back." returning to my bag I zip it up and begin to climb down.

She looks relieved at my answer before her eyebrows crinkle. "Wait, you never answered my first question when you got in the tree after scaring me."

jumping off the last branch I wave for her to follow me to the middle of the clearing again. "That's because I never answered that question. Do you want me to answer it now?" I ask she nods her head rapidly. "Okay well, what do you know about the supernatural world?"

She scrunches her eyebrows in concentration. I smile and begin to make the fire letting her think. "Well I know there are witches, werewolves, demons, vampires, and angles" she stops and looks at me I nod for her to continue. "My mom told me that demons and vampires are related and that witches and angles are related but werewolves are in the middle."

"And what did she say about them their main traits to identify them from each other," I say letting her continue. I begin to skin the rabbits as she continues.

"Well, my mom said that witches will have a slight bit of gold around the pupils and dark hair with white or gold highlights. And if you don't know what you are looking for you won't know if you are around one. She said for angles they have light blond hair and grey or blue eyes, they always wear white somewhere and very rarely you will see their wings. And that they are pure in soul.

"She says that demons are evil and always wear black. They have black hair and dark brown or black eyes. And are noticeable by the dark aura around them and rarely show their wings. Vampires have red eyes that move fast are strong like most of them and crave blood. Werewolves have gold eyes when the wolf shows look like a normal human other than being tall and strong."

I nod as I place the skinned meat over the fire with some wind. "She is right on their appearance but an angle can be bad and many demons are good. We all are we chose if were good or bad, not what we are" I say. I continue to turn the meat as I speak. "I don't want to keep secrets from you unless needed but you will always know. I turned last summer from a car accident."

After speaking I stay quiet for her to digest what I said. " You're a vampire that doesn't make sense how can you be a vampire and do all this stuff, not even a which can do it." I shush her before she can continue ranting.

"That's a story for later now let's eat the food ready," I say grinning at her she grins back. Once we finish our food I dump some water over the fire and stomp on it to cover it.

Turning to Enya my never breaking smile at her young energy is seen again. "So how about we go to a friend's house?" I ask. She nods moving towards me. "Hold onto my hand tight okay this is going to feel weird." grabbing onto her arm slowly being the shadows around us. Enya grasps my waist as the shadows cut out the light. Enya squeezes my waist in a tight hold shutting her eyes tight. In the blink of an eye, we appear in the living room of Bella's house.

"Open your eyes little fire we're here," I say rubbing her back encouraged. As she opens her eyes the triplets enter the room.

"Kaindra, you brought us a friend." they chorus, Enya smiles at them letting go of my waist.

"Hi, I'm Enya."

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