Chapter 44

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I spot Damon outside once I return. Waving the smiles waving back at me. Jogging over I grin pushing his shoulders a little. "So how did your little talk go with Lucifer yesterday?"

Damon stares at me eyes wide "how did you know about that?"

I smirk raising an eyebrow. "I saw him gesture to, he told me he was going to talk to one of his students and I knew it was you so putting the pieces together wasn't that hard."

He eyes me warily "should I be worried about how much you know."

Tapping my chin I pretend to think "nope I only know a little. I just seem to know lots from what I say."

He nods returning to what he was doing. Damon has been more open since we talked but he is still wary around me. Looking over his shoulder I watch him. He's working on an arrow with some wood from the trees.

"You should tie it tighter here." I Point to the spot between the arrowhead and the shaft.

He looks at the spot I pointed out checking the tightness. "Thanks" I smile nodding.

Today was an oddly warm day outside. Lots of people are out doing chores or just walking around taking in the lucky warm day. I perk up hearing the trucks coming in. Waving to Damon I jog to the unloading bay to wait for the foragers to come.

Waving to Diana and the others I walk over to the truck. Taking the first bag of greens I help unload today's hall. Working with my team is a comfortable relief. Sometimes scouting gets boring with the repetition. I can't go as far as I would like to keep it believable with my capability. I have come close to going too far, which would cause too many unnecessary questions.

Diana and I wave goodbye to our group as we leave for the showers. "So any development with Damon" I turn at the question.

"No it's only been a few days, " Diana nods. Comfortable silence returns the rest of the way to the showers.

Quickly showering and changing Diana and I wander around the base. Checking my watch I gasp. Dinner should be starting soon, time does fly. "Ready to face the loud mess hall?" I joke skipping around to head to the mess hall.

Diana stares down at me "You need to work on your sense of humour."

"I don't know what you mean I thought my sense of humour was deadly." Grinning I wait for her reaction.

She just stares at me blankly maneuvering out of the way of the people in the hall. My grin drops into a pout. "That was even worse, " Her bland tone makes me snicker.

"What I girl can try, " she rolls her eyes turning away from me. I snicker fist bombing the air for no reason at all.

Laying on my bed I watch my friends chat aimlessly about random topics. Liam leans against the wall on Sam's bed holding her against his side. Diana sits in the small space between our beds somehow looking quite comfortable. Jen attempts to lay her head on Kaitlyn's shoulder failing more than once, nearly falling off the bed from how hard Kaitlyn pushes her.

"I can't believe it's already past the new year. This is the first winter I spent without my family. That wasn't supposed to happen until I moved maybe not even then." We all nod sadly, Sam's right no matter how fun Christmas was it could never beat one with family.

Kaitlyn's face scrunches up as she holds Jen back. "Kaindra weren't you going to go and see your family? Can we come, to see ours?"

Smiling I nod "yes, of course, you guys can come. Just be prepared to stay up well past midnight. I plan to go on Monday so in five days." Jen claps her hands bouncing excitedly on the bed her face glowing.

Kaitlyn nods smiling brightly refraining from bouncing. Still, you can see the joy in her eyes. Once again the topic switches to the base and work.

Jen groans flopping down onto her back. " It's nice to be here and all but the days are so repetitive since we can't do much as it's winter. I am so bored."

Kaitlyn pushes Jen's legs off of her lap "I agree but think about it we do get days off so that gives us something different."

Jen looks to Kaitlyn grinning "yes and both our group leaders said we get a day off on Sunday." Kaitlyn raises her hand for a high five Jen wastes no time in giving her one.

I love my friends we are all different but complement each other perfectly. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them. Sitting back I watch for the rest of the night putting in my input when needed. But just enjoy the time with my friends.

Two days that's how long it took for Damon to get some information. Not a surprise as he is only on a need-to-know base with the leaders like most of the others. I watch him approach me with caution checking around for any possible eavesdropping. I open up my sight to check for him.

No vampires close by to listen in and the demons around or far enough. He nods to the closet beside me. I slip inside with him close behind me, once the door is shut I turn on the light leaning back on the shelf. "What did you have?" Skipping right to the point is one of my common traits most don't like.

He leans against the door head down keeping his eyes away from me. "They said they have two new targets they didn't tell me who or when they plan to get them I just heard they have two targets."

"Nothing else?" I push. He shakes his head eyes still on the floor. "You know you can look at me I am not going to compel you we are equals."

Slowly his eyes turn up to me. Ever since Lucifer talked to him he has been so scared and nervous around me. His eyes are their normal dark brown swirling with nerves. Sighing I pat his shoulder "thank you for the information."
He nods staying silent as I turn off the light slipping out of the closet.

After notifying Diana about the two targets I continue my day keeping my eyes open.

Nothing, nothing has happened for three more days. Luckily today is Sunday which means tomorrow Jen, Kaitlyn, and I are going to see our families. That at least gives me some sense of happiness in all the stress.

All the angles and witches have been keeping their eyes out for any signs of a possible attack. Even with all the extra eyes, nothing off has been seen. Grumbling I slow my pace as I get closer to the gate.

Tilting my head I look through the trees and listen to the loud voices. People are huddled around the side of a building some crying others looking gloomy. I spot Diana standing closer to the gates and look around with a sad look on her face. I slow down to a walk as I pass the gates. Diana spots quickly running up to my side.

She goes to turn me away from the mass of people as I walk. "Diana, did they strike? Who died?" She continues to try and pull away from the people. I look up at her confused, her eyes are filled with unshed tears.

Getting worried I push a little harder against her "Diana who died?" She shakes her head some tears slipping free from her eyes. Why won't she let me pass, pushing harder she behind to wrap her arms around my shoulders stopping me. "Diana who died."

She shakes her head again more tears falling "I think it would be best if you didn't see this one." Getting more confused I break out of her hold pushing my way through the crowd. Diana calls after me.

Pushing through the last people I stop in my tracks. Tears begin to prickle in my eyes.

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