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I watch as Enya chases the triplites and Ailen around the playground from my perch at the top of the cliff. The firelight leaves a bright golden glow down below in the early night. Everyone is happy today as the traders return with new people joining the coven so they decided to throw a party to invite them.

These last three years have been crazy. Humans turned into zombies, Jordan, Jen, Kaitlyn, and mine and their families died. I almost killed myself...again. We nearly had another war, and now there is officially a place known for each species to go and live happily together. The biggest change is the resurrection of the caster species.

We were once thought extinct so much that most species didn't even know we existed after we went into hiding thousands of years ago. Now after a mistake of me turning into a vampire and unlocking my hidden caster lineage the casters have been reborn.

Thinking back to the time I first realized what I felt like a lifetime ago. I was just a young fourteen-year-old girl jumping into this world hidden in the shadows. Now that girl feels like a stranger to me so far back I can't even believe that I was once human like so many people here. It feels strange.

There are no documents anywhere in the world about casters for any of us to learn from. We don't know any of the traditions, culture, or even where we originated from, nothing. We are left with nothing but that allows us to make our traditions and maybe one day we will learn more about our ancestry. For now, we continue to learn about what we can do every day, hey now I can make portals with my shadows which took me almost four years to learn.

Some humans who learned about the supernatural world come to see if they are casters so gradually casters are growing. Almost a hundred and fifty people are walking around with colourful eyes showcasing their element. I am still the only one able to use all four elements plus sub but I am from a powerful bloodline and we don't know the hagiarchy of casters or anything so we don't know.

A few others can use more than one element the highest is three. Their eyes are a mix of the colours of their elements. Casters with two elements their eyes are split one is one colour the other.

Our eyes are such a bright colour that it is really hard to miss especially since they glow. The more powerful you are the brighter the glow. I have taught them how to control it but here we don't care and let them glow normally.

It's so exciting but also sad. I told my family I was going to find a way for casters to come back and I did but they never got to see how beautiful a sight it is.

We are still wondering if there are others out there around the world like me a hybrid. If I could change and get my abilities who said others couldn't? One day we will find out I don't plan to stay here for the rest of my life I have eternity but for now, I will stay. I have my family here and for the short span my life will be I will stay.

Looking over my shoulder I smile at Damon as he sits beside me. "You do know you can come down and join us right?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to enjoy the night I haven't done that in a long time," I say gazing up at the stars.

He follows my gaze watching the sky "it is a nice night a little cold to me but nice."

I nod he is right the moon is full the stars are bright no clouds in sight a rarity this time of year. "Yeah it is nice tonight but I don't feel the cold so that doesn't bother me."

He chuckles "yeah I guess it doesn't."

I smile closing my eyes as a light breeze blows by sighing "I wish it could be like this all the time."

"Me too but life keeps going that we can't change we can only follow the flow."

I push him lightly "since when did you get so wise."

He chuckles "I have my moments. You know I never fully thanked you for helping me."

I peer at him through my hair "for what?"

"Back when we were in Shilo those years ago I never thank you for helping me get away from the witch, thank you."

I reach over pulling him closer "you don't need to thank me but you're welcome." We sit like that for a little while enjoying each other's company as we wait. The bell rings signalling the return of the traders.

"We better get going help unload and show the new people around," Damon says sliding away from me.

I nod brushing myself off as I stand "I think I will stay here for a little come down in a few minutes."

He waves his hand going for the ladder "don't worry stay up here as long as you like we can handle it."

"But Dam.."

"No, but Indra you have done so much for everyone here that they won't be mad if you don't help out this one time." He comes back over pushing me back to my spot at the edge of the cliff. "Stay here enjoy your time, go for a fly we know how to call if we need you."

Sighing I sit back down letting my feet dangle over the edge. I watch Damon as he starts going down the ladder again. "Hey Dam," I call.

"Yeah, Indra?"

"Thanks for being a good friend," I say smiling as my eyes shine brighter under the night.

"Hey, what kind of brother would I be if I wasn't a good friend first." He says flashing me a toothy grin.

Chuckling I nod "sure thing brother."

"Have a good night sister," he salutes me as his head disappears down the ladder.

Leaning on my hands I tilt my head up to the sky. Fall is the best time of the year for the night but the hardest to see the sky with all the clouds it brings. This night is one to remember one year ago there was a witch at the gates wanting to use me as a weapon and willing to kill everyone to get that. But I killed her and most of her minions for trying to harm the people here most I see as friends.

Standing up I walk over to the small pond in the middle of the cliff. Peering down at my reflection I look at my eyes. They were once brown two years ago but changed after a zombie with vampire blood bit me changing them. I guess that unlocked the last hidden gene of my caster blood as some learned what I was from it. It also allows me to see glows around every living thing so I can see where they are.

I don't miss the brown they never felt like me when I saw them. Slowly I change my eyes watching as red leaks from my pupil to the outer corners like blood washing away the silver. I used to find these eyes horrifying eyes people should fear...including myself as they showed the monster that needed blood to survive. But this part of me is what helped me save hundreds of lives even before the zombies came.

A monster is someone who does not care about others someone without their humanity. Everyone has a monster inside I still do...my monster tried to kill me and turn me into it but I wouldn't let it. Instead, I locked it up, I did not kill it because I can not all I can do is win the battles against it.

My reflection smirks at itself. I switch my eyes back brushing my hair out of my face. Some may see me as a monster a night's devil some have called me but no. I am Kaindra a nineteen-year-old girl trying to make it in the world nothing more, nothing special other than a hybrid mix of vampire and caster.

Walking away from the pond I stand at the edge of the cliff. I am immortal a powerful supernatural hybrid of an ancient extinct species. Some may call me a monster, the devil's creation, a disease but I watch over the night over the people I care about and the innocent. But I am nothing special just another girl a mistake, a disease but the night is my home my sanctuary I was made for it. I am nothing but I am something all the same. So if someone wants to harm these people they have to go through me.

Stepping forward I drop off the cliff falling to the ground. Shifting into my wings I spread them wide flying into the sky and disappearing into the night.

I am the night's disease and I show no mercy.

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