Chapter 36

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"Hmmmgh" Jen grumbles falling into her seat. Resting her head on the table clutching her stomach.

"That bad?" I ask, Jen nods whining. Kaitlyn rubs Jen's back giving her a sympathetic look. "It wasn't this bad the last few times."

Jen moans "I know I think the stress is making it worse." Sam takes the seat beside Jen patting her shoulder.

Diana pulls out a small bag of greens. By the looks of it, the bag has yarrow, flaxseed, and cramp bark. "Here you can go to the nurses after so they can help make you some oils and teas to help with the pain."

Jen greedily grabs the bag giving Diana a grateful smile. Raising an eyebrow I turn to Diana "now where did you get that flaxseed and cramp bark?"

Diana grins mischievously "you have your tricks I have mine."


Liam walks over giving us strange looks. "What's going on here did somebody die?"

Snickering I shake my head "no Jen's period came and she has bad cramps."

Liam's face scrunches up "please do not talk to me about that stuff that is a no-no for guys." We all break out in laughter. Liam slumps in his seat "you guys are so mean to me."

Sam turns to her boyfriend "what it's a natural process we have to go through every month. You should feel lucky you don't have to go through it, it's not fun. Plus all of the tampons and pads were so overpriced before and now we are going to run out I think we already are."

I think Sam is right that we are out of tampons and pads. Luckily she stopped there we could have easily ranted about how unfair it was when girls were on their periods. Especially Jen back in school she would rant all the time about it.

I watch Kaitlyn as she contemplates something. "Hey, Kain I just remembered I have never seen you on your period."

Swallowing my food I nod "that's because I haven't had one since I turned. You know with being dead my body has shut off that function as it is not needed to survive."

"So vampires can't procreate?"

"Nope if a vampire ever has a kid they are adopted."

Kaitlyn takes in that information. "You don't talk about the other species, or what is different about being a human to a vampire."

"That's because you never asked."

"Well, what can you tell me about vampires." Kaitlyn leans forward eagerly. Sam, Jen, and Liam also listen intently.

"Well, vampires are immortal and can only be killed by beheading only if the head is away from the body. We can also be killed from a wooden stake to the heart of our hearts being ripped out. The sun burns us if we don't have protection. Witches spell us or spell an object a tattoo would do. The spell blocks the sun's effect on us having more than one object helps in case one falls off. We are allergic to snapdragons, they burn and we are unable to compel anyone with it on or in them.

"We drink blood to survive if we go for too long without blood we could lose control and kill to get blood or freeze up till we get blood, but that only happens if we don't have blood for decades. All our senses are heightened, we are extremely strong and fast. Our blood can heal but if you die with it in your system you turn. And that is the basics that I can think of."

I look around the table, Sam, Jen, Liam, and Kaitlyn are all silent digesting the information. Diana continues eating already knowing all of it. "Anything else you want to know right now or is that good for today?"

The pain is forgotten Jen nods jumping in her seat. "Yes thank you, Kain. Guys what do you think of the new people they give me the creeps."

"Me too but it could be us just being paranoid with the zombies and now knowing there are supernatural creatures living with us," Sam says moving beside Liam.

"Yeah you're probably right" Jen shrugs.

"Plus they have only been here for a week," I say they don't need to know they are a group of demons and vampires with witches. Diana gives me a look I brush her off. I will tell them, just not right now they don't need to feel scared of the people they live with.

Walking down the hall hushed whispers glide into my ear. Stopping I move towards the voices. "What are we going to do? The angles and other witches won't help us they care about these dreaded humans too much." I stop just outside a door.

Turning on my sight I see the five witches with an older demon and vampire. "Is someone here?" A gruff voice says. Snapping up shadows I vanish out of sight. The vampire walks out of the door looking down the hall. He looks to where I am close. Holding my breath I block my scent more. Satisfied with what he sees the vampire goes back into the room.

Releasing the breath I was holding I slump against the wall. That was close. "Just a human walking by they already left the hall."

"Good, what are we going to do? This is the best base we have come across we can't lose it. The group here is too close without the angles and other witches' help we don't stand a chance of turning the humans against each other." A female voice growls.

"You could just let my vampires off on them. A blood bath never hurt anyone." The vampire says.

"No we need some humans alive and your group will kill them all." Another female voice says calmer than the last.

"What about my guys they can make the humans leave." A dark voice says making me shiver.

"Demons only cause chaos the only reason you are here is to keep the power of the angle to a minimum." The first voice says.

"What if we take out a few humans to cause fear? They will not trust as easily make it easier to sneak into power." A new voice says.

"That's not bad get on it but not too soon wait a week we are still the new people they would get suspicious." The female voice cackles.

I vamp out of there, tracking down Diana I slow to a normal speed. Worry streaks my face as I run to Diana. "Diana" I call she turns around smiling.

Her smile drops from her face once she sees my expression. "What's wrong? What happened?" Dian catches my shoulders bringing me to a stop.

"I overheard the new witches and a vampire and demon talking. They were talking about taking over the base and killing the humans." I stumble out of her grasp shaking her shoulders.

Diana holds my hands looking at me carefully. "Calm down you have done stuff like this before breath."

I take deep breaths calming down " it's just so different with Jordan not here we always did this together." My eyes get watery, I blink them back not allowing myself to cry.

Diana smiles at me "you are not alone I am here to help you okay."

I nod calming down "okay."

She nods leading me over to a bench. Just realizing where we are I look at the empty library. "Now about these plans they have what are they planning do you know?"

Taking deep breaths I organize my thoughts. "It sounded like they are going to do something to the humans. Kill them slowly cause fear in the base, I think but I left before I could hear the rest."

Diana takes this in thinking it over. "I would suggest going to the base commander but they might just kill him. I will bring this up with the others later tonight. Can you check the barrier they got in somehow without us knowing? They don't seem to have good intentions so there might be a break in it."

I nod standing up "I will thanks, Diana." I wave to her leaving.

"Anytime Kaindra."

Taking deep breaths I snap out of my panic. You can do this you have helped with worse groups.

I just hope I am not lying to myself.

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