Chapter 10

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"Hey, Kain we didn't have time last time for me to ask about you being a vampire just that you are one. What can you tell me?" Sam asks leaning over the table so others couldn't hear.

"Yay, you never told us about being a vampire. Why is that?" Kaitlyn asks Jen and Liam to shake their heads in agreement.

"That's because you never asked," I say smugly. They all oh at that.

"Well, what can you tell us? Because I have been curious about the new realization that vampires do exist" Kaitlyn confesses leaning on the table herself to hear better. Chuckling I place a sound barrier around us to heat better but also to not be heard. "What did you do?"

"I put a sound barrier up. It is a barrier of wind so others can't hear us and makes it easier to be heard" I explain.
"Now those questions you had."

"Oh yay well I was wondering what is it like to be a vampire and how many other vampires have you met and their ages?" Kaitlyn fires off.

"Well being a vampire is nice at first it was difficult to adjust to having to drink blood and control myself well adjusting to my new sense, but presently I am quite content with being a vampire it's part of me now and I can't change that and I wouldn't want to. I have met quite a lot of vampires over the year it has been a busy one. Their ages have ranged from their twenties from being new up to I think almost 2 thousand."

"2 thousand holy cows that are old" Jen gasped. I smile at her reaction nodding my agreement.

"Okay now off with that have you killed anyone a human I mean?" Sam asks hesitantly.

"I have killed many people most other supernatural who wanted to harm innocents. But to answer your question...yes, I have by accident I killed a young girl when I lost control. It was a month into learning when I went out at night and lost control I blacked out and the next thing I knew.

"The girl was dead in my arms, I attempted to commit suicide after that a few times in guilt before learning how to deal with it. That's why I go out at night to get blood the less we have the more likely we can lose control and kill without knowing it happens to all of us especially when learning."

A stillness takes over the table after I finish. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" Liam finally speaks breaking the stillness, reaching over the table to grab my hand. "I don't know what that feels like to know you killed someone without control but I am truly sorry you had to go through that."

I pat his hand giving him a kind smile "you had nothing to do with it so you don't need to apologize. I have worked through it and am now better all I can hope for is the girl is in a better place there is nothing I can do to change it than keep moving on in her memory."

A smile spread throughout our small table. "Now just so you know there are more than just vampires," I say breaking the sad atmosphere successfully.

"WHAT, what are they? Can we possibly meet some?" Jen screeches jumping forward only to be stopped by Liam grabbing her and putting her back in her seat.

"One day maybe you can meet some I do have some friends that are other supernatural. There are werewolves, witches, hybrids, and angels which could also be demons. There are also human hunters who I help sometimes mostly without them knowing." I say watching the eyes around the table gradually get bigger.

"Does that mean you are a part witch?" Jen asks.

I shake my head no "no I am an old bloodline of other magical species that got whipped out thousands of years ago. I don't want to go into the history yet but one day I will."

We skip to other topics after that before saying our goodbyes for the day.

"Kevin zombie alert we got three heading this way" I yell to him pointing down the road. Nodding in thanks he sends three people to lead them in different directions. A couple of minutes later I hear cars coming down the road. Waiting till the others can hear it I keep working.

"Hey, Kevin I hear cars coming," Diana says as Kevin passes.

Kevin stops and listens as the cars get closer. "Keep your ears open and eyes out we don't know if they're good or not. Thanks, Diana for notifying me" she nods and we all continue our work as the cars get closer.

Soon they come into view and I can see that the cats are busses and trucks. Keeping my head down we all work smoothly hoping the trucks pass. To our disdain, they halt before veering down the driveway where we are.

Luckily we had a raider team with us today since this farm is bigger than normal. The raider group leader strides up to the door of one of the busses, going inside he talks to the driver before coming back and motioning for us to come over.

"They are survivors from a camp a few day's drive south. They heard our broadcast and came quickly as some zombies were starting to congregate nearby and come this way. We are going to have to cut this short as they are hungry and look fairly startled." The raider group leader says to Kevin, I listen in. Kevin nods before motioning us forward. Explaining the situation Kevin assigns people to drive the buses and trucks to give them some rest.

Going over to a bus I knock on the door, the driver opens it up for me leaving the seat open for me. Smiling to the driver and people around I take the driver's seat waiting for my fellow team makes in the other vehicles before moving out of the driveway onto the road.

On the drive to Shilo, the people inform me of what happened. Apparently on their drive here someone turned when they were at camp between drives. They quickly departed from there and never stopped driving before now. The zombies at their old camp were getting closer and they didn't have a fence to protect them so they started to come here.

I stopped the bus beside the medical ward for them to get checked up before dropping the bus off at the parking lot. Seeing our truck pull in I stride over to bring the food to the kitchens. We all slide into easy conversation moving to the topic of the new arrivals. All the others who drove the busses back got the same explanation as me. Finishing off we leave to clean up for dinner.

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