Chapter 41

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All the children and elderly left hours ago. Only teenagers and young adults remain in the hangar bay. The musicians still play music but are slowly shutting down. My friends and I congregated over to one of the empty tables leaving the dance floor open.

Tuckered out from dancing we decided to stay to chat not ready for the night to end. A cup of water sits in front of each of us waiting. "Hahaha did you put a frog in your teacher's desk, Sam?" Laughing Sam nods at Kaitlyn.

"Oh yes I did that teacher was creepy I swear he was a pedophile." Shaking her head Sam leans her head on Liam's shoulder.

Jen slaps Sam's arm gasping "Samatha you can't say that about people."

Yawning Sam waves her off "yeah yeah got it, Jenny." Stifling another yawn Sam slowly rises "I think it's my bedtime, night guys." Liam stands up with her holding her around the shoulders, waving to us as they exit the hangar bay.

"Night be safe" we call waving to them. Sam gives us the finger before she disappears behind the door. Laughing Jen, Kaitlyn, and I sit in silence enjoying each other's presents. The original group remains the last one standing.

"So do you want to bet on who is going to be the last one awake? For old time's sake?" Kaitlyn asks a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

Cracking her knuckles Jen grins evilly. "You're on Kait may the longest one awake win."

They turn to me waiting for my answer. Jen holds her hands pleading quietly well Kaitlyn stares at me attempting to keep a blank face. Grinning I hold up my drink "may the longest awake win just like old times." Smiles light up their faces with a childish light clicking their cups with mine.

We stay talking for some time till Jen yawns stretching. "Okay that's it for me I'm going to bed."

"Night" Kaitlyn and I call waves. Jen waves holding in another yawn. Kaitlyn and I sit silently watching the few people left in the hanger bay.

Kaitlyn yawns into her hand. Stopping quickly she grumbles. "Damit why can't I ever win." Sighing she stands picking up her cup as she pushes in her chair.

Following her actions, I stand. "I'll come with you we'll see who wins in our room." She grins at me tiredly. Dropping our cups off in the kitchen we loop around to our room.

Silently I hear footsteps behind us. Subtly I look over my shoulder to keep Kaitlyn from worrying. A shadow dashes out of my vision behind the corner we just took. Looking forward again I plaster on a smile. "I forgot something back in the hanger bay. I'll meet you in our room in a few minutes."

Kaitlyn waves me off too tired to think much. Dropping back I turn around walking back the way we came. The footsteps stop at my approach. Turning around the corner I saw the shadow I wait till I hear Kaitlyn enter our room. "You can come out now" I wait for the person to show themselves.

A dark shadow emerges to my left. Entering the light I hide my shock, there Damon stands dressed in his signature black. His dark eyes flash with hunger at me. "Just the person I was hoping for" he smiles darkly showing his perfectly white teeth.

Turning my scowl to him I glare just as darkly back. "What do you want Damon" I roll his name showing my disgust toward him.

He scowls glaring deeper at me. "I want you to come with me we can have a nice time together." His smile returns to his face walking toward me slowly.

Shaking my head I pers my lips into a flat line. "Nope can't do that buddy."

Glaring at me again he grabs my arm dragging me into the door behind him. Slamming me against the wall he blocks the closed door with his body. Keeping my face set in a flat line I cross my arms leaning against the wall.

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