Chapter 53

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Enya is doing exceptionally well in her training. In under two weeks, she has almost passed all the lessons she needs to come with me. Currently, she is working on hand signals and how to evade quicks and even humans. Damon has joined in on assisting in her training on the magical arts. Even joining in on our plant lessons.

To Sam, Liam, and Dianas' surprise, Enya has been identifying the plants in our food as extra practice, she is a quick study. Which surprised me as she said her magic control was poor and it was hard for her to pick up and learn new things. But she is picking things up extremely fast. By my best guess, it was all due to her mental state. Her depression slowed her down shutting off her learning ability and making her more put down when she didn't get something.

I am very proud of her and how far she has come she still has a long way to go but improvement is an improvement no matter how little. "Kiandra Kaindra look I got it, " turning to look at Enya I see her hovering the snowball Sam threw at her in the air.

Smiling I grab the snowball throwing it back at the other team hitting Damon square in the face. "Good job little one that was the fastest one yet soon you will be able to stop the mine." She beams quickly making a new show ball and throwing it at the other team.

Sam goes down from Enya's snowball collapsing exaggeratedly. "I can see the light oh Enya you have doomed me, " dramatically her head flops into the wet snow as she lays still.

Enya giggles running over with a handful of snow. We all grin as she dumps it onto the unsuspecting redhead. Sam screeches as the cold snow falls on her face and down her shirt. "Oo so that's how you want to play well come here you little rascal let's see how you like it."

Enya jumps into action taking off towards the empty playground. Sam follows her slipping on the snow as her heavier self sinks. Raising an eyebrow we all look at each other before following. "The last one on the ground is it for grounders, " Liam shouts running faster.

Damon snickers at the human quickly getting last him "you think you can outrun a vampire, demon, and angel."

"Half angle, " Diana corrects matching pace with Liam.
"But I am an exceptional runner so..."

Liam shouts as she runs past Damon easily. Sharing my head I sprint the rest of the way jumping to the top of the play structure. Looking back at Damon, Liam, and Diana my smile falters. There should be two others running alongside them but they are gone.

Shaking my head of those thoughts I smile once again. Looking over at Sam and Enya I snicker. Sam is failing miserably in her attempts to catch the small child. Enya slips into every small section that Sam is unable to go staying out of her reach just as she has practiced. Sam is so focused on her attempts to catch Enya that she doesn't realize that Liam is coming up behind her.

She screams as Liam lifts her before jumping onto the play structure. "Oh sorry, Samantha did I scare you, yeah...well your it better start counting." Liam grins at the glaring Sam jumping to a higher section. Sam grumbles under her breath, taking a step back.

Spinning in a circle ten times we all grin at her from the structure. Sam eyes us looking for the easiest target. Locking gazes with Liam she blows him a kiss before moving in his direction. Round after round we play I get tagged by Damon as he made a rule that I too had to close my eyes to not cheat. The cheat used is demon ability on me though and he calls me a cheat.

Halfway through the afternoon, I spotted the witch and her two minions. They walked up not too long ago watching us. Moving closer to Damon I lean over lowering my voice "witch four o'clock stay here I will be back."

He looks in the direction I mentioned nodding. Sliding down the slide I walk over to the three. Enya's eyes follow my every move before they fade off continuing the game. The witch's face stays neutral any sign of emotion whipped clean. The demon's eyes follow Damon behind me as he continues playing with the others, a sad look sliding in his eyes.

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