Chapter 24

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Sleep was fit full I never stayed asleep for more than an hour at a time. By midnight I gave up on sleeping completely deciding a run would be better. Quickly changing I shadowed outside. My head is feeling better but still painful to the point that I try not to do many quick movements with my head.

Throughout my run, I never turned my sight on I decided once my headache disappeared I will. I ran till sunrise resting in a tree to appreciate the sun rising. I made it back to the room five minutes before the morning bell more like a siren rang.

It was quite entertaining to watch everyone get scared awake. I took my hair out of its ponytail to let it rest around my face. Looking down I realized how long it has gotten, luckily I have the day off so I can get it cut. I walked with my friends to their class after breakfast waving goodbye before changing directions to the hairdresser.

Entering the small room for the hairdressers I wave at them "hello" and they wave back at me. An older lady that reminds me of my aunt motions for me to come and takes the seat in front of her.

"Hello dear, what would you like for me to do?" The woman asks.

"Some layers and a trim bellow my shoulders," I say kindly she smiles getting to work. Over the quick process of cutting my hair, I learn more about the women working here. The woman cutting my hair's name is Alisson and she is very kind.

After getting my hair cut I walk around the base for a little bit. Getting bored I run up to my room grabbing my winter cloak. Heading out to the track I begin to run laps. On my tenth lap, I spot a person standing at the side waving me over.

Slowing down to a jog I make my way over "yes?" I ask him looking at his badge.

Jonathon, it reads oh that's why he looked familiar he lead us in on our first day. "The base commander asked to see you" my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. He turns around as a signal for me to follow. Walking after him I fall into step beside him.

Jonathon leaves me at the base commander's office door. Nocking I enter after a quiet come-in. "You asked to see me, base commander" all he gives me is a smile motioning to the chair I commonly occupy.

"Kaindra since you were gone for a month and you finished your training. Your Group leader Kevin also thinks you are ready to 'graduate' in a sense. Normally we would do a gathering once a month but you missed it so I and my other commanders agreed to give you your badge now."

The base commander watches me waiting for my answer. Keeping myself in check I raise my eyes to him. "I would love to get my badge now." I smile at him he smiles back at me opening a drawer. Reaching in he pulls out a green badge with a brown broader. He hands it to me, written in black are the same numbers as my name and my group leader's name.

The colour shows that I am a forager. "Thank you" he nods at me.

"Your welcome now get out of here and go rest this is a break day for you to get better." He says waving me out. I chuckle as I leave waving at him before closing the door. Taking off my old name tag I pin it on my new badge.

"Kaindra you have a badge" I plug my ears at Jens screeching. Nodding my head I slowly pull my hands away once it is safe. "Why does it have brown around the edges?"

I look down to see the brown border. "I think to help it not blend into my leathers as they are green and brown also." I shrug taking a bite of my bread.

"That's so cool you have a badge already, it does make sense though with you being out in the open world for a month and finished training. Did you notice the commander group leaders' badges have borders too?" Kaitlyn says thinking back to my time with the base commander and my group leader.

"Oh yea the commanders have a gold-like border and the team leaders have a silver. It shows how high up they are." I say they nod at my explanation.

Sam gets a dreamy look in her eyes "I can't wait till I get my blue badge." The others around the table nod their heads in agreement.

A week passes by quickly it's not the day of the meeting with the other supernaturals on the base. We chose to have the meeting after everyone goes to sleep, the meeting place is going to be the old hangar bay where the planes used to be.

Diana snuck out of her room to meet me outside of my building. We walked the rest of the way to the hanger bay in silence. The closer we got the louder the voices in the building got. Placing a sound barrier around the hanger bay Diana and I enter through a side door.

Turning my sight on purple and white glows shine brightly in the open space. Checking the other buildings a long breath escapes all are accounted for. Diana turns to me "you will be fine Jean, Catty, Kate, and I will be right beside you the whole time."

All I can do is not at her. Diana and the others follow me up to the raised platform at the far wall. All eyes turn to me, silence blankets us. I look over the dozen faces of gold and white.

Taking a deep breath I begin to speak "My name is Kaindra Caslato I am sixteen years old and I need your help." Pausing I take a breath closing my eyes to shake the nerves. "I am like you not human I am what you all fear a....a v-va-vampire."

There is an audible intake of breath throughout the room. There I did it I told them now let's hope they don't try to kill me. Cracking my eyes open I watch their faces. Some are shocked others show fear many look angry.

"There have been many attempts by vampires and werewolves to kill the people and take this base some even on other human settlements. I have taken care of them but more can come and if some come in bigger numbers than what has come I may not be able to stop them.

"I need your help and skill to defend this base and its people. This is our home now and I don't want to lose it. Will you help me defend our home?" I stand there with batted breath waiting.

"Why should we help you you are a vampire an abomination to all." I look out in the crowd at the person's shout. Others nod in agreement.

I look down at my feet, I knew someone would say something like that but it never gets easier hearing their hate. "I may be dead or unnatural but I am still just a teen. I never chose to be turned who wants that to outlive your family to drink the blood of living creatures just to survive? I got turned when I was fourteen protecting my family. The vampire tried to save me but I was already gone and got turned.

"How would you feel watching your child die in front of your eyes then come back different? How would you feel dying to accept it and then coming back as a vampire? I never asked for this I am just a teen but now I can help protect the people from what they don't know is not there. Most people who are vampires don't choose it, all we want to do is be accepted and live our life without hate.

"So, please if you won't help me at least help the women, children, and men. I don't ask for your trust I just ask for you to believe me for the people." The silence is deafening. I stand there waiting for anything. One person starts to clap then another and soon everybody in the room is clapping.

An angle at the front steps forward "the angles will help you." I smile at him nodding my thanks.

"I will help you" a witch raises their hand.

"I will too" another call. More and more of the witches call out till the whole room has their hands raised. On the verge of tears, I smile. Finally, we are united and I am not alone.

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