Chapter 63

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Snapping the branches in my way I ignore the small cuts that mark my arms as they heal in seconds. That witch will regret the day she was born if she lays a hand on Enya and any of my friends. Two miles out I spot the glows of hundreds of bodies a mix of gold, black and red, blood red, blue, and dark reddish-orange. That bitch brought a pack of zombies, and by the speed she brought quicks.

Seven purple glows shine all over. Five around the border one with the wolves and one small one inside. Thank goodness Enya's inside. Growls and ripping skin come to my ears, it's a blood bath there. The metallic smell of blood wafts in the air coating this place.

Breaking through the trees I come to a stop behind a group of demons. They stand hiding in the shadows laughing at the pack of wolves fighting off the zombies. The shadows do not help them in the least as they are commanded by me.

Curling shadow hands around their feet I pull dragging them deeper into the forest. Their screams never leave their mouths as I rip off their heads disposing them behind me. Stalking around the group of demons and vampires I stop behind another group pulling them back and ripping off their heads.

I repeat this process a few more times thinning out the group by a few dozen. Looking into the pack grounds I see that most of the zombies have been dealt with. Come up to one of the witches guarded by half a dozen vampires and demons.

Grinning I climb a tree walking along its branches perching myself above the group. Stretching seven branches down I grab the vampires through the heart haling them up without a sound. Soon the branches are littered with dead vampires. Looking down I nod to myself happy with the smaller amount of people on the forest floor.

One of the demons looks around to see that no fellow vampire guards are there. He whispers to his friend beside him making the other demon look around. Waiting I grin as he calls out before disappearing with his friend into the trees blood dripping out of their mouths as they hang lifeless.

The others look around at their companions and shout finding their friends gone. They walk farther into the trees leaving the witch mostly unguarded, idiots. Dropping silently to the ground behind them I snap the closest demon to my neck. She falls to the floor dead. The others turn around at the noise spotting me.

Waving I grin "hello, lovely night for a blood bath yeah."

"Hughfmg," one of them says alerting the young witch behind me. Not waiting for a second longer I launch at them pulling out the sword at my waist. The black steel gleams in the dark making my grin widen sinisterly. Bodies soon litter the ground heads rolling off to the side.

The witch's eyes widen at the sight snapping my fingers the bodies in the trees fall to the ground. A wicked gleam shines in my eyes as I step over the bodies of the witch.

Holding the tip of my blade at her throat I look her over. Perfectly done-up blond hair with her grey witch streaks, clean clothes all smoothed out and bright, the perfect look of innocents. "Why are you here?" I snarl pressing the blade harder into her throat drawing blood.


"Talk clearly girl I don't have time for your stammering."

"I-I am just following or-orders...Nothing else." Her body quivers eyes locked on the dark blade. Peering into her eyes I see the glimmer of triumph. Snarling I remove the blade her body relaxes as the cool steel leaves her throat. "Thank you-" I don't hear the rest of her sentence as her head rolls at my feet.

"I don't like liars that much witch." Walking over her body I sheath my sword falling into the shadows once again. A dozen more groups later I stop at the next witch, again a dozen vampires and demons guard her.

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