Chapter 52

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Enya is even more excited than yesterday, excitement radiates from her in vibrant waves. Where ever she goes the people seem to be happier soaking up her excitement. You can't help but smile when you see the smile on her face. The gold in her eyes shines and even the gold in her hair shimmers. "Little one do you want to do some of the meditation again today?" Enya jumps at my voice leaping onto me. I drop her off with Clarice as I had a meeting with Kevin but she seemed to be fine as I promised to be back in an hour.

"Yes please, can we do it outside then we can do some more practice." Her big eyes look up at me like puppies.

Ignoring her puppy dog eyes I nod, she doesn't need to beg "of course, I have your jacket so we can go now." She squeals hugging the other kids before skipping in front of me and out the door. Shaking my head I walk after her "Enya stay insight" I call the farther she gets. Picking up my pace my heart begins to pick up its pace once she gets out of my line of sight.

Jogging around the corner she vanished behind my heart calms down as I see Damon with her. Smiling I wave "hey Damon long time no see."

He chuckles looking down at Enya "hi there you must be Enya I'm Damon a friend on Kaindra's here." Enya stares at him slowly inching back towards me. Hold in my laugh as small chuckle escapes. Damon's eyes turn to me a small smirk playing on his lips "you think this is funny don't you?"

Rocking on my heels I shake my head still trying to hold back my smile "nope not at all." My face betrays me as a smile forms.

Damon begins to walk toward me slow and taunting "really then why are you smiling?" His smirk deepens as he walks past Enya stepping in front of me.

My smile gets bigger the more I try to stop it "I'm not."

"A huh then can you explain this" he points to my smile. I shake my head keeping my mouth shut. He grins stepping even closer till we are nose to nose. "Then maybe we should do something about this non-existent smile hmm."

Inching back I squeal as he grabs my sides pulling me back against him. Trying to get out of his grip I almost do, until he starts to tickle me. Squealing I wiggle as his hands attack my ticklish sides, why did I have to be ticklish? "Enya helps me I can't-ahh Damon stop haha" Damon chuckles stopping his attack.

Breathing a little heavy from my laugh attack I lean back against Damon. I can feel his breath brushing my neck as I put my weight on him. "Now Indra we're you smiling?" The smirk in his voice as clear as day, chuckling I nod pushing away from him. He grins as I face him glancing down at Enya beside us. "So where are you two heading?"

"We are going outside, want to join?" Enya shakes her head rapidly eyes wide.

He shrugs "why not."

Smiling at Enya I give her my hand she grabs it hurriedly pulling me as Damon walks on my other side. Enya takes her jacket once we are outside slipping into it as we walk. Damon pulls out his jacket as well once we take a seat beside the garden. " What are we doing?" Damon asks sitting beside me.

"We are going to meditate using a technique to focus your energy, Lucifer might have taught you it." He nods watching carefully as Enya and I begin. I can feel Damon join us once he catches on.

Allowing the cold air to flow around us I push my awareness out allowing all my sight to turn on as well. Enya's bright innocent energy flows around me mixing with mine and Damon's. Minutes pass in silence before we break out of our meditation. Enya jumps up seeming to have adjusted to Damon's presence "can we practice now?"

"Yes, do you want Damon to join in?" I point to the demon beside me.

"Sure," she skips off to a more open area closer to a playground. My eyebrows raise as I look at Damon.

He shrugs "Lucifer told me that energy mixing like what we did can make a person more comfortable if they don't have any bad intentions." Nodding I give him a hand helping him up. We dust the snow off as we walk over to Enya. "So what are we doing?"

"Well Enya wants to come with me but she needs to pass some classes first. I am teaching her some of the techniques before we go in to help her." Grabbing his elbow I pull him to a stop out of Enya's hearing range. "Dam they came to me."

My words turn his once calm face dark "when?" He growls facing me fully.

"A day ago, I said no. They threatened to hurt Enya, you, the others I can't let that happen Dam I can't I-"

Damon grabs my hands forcing me to look at him "hey, hey look at me I am fine Sam and Liam hell even Diana is fine Indra it's okay we can handle ourselves okay don't worry about us." He smiles pulling me into a hug.

Holding him tight I breathe in his scent. His words may seem reassuring but I can't let anything happen to them not after what they have already done to mine and so many other families. Pulling away I plaster on one of my all-time fake smiles. "Thanks, Dam I needed that, come on Enya's waiting." He nods pulling me towards a jumping Enya.

The practice is fun, we had Damon pretend to be the zombie first well I correct Enya on any mistakes or direct her to new techniques she can do. Overall Enya and Damon both learned a lot. Quicker than we know it's time for Enya's first class.

Damon tags along with us cheating up with Enya. She seems to be comfortable in his presence already which is quite shocking. She still isn't that comfortable around Sam or Liam. Diana's angle aura made Enya more comfortable but not as much as Damon. But what he said was right energy connections are almost like aura in the sense that you can read their intentions. She read Damons and knew that he would not harm her, making him trustworthy.

Keeping my sight on just in case one of the witch's goons tries to pop out.  The training room's hall is quiet and empty, some guards are stationed in the hall but that's to be expected. As we get closer Enya spots the room we are going to's light on and books it.

Looking at Damon I drop into a run getting ahead of him quickly. At lightning speed, he pops up beside me. Laughing we slow down to jog behind Enya. Entering the room Damon comes up behind me grabbing me around the waist and lifting me off the ground. Ken turns his head to us smiling. "I thought there was a stampede of elephants coming down the hall."

Enya giggles moving towards the seats at the front keeping her face hidden behind her hair. "No Enya was so excited she ran the whole way down the hall," I say as Damon My voice seems to calm Enya down as she tilts her head up to get a clear view of the room.

An open space is filled with fake hedges and fences. As well as ladders, hay bails, small fake trees, tubes, and other objects for practice. Three rows of benches line the rest of the room for observation.

Ken moves to the middle of the open space facing Enya. Damon sits down beside Enya as I do the same. He is staying as well it seems. "So I guess you showed her some of the techniques and explained to her about zombies already?" Ken asks me, and I nod. Ken begins by going over the basic information about a zombie, how they move, the difference between a normal and a quick, and so on and so on.

Quickly he calls in a demonstrator an older guard walks in giving Ken a small friendly handshake. He motions to the man "this is Jim he is going to be our zombie today."

Aaa Jim, I remember him he help my friends and me our first few days here. Damon and I stay seated as Ken and Jim begin their demonstration. Ken looks at Enya every few minutes to make sure she is doing alright. Every time she nods her head for them to continue. A few times she speaks up to add some input on better ways out of things.

Ken laughs going through things faster after she does that a few times. Thirty minutes in Ken calls Enya to try out some of the things she learned. An hour later we are done. "Did I pass?" Enya calls sitting back in her previous spot.

"With flying colours, " Ken says.
"If you want we still have time till dinner to start the next class early?"

"Yes please, " Enya screeches. Damon and I chuckle reclining into our seats for the next hour and a half.

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