Chapter 21

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It feels like an eternity that I stand looking at myself in the mirror when it is only a few minutes. I can't believe that my eyes are now silver, silver and I never noticed until now. After snapping out of my trance I rush to brush my hair. No one walks in much to my relief.

Is anything else going to change? How am I changing? I don't understand what is happening to me anymore. Stuck in my thoughts robotically I re-pin my name tag before grabbing my backpack and leaving the bathroom. To stuck in my thoughts I forget to go to the base commander's office to tell him about the settlement.

Walking through the halls I get some looks, most seem like shock or relieved others are confused. I don't know everyone but being in one place for an extended period you recognize faces in the halls. I ignore all the looks and whispers to focus on my current dilemma.

Soon I am in front of the door of my old room. I can hear voices talking from inside. Once I realize where I am and who is talking I snap out of my thoughts. Grinning I open the door and waltz right in. Three pairs of eyes stare at me unblinking "missed me?"

"KAINDRA" they all scream. Beaming in joy they attack me. Jen is crying, Sam is laughing Kaitlyn is grinning ear to ear. We all embrace deeply any by standards would think we haven't seen each other in years.

Minutes later the door is closed and all of us are sitting on our beds talking. The tears have gone we catch up on events from when I was gone. "Apparently if you complete your training you get a full-on badge instead of this flimsy name tag" Kaitlyn informs me.

"Huh never notice them did people start getting them after I left?" I ask thinking back to my walk in the hall.

"Yea, hey guess what we started our training" Sam bounces around excitedly.

"Really what are you guys doing?" I ask.

"I am going to be a cook you know how much I like cooking," Jen says.

Sam jumps forward excitedly "I started training as a guard."

Liam joined us not long after we hugged, he got his hug and then took a seat beside Sam. "I'm going to be a raider it is interesting and helps get us supplies."

Kaitlyn is the last to tell me but she almost looks like she is going to explode in happiness. "I am going to be a nurse" she hollers squealing uncontrollably.

We calm down after talking about each other's different training. Liam and I discuss the raider's training as I had some before I left the base. They all bombard me with questions about what I did when I was gone. I refrained from telling them about the bite and told very little about my time at Bellas or Enya. I did tell them about Jordan and they let me have a few moments to myself.

Surprisingly they never asked about my eyes. Jen and Kaitlyn became my friends in grade seven so they should have noticed. I did though tell them about my sight. "Wait so you're telling me that after you lost Jordan you got this new ability you call sight and you can now identify what each person is without having to see them directly, am I right," Sam asks.

I nod she drops the questions after that. When I turned my sight back on blue bombarded my eyes. So many humans everywhere. But surprisingly some witches are also in the base, I also see some white glows which are new to me.

Excusing myself I grabbed my backpack telling them I was going to check if my schedule changed. Waving a quick goodbye I disappeared down the hall. Tracking the closest white glow I make my way outside. Spotting it again I head to the outdoor shooting range.

Four people occupy it three humans ones not. I walk over to the one with the white glow. As I get closer I notice it's Diana one of my teammates. "Diana, hey," I greet her as I get closer. She turns around at my greeting.

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