Chapter 58

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The Commander sighs pinching the bridge of his nose "this is no time to jest Kaindra tell me the truth, why would someone come to me saying you were dead when you are clearly not."

Tilting my head my eyes follow his movements. I know that I would normally smirk at something like this but I have no desire to do anything other than protect my friends. "I do not jest Commander," I say.

he sighs shaking his head "Kaindra the truth now."

Looking over to Eric he nods his head locking the door. Enya slides her chair back moving undetected as she goes over to Damon. "Now Commander this might seem impossible but the impossible has ways of becoming possible. What I am about to tell you you must not tell anyone else as our safety will be at risk."

"Kaindra I can't make a promise I might not be able to keep." He says his full attention on me.

Nodding I pull a knife from my sleeve holding it above my wrist. He stiffens reaching over to pull the knife away. Leaning out of his reach I slide the blade over the sensitive skin. Black blood oozes out dripping onto my pants the cut closes quickly leaving no sign my wrist was cut.

Wiping the remaining blood off my pants and wrist I watch the Commander through my eyelashes. He sits their frozen hand lifted to stop my eyes locked on my wrist. "How?" He whispers.

"We need to have a very long talk Commander, you might want to get comfortable." Raising my eyes to his for the first time I hold his stare for a few seconds before looking over his head again. Slowly he sits back still observing my every move. "Let's start at the beginning..."

Hours go by as I talk never once does the Commander interrupt me his attention enraptured in every word I say. Once I finish silence replaces the space where my voice once was. I wait as he takes in the new information. Minutes tick by Damon and Eric as still as statues by the door as we wait for the Commander.

"How old are you?" The Commander's voice breaks the silence.

"I am recently turned, I have only been a vampire for a year."

He nods looking over to Damon and Eric nodding in their direction "are they also vampires?"

Looking towards them I nod it's their choice if they want to tell. Eric clears his throat looking at the Commander stiffly "no Commander I am not a vampire, I am a werewolf."

Damon clears his throat bringing our attention to him "I am also not a vampire I am a demon."

The commander nods slumping into his chair again. I wink at Enya as she giggles silently behind Damon's legs out of sight. "How many are here and who are they?"

Snapping my attention to the Commander at his question I shrug. "I can't tell you that, we don't trust humans that much as they hunt us and dissect us like animals when they learn or they just kill us. There are children and elderly and we can't put them through that if they want to tell you that is their decision."

He reels back at my words shock and hurt in his eyes "I would never do that to the people in this base under my protection. I didn't even know there were people that different in my base, they have done nothing wrong. I promise no harm will come to any of them."

I nod "good I will tell them and they can come to you when they are ready. Now for the big issue here what are you going to do to the criminals?"

He relaxes returning to his commander mode "we kick them out and any who want to go with them can. Don't worry yourself with these matters though I will handle it."Nodding I stand up ready to leave "and Kaindra."


He looks me in the eyes his surprise at their colour gone "I can't control what people think as there was one person who saw you dead, is careful."

I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes "thank you Commander, and thank you for understanding."

With that, the four of us leave his office. It's dinner time so we make our way to the mess hall. "Well that went well," Damon says.

We chuckle "yeah it did let's just hope things keep going well." Eric states watching Enya as she skips in front of us.

The mess hall quiets as we walk in. Eyes follow us more specifically me as we go to get our food. The witch and her people glare at me killing me a million different ways with their eyes. The other supernatural watch me with pride smiling and waving as we walk by. The worst is the humans they watch my fear and confusion scaring my back as their eyes follow my every movement.

A person stands up fear radiating out of them in waves as they point at me "you were-were de-de-dead on the fl..floor how a-are you al-alive?" The people watching them turn their eyes towards me.

pretending not to know what they are talking about I sit at my table never breaking my stair at them "I don't have the slightest clue what  you mean."


People turn their gaze back to me but I don't move, I don't react I don't need to I don't feel anything. To suck up in the quiet of my mind the numbness it brings. The person sits down once they see I am not going to react by talking rapidly to their friends at their table, most likely about what they saw.

I ignore all the questions being thrown my way turning to Diana. She nods along to what I say smiling from ear to ear by the end. "I will tell them you don't need to you have done more than enough."

I nod attempting another smile "thanks." We get back to eating some small talk now and then.

I watch the witch and her hundred followers drive out of the base. The Commander kicked them out once they admitted to their crimes. It took a few days but now they will be gone and it better stay that way. The witch and I stare at each other as she leaves. A promise is in her eyes a promise I don't ever want to find out.

Turning away from the leaving party I connect with a body. With a hard shove, the person pushes me away like a disease. "What are you?" They seethe coming closer to my face glaring it's the man from the mess hall a few days ago. I stare at them deadpanned their glare deepens at my silence "I said what are you?"

"A person," I begin to walk away impassive to the eyes boring into my back.

The man stomps in front of me stopping me in my tracks. "How are you alive you were dead?"

Sighing I look up at them "I was not dead from what I recall I am very much alive and plan to stay that way. Now please I have somewhere I need to be."

Walking around them I begin my journey again. Two steps later the skin parts on my left arm dripped my black blood. Looking down at my arm I watch the skin mend together the sting hanging at the back of my mind forgotten as quickly as it came. Looking at the culprit his eyes widen swirling with fear as he watches my arm and the blood on his knife "a vampire."

Slowly he walks backwards never taking his eyes off me mumbling vampire over and over again. Ten paces away he turns around running inside. Well, that's not good, I should go after him and wipe his memory. Wait I can't he has snapdragon in his system. I can't do anything, the issue is forgotten.

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