Chapter 61

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Enya's eyes flicker in every direction trying to take in every building person and wolf around. The excitement at seeing an old friend washed away the minute we passed the border as the voices returned. Kill the mutts, you will hurt all of us, no one is safe if you are here, leave diseased.

The words keep changing at every place I go asking for pain, not just my own but for others. Shaking my head I plaster on a smile hoping no one notices it's fake. Andrew nods to all the pack members we pass introducing us to some I don't know. They all nod showing him the respect his position grants him and the respect they have for him. Enya stays close to my side but doesn't hide like she did the first time she was in a new place.

Andrew holds up his hand putting a finger to his lips. I turn on my sight getting bombarded with the gold glow of the wolves and the singular purple of the pack's witch. A strong golden glow emanates from inside what I remember to be the orphanage. Jake's scent lies inside confirming my suspicion of his whereabouts.

Andrew does some hand signals before walking in. Hiding my scent I grin down at Enya and she grins back knowing the signals Andrew made.

One minute later Enya and I walk into the orphanage. Kids' cries and laughter reverberate on the walls the closer we get to the playroom. Enya looks all around taking in the brightly coloured walls covered with kids' drawings and stickers.

Coming to a stop behind the playroom door I grin hearing Jake and Lillian's voices inside. "Andrew comes on I sent you to the border to see who was there what are you doing here? You should be checking in with the warriors."

I hear Andrew's silent snicker as he addresses Jake "Alpha I brought the person here to meet you. Trust me you will like who I brought."

I hear Jake sigh he is probably also rubbing his forehead in annoyance "Andrew please I don't have time for this."

Andrew coughs hiding his laugh "Come on Jake use your nose you know this person."

Jake grumbles about to answer before Lillian cuts him off "Beta can you just get to it Jake is busy." Lillian says softly.

Andrew grumbles mumbling far too quietly for the two inside to hear "now."

Grinning I undisguised my scent. I hear Jake and Lillian gasp probably getting the attention of the little ones in the room. Taking that as my queue I open the door letting Enya enter the room first. When I enter I smile brightly waving to my two friends "hey Jake hey Lillian miss me?"

Jake runs over pulling me into a tight hug. What is it with these two boys and tight hugs? When he lets me go Lillian pulls me into a much softer hug "we have missed you Kaindra," she says softly.

I smile "me two Lill me too."

Lillian looks to Enya bending down to her level "and who might you be."

Enya smiles shyly "I'm Enya."

Lillian smiles holding up her hand "hello Enya I am Lillian Luna of the pack." Enya takes her hand gently shaking it. Jake comes over to introduce himself but Lillian holds him back "and this is the Alpha Jake."

He smiles widely showing his canines I shake my head bending down to whisper in Enya's ear "ignore him he may look a little scary being all big but he's a teddy bear." I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

Jake growls playfully puffing up his chest a little "hey I am no teddy bear I am a wolf."

Enya giggles leaning closer to me "he reminds me of a puppy."

I laugh along with everyone else as Jake deflates a little. Andrew slaps Jake on the shoulders wheezing "I like her more already don't you Jake our little puppy."

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