Chapter 67

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Lucifer watches the first group of casters as they train. They started this week learning defensive and offensive fighting in both hand-to-hand combat and integrating their element. I am training the second group in manipulation. From observation getting the elements under control is easy but learning to use them is where the difficulty comes in.

Most of the manipulation comes from a person's imagination. With how some people's minds work or how they were raised having to learn what to do is more difficult than being told. It is a very different sightseeing almost forty plus casters. I thought I was going to be the last one left but now our once extinct kind has the possibility of thriving.

Very few kids have an element but the ones who do love playing with the other kids gladly show off.

By now we have a dozen fire, water, earth, and air casters. Ten shifters spend a lot of their time with the werewolves shifting too many different animals. Seven ice casters, five lightning, two shadows and light, and two spirits. The spirits seem to be a form of healers in the physical, spiritual, and mental sense similar to angle's spirit abilities.

All in all, it's a magical sight.

I still have solo training but more often than not I will demonstrate some things you can do with the abilities I have. I can't do it all obviously and we don't know what else there might be.

Weeks pass in a blur as summer slowly gets colder. The coven has slowly begun to change with the assistance of the casters. We help build new stronger homes and help the farms grow more prosperous. Training has been going well, now everyone trains together in the mornings than separate training in the evenings.

There are teams. We have a long-range that is mostly humans but have a mix of witches and casters for shield assistance. There is the ground team of earth casters mostly they are the back team just in front of the long-range. The front team will take most of the heavy fighting. This team is a mix of every species but humans. Mostly it is vampires, demons, and werewolves as we can take a lot of heavy-hitting.

There is the air team of the shifting casters, angles, and some demons. They hold witches and humans to attack from above. Lastly, we have the stalker team, I am on this team. We hide in the shadow of the trees Picking off the outer corners and making our way to the back so we shrink the group from all sides.

We are keeping the kids, elderly, injured, and pregnant inside the walls on the top of the cliff. We have an escape route ready for them in case anything happens with some guards to help. Hopefully, this works but we can't know until the witch decides to attack. She has been giving us time to prepare and we know it, which also means she has had time to prepare.

Circling the group of vampires and demons I wait for them to strike. Lucifer stands at the side observing his trainees. Lucifer brought some of the people he has been training and has had me fight them all at once every day. Sometimes he allows me to use my elements times he doesn't this is one of those times. Also, he has me blindfolded.

Blocking an oncoming attack I duck slicing their leg. Nocking the tip of my dagger into the back of their neck they walk off out. You have to leave when your opponent taps you or accidentally hits you with a killing blow. It teaches you to watch all sides and know your weak points if you always get hit in the same spot.

I dodge the blade going for my head. I may not be the fastest but I am fast enough to block or move out of the way of most attacks. I never leave these training seasons unscathed there is always blood on each of us the remanence of our match.

Sliding under my opponent's legs I kick up hitting them in a weak spot. As they double over I grab their head ready to snap their neck. Letting go they walk out of the ring. Two more opponents. Both come at me at the same time, one in front and one behind. Our match goes on for a few more minutes before the last two walk off. Cracking my neck I remove the blindfold. One of the girls clipped me in the neck just nicking the bone.

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