Chapter 19

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Mike was not wrong about it being easy to find the mess hall, it was noisy with all the banging. I snuck out early in the morning for a run. I shadowed outside the walls for a morning run. When I got back it was still early so I decided to walk around the small walled-off area. Their walls are made of cut-down trees lined vertically to keep the zombies out. My guess is they know about the quicks so they placed them that way to make it harder to climb.

The village contained some small wooden buildings with some bigger tents for sleeping. There is a small barn with four cows three sheep and about a dozen, chickens from my quick look. They used candlelight when it got dark and inside the buildings as everywhere lost power unless you used to wind or solar. I walked around till the mess hall got full before making my way over. As I entered the mess hall all eyes turned to me.

"Ah, Kaindra late sleeper are we?" Mark asks standing up to greet me.

"Not just walking around the area," I say walking over to the open seat beside him.

"I can see that you don't look like a late sleeper" he jokes as I sit.

Chuckling I continue the light conversation "Yea I don't sleep late with being constantly moving."

He nods in understanding as he continues with his breakfast. Taking the chance to have bread and eggs I also begin my breakfast. "So continuing our conversation from last night," Mike says after some time eating.

Taking the hidden question I stopped eating. "Well, I was wondering how you guys are doing with everything going on?" I ask.

"We are doing quite well actually with are small numbers and having a wheat field just past the trees and the garden we started this summer we are faring well." He says proudly.

I smile nodding my head "that seems lucky to have the wheat field so close. Is the barn with the animals from the farm close by?" I ask.

"Yes it is, it's the old barn but we thought it better than the actual farm as trees are quite a distance there compares to here," he says taking his last bite of food.

"Smart, are the owners of the farm here?" I ask also finishing my food.

He nods "you're looking at him. My nephew was visiting when the zombies came when people started showing up at the house we began building this place, just in time two days later zombies broke the windows at the house we haven't gone back since. We did get all the needed stuff out beforehand so we don't need to go back." he says, I nod thinking about how I can work into my reason for being here.

"Why did you build your walls with the wood vertical?" I ask.

"It saves us the wood so we don't have to stack them, we also saw a faster zombie climb and with the walls vertical they can't grip onto anything," he says I nod my head impressed with their train of thought.
"I was wondering what is it like at Shilo?" he asks that dragging the attention of the people around me.

"It's nice they have a wired fence around so when I go back I will tell them about using the trees for a wall. They have four buildings and are using solar and wind to power the buildings. They also are using trucks and busses to go out and get supplies as well as forage for any plants.

"The base is almost at a thousand people now and is still growing. Overall the base flows smoothly everyone works to help it's quite nice." I say everyone around the table absorbs my words as I go into more detail about what we have and how the base is run.

Silence surrounds the table for a few seconds before someone speaks up. "How far away is Shilo?"

Tapping my chin I calculate the distance in my head. "Judging from what my map said yesterday fifteen kilometres give or take," I say they nod relaxing into their seat.
"This may seem like a big decision with the circumstances around us but would you like to go to Shilo with me?" I ask hesitantly.

"We would have to decide as a group but anyone who wants to is free to leave and go with Kaindra," Mike announces standing up the others follow suit grabbing the dishes as they leave. Being a respectful guest I grab the dishes in front of me and fallow them to the kitchen.

Placing the dishes into the sink I smile at the people in the kitchen as I leave. Taking my time walking to the tent I stayed in I observe the villagers do their morning chores. Some people are letting the cows and sheep into the fenced-off area behind the barn. Others are weeding the garden and getting the eggs from the chicken coop.

I smile at the easy-going community they built here. Making it to my tent I grab my already packed backpack before exiting the tent. Turning around I spot Mike heading my way. I wave to him meeting him halfway. "What brings you my way, Mike?" I ask kindly.

"We made our decision," he says smiling at me.

"Oh, what have you decided?" I ask turning to be my walk to the gate.

He matches my leisure pace as we continue our conversation. "We decided to stay here it's rarely long-distance and none of us have experience outside the walls for such a journey. What we have decided was to hopefully start a trade route from here and Shilo. There could be more small places like what we have and if any family is there it could bring people to good spirits. We also don't have everything here rope and nails would be useful as well as other things. Would that be alright?" he asks.

I nod my head rapidly "that sounds great I never even thought of there possibly being other small groups. Building a trade route could be very helpful in the future especially with winter coming soon, Mike that is a great idea" I exclaim excitedly clapping my hands.

He laughs at my antics " I almost forgot that you are so young with how mature you act." he says chuckling again. I grin at him as we reach the gate. "Well, sadly we have to part ways. Here is a list of all the things we would be interested in trading and what we would like. Good travels Kaindra I wish you well." he says handing me an envelope I take it placing it securely in my bag waving him goodbye.

"You too Mike it has been lovely staying with you, goodbye hopefully we meet again," I say stepping out past the open gates. He smiles at me waving I give him one last wave before turning and jogging into the trees. Time to return to Shilo.

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