Chapter 7

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It's been ruffly a month since we got here and life was moving smoothly, well as smoothly as it can with the circumstances. Currently, I am in zombie evasion class and they are taking us out of the fenced area for some 'hands-on training, I think they just want to force the fear of being a bit washed away but I have no objections. Everyone else thought I am not sure some look like they might vomit their faces are so white, I plan to keep my distance if any signs of possible vomit show.

Plus, fresh air never hurt anyone and I have been feeling claustrophobic. Moving around is kind of my thing, especially being able to teleport and vamp wherever I want. More of my group mates begin to whiten as we exit the gated area into an open section beside the fence. More guards have been placed in this area in case of any accidents, the zombies have also been cleared so we only have to focus on one zombie.

"Okay today we are going to do live practice you all have practiced the techniques and safety so this should go by smoothly," Kevin says, he turns around and we all look past him to see a zombie with a safety leash around its neck. My guess is he use to be a social worker by his clothing but I won't know unless he magically turned human again. Kevin continues "we will be using this zombie for practice, for now, a practice area is being built and should be done in a few days for later practice. In case of an emergency we will pull on the leash and stop it immediately, Jacob you will go up first" Jacob nodded and jogs into the middle of the open area as we back to the fence and hop over.

Things pass smoothly as we take our turns with the zombie. Soon my turn comes up, hoping over the fence I jog to the side as the previous person hops the fence. Seeing that I am a much better target the zombies gives chase. Moving on a diagonal of the fence I move at a slow jog. Remembering to stay at least 3 cars' lengths away I stay my pace, leading the zombie around the gated area following the orders of my group leader I practice some of the techniques taught to us. For a few minutes, I move around the cleared area practicing until Kevin calls me back and I switch out.

The day winds down and I walk back to my room with my friends as we chat idly about our day. Sam talks about what they have been doing in class and to no surprise I already know the stuff. "So what have you been doing lately?" Liam asks to my right.

"Nothing much today we did live zombie evasion and that was fun," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"By live you mean real zombie-like zombie chasing you kind of zombie?" Jen asks with wide eyes.

I turn to her smiling "yep."

"Where? How? And why are you smiling?" Jen says flailing her arms around.

I let out a small chuckle "we went outside the fence and they cleared the area, don't worry they had guards around and the zombie was on a leash in case of emergency."

"But you could have gotten a hurt or worse bit," she says getting more worried.

"Oh, Jen you do remember that my job requires me to be out of the fence and that it is really hard for me to get hurt," I say the last part in a hinting tone.

"But what if-" I cut her off exasperated.

"Jen do you remember what I told you at the school about you know what," I say getting tired of her cluelessness.

"But but...oooh right now I remember," she says recalling our conversation in the classroom.

Stopping in front of our door I turn to everyone "ya now let's drop this topic 'cause we are at our room, we will see you in the morning Liam have a good night, ladies let's get some rest" dismissing the conversation we say our goodnights and head inside the room.

Soon all of us are laying in our beds ready for sleep. "So this month has been exciting don't you guys think so?" Sam asks. A chorus of hums in agreement goes around. "I just can't believe what the world has come to especially in a short amount of time, just over a month ago I was worrying if my hairstyle would look good with what outfit and now all I care about is staying alive to see another day."

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