Chapter 13

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Man, I love to run but I forgot how far away Jordan's house was. With my powers not gaining their full strength, I can't shadow walk, so running is my option. Spotting a big tree I hurry over climbing up quickly. Letting out a long breath I get comfortable for a nap before the sun rises.

Slowly peeling my eyes open I let out a small yawn. The sun is just starting to rise signalling the start of the new day. Sitting up I roll my shoulders getting out the cramps. Gasping I turn to my right shoulder and move my shirt to the side. A bite mark sits there looking a few hours old. The same bite that healed before I left has returned but why?

Sighing I test my powers, nodding at the results I push the shoulder of my shirt aside and begin to clean it with some water. After cleaning I teleport some gauze over and begin to wrap it carefully. Testing that shoulder I begin my descent down.

Touching the ground I quickly shadow away to Jordan's house. Appearing at the front entrance I walk into the dining area spotting my family as well as my friends and Bella with the triplets. "KAINDRA" they yell running up to me and attacking me with hugs.

"Hey guys I hope you have been behaving with me gone," I say laughing at their joyful attitudes. A sad look comes over my face as I look at the triplets.

"Kaindra is Jordan.."Bella dragged out the end seeing my expression. I slowly shake my head tears in my eyes. "No" she breaths out leaning on the table as she starts to cry.

The triplets tune around looking at their mother. Seeing her tears they start to look around for their father. Finally, they realize what happened. I bend down and bring them in for a hug ignoring the bite on my shoulder I hug them tighter as they begin to cry.

My friend's family look at us sadly understanding the loss that occurred. My family stands up to comfort Bella. Shadowing them over we all cry at our loss for who knows how long.

That night we have Jordan's funeral it's nothing much, just a small gathering as a farewell to a friend and father. After our goodbyes, we went inside to enjoy each other's company.

"Hey, Bella could you check something for me?" I ask her putting down my cup of blood.

"Of course honey what is it?" she says smiling softly at me.

"I got bit by a weird zombie by the looks of it they were a zombie that had vampire blood in their system before turning. And it came back after healing." I say turning towards her and pulling down the shoulder of my shirt.

She unwraps the bandage carefully before inspecting the wound. "It looks like a normal bite mark but I don't know why it's not healing I can't sense anything. Sorry honey" she says sadly re-wrapping the bits.

Turning back around I look at her softly speaking in a calm voice. " It's fine it will heal eventually we just have to wait till then." Excusing myself I make my way up to my room for the night.

Shutting the door after entering I rub at my arms feeling an uncomfortable pulse under my skin. Going to the bathroom attached to my room I check myself in the mirror, taking off my shirt and bandage leaving myself in my bra and pants I inspect myself.

Nothing is different minus the bite at first glance but looking closer I can see a light black-ish silver glow under my skin pulsing. With every breath, it grows till it is almost constant. It feels cold but it also feels warm all I know is that it is growing with pain.

Gasping out I grip the countertop till my knuckles turn white. Breathing in deeply I squeeze my eyes shut hoping this will pass quickly, whatever it is. Trembling I stumble out of the bathroom to the window on the other side of the room. Opening it I breathe in the fresh air, the pain doesn't go away it seems to escalate even further once I stopped at the window.

Taking a deep breath I jump out the window to the grass below. Standing up on shaky legs I begin a slow trek to the trees. The pain is the weirdest pain I have ever felt but the worst by far. The pain you would normally feel is warmth but this one is cold. It's crawling up my skin and penetrating deep into my bones almost like a cold night breeze before tapering off with some warmth. Each step I feel like I am freezing but on fire, slowly it begins to fade as I reach a run. It's not fully gone but I can ignore it at this level.

Waking up the next day has to be the worst time ever. My body feels frozen, it's warm, not cold but my joints feel frozen in place as ice. It's kind of nice like sitting on the roof watching the stars in the spring. Other than the fact that the pain is coming back I could stay like this for a few hours. I spent almost the whole night running until the weird pain vanished for a few miles.

Dragging myself out of bed I fall face-first onto the floor. Groaning I flop myself onto my back forgetting the bite till that normal pain shots down my arm. Letting out an annoyed sigh I sit up before going to the bathroom and looking at myself once again.

The black and silver stuff is only visible at a closer look. But to say that about the rest of myself is a whole other story, my slightly tan skin has mud in small patches and my straight dark brown almost black hair has leaves and twigs in it, and my dark brown eyes look tired and worn with light bags underneath.

The last two nights took a toll on me. Even being a vampire your body needs rest. Quickly undressing I bound into the shower, the hot water feels great on my skin cooling the last of the stiffness from my muscles. Dirt and blood run off my body down the drain making my skin shiny and clean. After scrubbing myself down I exit the shower, before leaving the bathroom I brush my teeth.

Drying my hair using wind I dress and head downstairs for breakfast. At the bottom of the stairs, the pain decides to show itself. Brushing it off, for now, I decided that I will probably have to leave by lunch today to try and get this pain away before heading back to Shilo. Hopefully, this is the last surprise the past year has already had too many surprises.

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