Chapter 46

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My vision fades in and out of focus as the wall in my mind cracks. Grabbing at the wall I force it to stop, pushing the darkness back. Grabbing the new emotions I add them behind the wall locking them away I'll deal with them later. Pulling Enya back into me she begins to cry on my chest. "Shhh it's okay little one" my whisper seems to help somewhat as her shaking seizes.

Her head shakes in under my hand as she lifts her head. "It's not okay I was...supposed to protect them I fa-failed. I'm sorry Kai-Kaindra I understand if you do-don't want me around anymore." Her voice fades into a whisper between her hiccups.

Grabbing her face between my hands I gently tilt her face to look at me. Her eyes look anywhere but my face "little one look at me please." Slowly her eyes find mine I turn my eyes away focusing on the spot between her eyes instead. "Do I look angry at you?" She silently shakes her head never looking away from my eyes. "That's because I'm not, what happened was out of your control blaming yourself will only make you feel worse. Repeat after me I am brave I did everything I could I am brave."

I nod to her to repeat she takes a shaky breath " I did everything I could brave."

"Again like you mean it."

"I... am brave I did everything I could I am...brave" her eyes sparkly a little as she says it.

"Again Enya you can do it better than that."

"I am brave I did everything I could I am brave"  her smile lights up chasing the darkness away.

I smile hugging her "yes you are the brave girl I know." She smiles brightly showing off her teeth. She looks around just now realizing we aren't alone. Her smile drops slightly as she shyly curls against me. Chuckling I tickle her sides she giggles pushing to get away.

Enya falls silent as she looks at the crowd fear falls onto her face. She dives into my side hiding in my jacket. Placing a hand on her head I try to make her look at me "little one what is it?"

She rubs her head on my side looking at me with fearful eyes. Raising her hand shakily she points to the group of demons and vampires. "They are the ones that killed my fa-family and attacked..."

Shushing her I pull her arm down leaning in closer "shh we don't want them to hear." I whisper I look over to make sure they didn't hear. They show no signs of hearing what Enya said, sighing I turn back to a shaking Enya. Placing a small sound barrier over us I lean back to Enya. "We have to stay calm okay can we do that?" Enya nods fear still shining on the front of her emotions.

"They are staying here with us we can't let them know that we know what they did okay? But stay away from them at all costs can you do that for me?" She nods again taking deeper breaths.

"Good now we can't have that face now can we where's your brave girl face?" I playfully pout poking at her cheeks. She giggles swatting my hands away she smiles cheekily at me showing me her biggest smile. "That's better, you look cold how about we go on inside to warm you up?"

She nods rapidly jumping off my lap I drop the sound barrier grabbing her hand. Enya's enthusiasm dies down once she sees all the other people again squeezing my hand. She leans into my side hiding behind me as we get closer to the crowd. She shrinks farther into my back once we pass the guards and she sees their weapons. I pat her hand lightly as reassurance, she smiles timidly up at me.

Sam, Liam, and Diana jog up beside me once we make it through the crowd. "Who's this Kain?" Sam asks smiling down at Enya.

"This is Enya I helped her and brought her to Bella's but something happened and she had to come here." I keep my answer vague giving them a pointed look promising more details later. They nod smiling at Enya their grief is still evident in their eyes but any distraction is welcome.

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