Chapter 50

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Very quickly a schedule formed with Enya and me. After breakfast, I would drop her off at school then I would leave for the day. Once I came back we would go outside she would play on the play structure out there well I ran, and most of the time we will play together after. Or if it was too cold find a quiet library to read.

We will go to dinner at the set time and then reside in our room for some board games. Enya will sometimes show Sam and me any new spells she learned with Clarice. We did this schedule every day and every day I will leave the base to check the perimeter for any possible activity. Get some feeding in, then return.

Enya woke up frightened the first few times I got up but now she goes back to sleep as she knows it's only me. There have been no more murders luckily but that can be even more dangerous. I don't know what they are planning.

Walking into the base after another long day of scouting I feel a tug on my arm. Turning around I lock eyes with Damon. "What is it, Damon?"

He fidgets with his fingers his heart picking up slightly. "Can we talk somewhere private?"

Worry flows through me quickly, I nod leading him to an empty room. Checking the hall I close the door putting up a sound barrier. "What is it?" I ask facing him. I haven't seen him in almost a week since the funeral.

He scratches his head averting his eyes. "I'm sorry it took me so long to talk to you."

" It's okay Damon you don't have to apologize for anything." I put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it.

He shakes my hand off turning away from me. "But I do it's my can't Jen and Kaitlyn are dead, you family I should have known-"

"Hey Damon calm down, you didn't know the targets were Jen and Kaitlyn. Plus you weren't even with them at the time they attacked my family remember."

He runs a hand through his hair pulling at it "I wasn't but I was still a part of it here."

Sighing I gently grasp his hands taking them out of his hair. "Yes, but you stopped and you decided to help that was brave. I do not blame you nobody does and if they do they have to come through me."

He leans into me resting his head against my neck. "But it's my fault."

Sighing I hold him one hand on his head and the other on his back. "No, it is not Damon how many times-"

He leans away from me but still stays in my grasp. "Not that it's my fault they know."

My face scrunches "know what?"

He sighs this time leaning back out of my grasp against a table " it's my fault they know about you."

"Know about me in what way?"

His hands go back to his hair "know what you are, they sensed it days ago but figured it out from how much I have been talking to you. They want to recruit you the only issue is they can't figure out what you are from how much power they felt."

It was my turn to run my hands through my hair loosening the braid I had. " It's from when I was hunting after my scouting, I removed the block for a few seconds." Huffing I slam my hand against a chair "FUCK."
Damon rushes over at my loud outburst "I'm fine Damon, it's not your fault it's mine. At least now I know why things have been quiet with them."

I smile trying to lighten the mood, he chuckles dryly shaking his head "sorry to be the burden of bad news Indra but I am no longer the inside man. They kicked me out."

A small smile graces my face at his nickname. "That's fine Damon you have done more than enough. Plus this should keep me busy for a few months at least until the snow melts." And keep my mind occupied.

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