Chapter 62

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Jake grins flashing his lengthening canines. Relaxing my stance I widen my feet feeling the looseness of the dirt underneath my feet. Andrew nods probably talking with Jake through the mind link formulating a plan. Landin stands off to the side ready to intervene if necessary his mate Allison leaning on his side.

"On the count of three Delta, you count," Jake calls his eyes flashing amber.

Landin nods "one," he calls the group of people surrounding us to fidget. "Two," Landin shouts over the murmuring crowd, Andrew growls playfully snapping his canines. "Three," not waiting for a second longer we launch at each other.

Jake and Andrew with their claws and canines extended amber eyes shining. My red eyes are as vibrant as my fangs gleam. We meet at the center of the circle moving with fast strikes. Andrew slashes at me his claws gliding over where my middle would have been as I move out of the way. I duck as Jake comes up behind me slashing at my neck. Kicking my feet out I nock Andrew in the shin sliding out to the side so both are in front of me again.

Our quick exchange shocks the others as we blur around each other in a deadly dance. Catching Jake's wrist I twist it painfully extending claws of my own and slicing his forearm. He growls backing out of my reach. Rowan giggles from the sidelines at his father's miss fortune. Andrew takes up the place Jake abandoned exchanging blows with me.

Forming an ice knife I cut a deep wound in his abdomen smirking at his frustrated growl I dance back out of reach. Andrew growls looking towards Jake, they nod at each other sliding into defensive stances. I eye them tentatively holding my knife in front of my face readily.

They grin before jumping into the air and landing in their wolf form. They shake out their fur Andrew in his dark brown wolf matches his hair and Jake in his grey matches his eyes. Man the good wolf genes run in the family I can't wait to see Rowan's wolf I heard it is auburn like his hair.

They growl at me stalking closer. Andrew swerves to the side aiming to go behind me. Taking this as the time the ground begins to rumble. Everyone freezes except for the three of us and my friends. A root shoots up from the ground whipping at Andrew forcing him back to Jake's side.

The root returns to its original place as Andrew growls disapprovingly. From then on our little fight picks up in pace. Each of the elements makes an appearance. Andrew's personal favourite but hates when we brawl the fire whip. He gets a few decent burns from it.

Jake hates when I splash water or build water walls as I freeze his fur after. They get extra frustrated as I vanish when they strike and then reappear behind or above them. Sometimes I would walk on the air currents above them out of reach.                  

I did more but held back so they won't be seriously hurt. They turn back some clothes thrown at them "we concede...again." Jake sighs shaking his hair out.

I chuckle drying his hair "I tell you guys every time if you allow me to use my full abilities you won't win."

They sigh hissing as they touch over the wounds on their arms. Lillian and Kora walk over to their kids in their arms. "She does warn you guys but you never listen," Lillian tsks putting her son on his feet and grabbing her mate's hand.

They grumble as their mates pull them to the infirmary. All my cuts and bruises have already healed but their worst ones won't be till tomorrow. Enya walk's up beside me with a bright smile on her face. "That was so much fun."

I smile "I bet it was fun to watch." The teens that bothered me before are now staying a healthy distance away. What would I be doing right now if Kaitlyn and Jen were here? Would we be running around here laughing or would we be at Shilo? Would they have been at the sidelines cheering alongside Enya?

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