Chapter 43

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"What are you not happy to see me?" Lucifer asks.

Shaking my head I push away from him leaning against a tree. "No no, of course, I am happy to see you, you just never show up unless it is for a reason."

He raises an eyebrow "and seeing you is not reason enough?"

I copy his stance giving him a pointed look. "No it is not, why are you here?"

He sighs crossing his arms "I heard one of my students was causing some problems and came to talk some sense into him."

I perk up knowing who he is talking about. "Damon was causing some problems but I helped him see some sense. He is helping us now."

Lucifer watches me for a second "you know him?"

I nod "yeah he knew me too thank you. He was just jealous, he should be better now."

Lucifer nods to me "thank you for your assistance Kan, I will still talk to him just to make sure." I nod better safe than sorry. We stay in silence stuck in our thoughts. Something doesn't line up, Lucifer showing up to check on Damon makes sense but he wouldn't come to me just to see me unless he needed something.

"Luc, why are you here?"

He looks up at me with slight confusion on his almost emotionless face. "I just told you t check on Damon."

I shake my head stepping closer to him. "No, why are you here with me, do you need my help with something? Are Bella and the kids okay? Did something happen to Jake and his pack? A coven? A-"

Lucifer places his hands on my shoulders. "Woah there Kan calm down they're all fine. Stop worrying so much about others and focus on yourself for once."

"I do focus on myself that's just not my main priority right now."
Lucifer sighs closing his eyes for a second. When he looks at me again his eyes show sadness. "Luc, what happened why are you sad?"

He shakes his head staring at my eyes intensely. The corners of his eyes scrunch up. "Why are your eyes a different colour?"

I blinked looking at him confused. It takes me a little to finally realize what he means. I laugh doubling over holding my stomach, tears streak down my face freezing in the cold. Standing up I wipe my eyes "oh I haven't laughed at that in a long time."

Lucifer eyes me up and down. Suddenly he grabs my shoulders spinning me around. He pats me down checking my arms and legs. "Kaindra show me" oho he said my full name. Turning me around again he holds my shoulders firmly "show me." Gulping at his stern tone I slowly turn around pulling down my jacket and shirt showing my shoulder.

Lucifer's fingers gently slide over the scar. "How did you get this?"

Sighing I drop my head focusing on the ground. "There was a breach in the summer. Some people turned in the night. I helped in assisting to kill the zombies. One came up from behind me and bit me. I couldn't sense it as the day before I practiced my earth connection. It was a quick zombie so that also added to me not knowing it was there.

"I left the base for...reasons. I thought it healed but apparently, it didn't. It took longer to heal and scared over. I changed..." My eyes tear up at the memory of Jordan. Pushing them back I focus on telling Lucifer all the subtle changes that came from the bite.

I finish my explanation keeping my back turned to him. Pulling my jacket back on I stay looking at the ground. Lucifer turns me around to face him but I refuse to look up. "Kan look at me," he asks softly. I shake my head kicking the snow on the ground.

He sighs again, he seems to be doing that a lot today. He gently grabs my chin forcing me to look up at him. "I know what else happened that night."

For the first time, a see full emotion on his face. Guilt and sorrow the two emotions that burn me inside are mirrored to the open on his face. "You don't have to hide it, Kan Jordan was my friend, my brother. He wouldn't want you to torment yourself this way not again."

Locking up the pain I clear my face forcing a smile. "I'm fine Luc don't worry. It was months ago I got through it." He watches me for a second doubt in his eyes. Sighing again he let go of my chin returning to his usual emotionless face. "Plus I don't have time to focus on that all we can do is move forward right, focusing on the past won't move you forward only drag you back. His words, not mine."

His lips twitch upwards slightly. "Yes yes they are and how right he was. Now I have to go and have a little talk with Damon. I hope to see you under better circumstances, Kan."

I smiled wrapping my arms around him "me to Luc have a nice chat with Damon. But please try not to kill him."

Lucifer hugs me gently "No promises."

I gasp "was that a joke."

He lets me go winking "maybe."

Before I can hit him he vanishes "you dam old man and your ancient demon tricks." Smiling I turn around marching back to the base.

It was nice to see him again. The last time I saw him was when Jordan and I saved the triplets. Lucifer helped us in locating the families of the other kids.

It's still hard to believe that more than a year ago I was just a normal human girl. One small car accident changed my whole life. So much has happened since that day. I have met so many people from different species. Some enemies some friends.

If you told me on that day that I would die and turn into a vampire with the powers of an ancient supernatural species. I would have called you crazy just like any other person. But now I can't imagine my life without being what I am. I felt like I was missing something and now I have finally found it.

Well almost found it. The missing piece of myself was found. But the final piece to complete what has been lost is still missing. I don't even know what it missing just that something is. I may not be the one to find it but I will hopefully be one of the people to help.

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