chapter 3

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"Are we there yet?" Jen wines.

"Almost," I say tiredly.

"Are we there now?" Jen asks again.

"No," I say.

"Now?" She asks.



"No, now be quiet or else we won't get there," I say sternly looking back at her. She raises her hands in serenader. Finally, in peace, I look back at the road.

Quickly checking the time on the dashboard I exhale a breath. "Getting close?" Liam asks, turning to look at me.

"Ya, about ten minutes," I say quietly.

"Don't let Jen heat that or she will freak" he jokes.

"It's okay she has been asleep for a few hours now. Well, wake them up when we get there" I say.

He nods turning back to look at the road. "Sure is nice this time of day," he says.

I nod in agreement "ya, the sunrise is always one of my favourites" I say, relaxing a little more.

"What is your favourite?" He asks.

"That would have to be night, it's the calmest," I say smiling.

"Why?" He asks.

"I feel the most at peace, most attached to the earth and what is happening. It makes me calm, especially when there is a full moon with a clear sky. I can just stair up there all night sitting in a tree, feeling the wind on my face in my hair, running freely" I say closing my eyes as I picture it in my mind.

"That sounds wonderful," he says.

"What about you?" I ask looking at him.

"I love morning," he says.

"Why?" I ask smiling.

"Well, definitely not as deep of a reason but I like the idea of the world waking up to light from a dark hour. It's great and relaxing" He says.

I nod "that's nice, and no it does have a deep meaning to it even if you don't know," I say. We relax into a comfortable silence. After some time lights can be seen in the distance. "I think we should wake them up," I say, he nods turning around to wake them up.

"We're here?" Jen asks excitedly, I laugh nodding. "Yay, finally a comfortable place to sleep," she says sighing.

"Ya if it's safe," I say, she groans.

"Party pooper," she says, I chuckle at her look at the gates.

"Lucky for you I think it is safe," I say. She cheers fist-pumping the air.

Getting to the gates I slow down to a stop. "How many?" A man comes up to the car.

"Four," I say, he nods talking into his radio as he looks into the car. Jen waves to him from the back. Motioning us through he says "find a parking spot then go to the closest doors a person will be there to guide you."

"Thank you," I say, he nods. Driving through the gate I quickly spot an open area. "Okay, guys grab your stuff and let's head out," I say.

"Sleep calls to us people let's hurry up" Jen exhales excitedly. Laughing we all hop out of the car, bags in hand we begin to walk to the doors.

"May you please follow me?" a man asks as we reach the doors. Nodding he turns around and begins to walk. "I will take you to temporary rooms for tonight. Tomorrow you will get a check-up with nurses and time to shower, in official rooms. You will also get your schedule and name tags" he says.

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