Chapter 30

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Sam hits the table leaning closer to me. "Where are the cookies?" She stares me straight in the eyes with a playful serious face.

I gulp knowing they may act playful but are still serious. "Not here," I say innocently.

Sam leans back to her seat beside Liam's arms crossed."Huh, then can you take us to them?"

Slowly I inch my way to the side of my seat. "Not really" The three of them watch me closely. Diana has a smile on her face enjoying the show. Before they could respond I bolt out of my seat happy I was at the end.

The others jump up racing after me. "Kaindra comes on I just want a cookie," Kaitlyn calls not slowing down I run to our room. Sliding to a stop I stumble inside.

Liam, Sam, and Kaitlyn stop running into one another at the door. I smirk holding up three cookies. "You wanted these."

Cheering they jump for a cookie. Sitting on their beds happily munching away I lean back watching my friends. Kaitlyn pulls out a book to read supper forgotten. Turning I look at Sam and Liam.

Sam is leaning against Liam's side as he drapes an arm across her shoulders. Narrowing my eyes I turn to Kaitlyn. Blowing some air into her face she brushes it away turning to me. "What" she mouths, pointing my eyes to Sam and Liam she faces them.

Her eyes widen watching them. Looking at them they don't notice me and Kaitlyn watching. Kaitlyn breaks the silence "now when did this happen?" She accuses crossing her arms "and why didn't we know?"

Liam and Sam jump apart like children being caught doing something bad. Sam blushes covering her face "what do you mean nothing happened."

Liam just smirks looking at Sam "oh come on Samantha they already know as we completely forgot they were there." Sam still blushes moving back to Liam.

I roll my eyes love birds forgot we were here we never left. "Now how long has this been going on?" I look pointedly at their joined hands.

Sam still embarrassed pokes, Liam, to answer. "Stop poking me, women. We have been together for a month now." I look at Kaitlyn she raises her eyebrows at me still watching the couple.

Sam sighs not liking it silence " we were going to tell you, promise we just didn't know how."

I give them a comforting smile "it's fine we're not angry just confused that's all. Trust me I think it's great you are together."

"Me too, don't worry we love seeing you two happy." Kaitlyn chimes in smiling at the two.

Sam smiles the tension leaving her body. "Thanks, guys I appreciate it."

I wave it off "You don't have to thank us we're your friends and we know both of you are good together. Now when Jen finds out she is going to go crazy. A least our mother over there is not mother crazy in stuff like this." I point to Kaitlyn.

She screeches "hey I am not the mother in our group." She huffs crossing her arms.

"Keep telling yourself that Kait." I jump out of her reach in the small space. Giving up quickly she sits back on her bed. Familiar footsteps come to my senses. "You two might want to figure out how you are going to tell Jen because she should be here really soon."

Their eyes widen before they know it Jen comes into view. "What are you guys doing you never came back to supper?" She looks at each of us stopping on Liam and Sam. Liam looks genuinely scared at the moment watching Jen's calculating face.

"Now what is going on here you two." Jen leans against the door frame rating an eyebrow.

Liam and Sam gulp nervously "well Jen remember we love you dearly and we wanted to tell you that, Liam what did we want to tell Jen." Sam stammers turning to Liam.

Liam laughs nervously "we um we wanted to tell you that I and Sam-Samantha are dating." I watch Jen's face closely grinning wildly.

Slowly Jens's face lights up into a full-blown eat-to-ear smile. "Finally I have been waiting forever for you two to get together. Oh, your couple name could be Liamtha or Siam ohh what about-"

I drop a hand over Jens's mouth "okay Jen we get it your ship has sailed now calm down." Jen licks my hand hoping for me to let go. "You know that doesn't work on me, Jen." She humphs, and slowly I peel my hand away.

I turn to Liam and Sam I try not to laugh but a little snicker comes out. They turn to glair at me making me laugh uncontrollably. "I'm sorry but your faces are priceless." I wheeze holding my stomach.

Sam sighs dropping her head on Liam's shoulder "Why me."

Liam pats her head gently "I don't know Sam I don't know." She shoves him off the bed. We all laugh watching Liam lay on the floor. "Oh you're on Sam you're on." Sam screeches trying to get away.

Liam grabs her waist pulling her to him. Sam laughs wiggling around "Stop Liam stop that tickles." Jen, Kaitlyn, and I stand back watching the couple.

Rolling my eyes I walk forward flicking water at them. "Okay, you guys that's enough." Liam stops his assault hugging Sam to him.
"Now Liam we know you would love to stay all night with our dear old friend Sam but you can't so run along now." I pull Liam off of the bed pushing him to the door.

"Fine fine fine I am going to see you tomorrow Sam." Liam waves goodbye over my should leaving the room.

"What about me Liam where's my bye," Jen asks pouting at him.

Liam turns around waving at Jen "bye Jen."

Jen waves back smiling "bye Liam." I sigh, what friends do I have?

Shutting the door we return to silence. "Now that was a fun night but I think it's time for bed," Kaitlyn says pulling out her PJs

I point to her "see the mother of the group." Jen and Sam's nod also getting ready for bed.

Kaitlyn throws her pillow at me "I am not the mother of the group."

I chuckle catching the pillow and throwing it back to her. "Oh yes you are Kait but we love you for it."

Jen leans over the edge of her bed to us "What am I in the group?"

Sam turns to her "a friend but if you wanted a label you are the child or easygoing one."

Jen smiles "yes I am and no one can take it away from me." Jen snaps her fingers sassily. "What is Sam in our group?"

Kaitlyn answers this one "Sam is also a friend and like she said if you wanted to put a label on it. Hmmm, she is the calm more lay-backed one."

We nod agreeing "now what is Liam?" Jen asks.

Sam answers "my boyfriend and your friend. But the brother of the group."

"What is Kaindra?" Jen asks looking at me.

I shrug not knowing the answer. Kaitlyn answers "the father" she chuckles, and I throw some water droplets at her. "Okay being serious the protector of the group."

"Yes," Jen and Sam said. I nod agreeing full heartily, I do, do all I can to protect the ones I care about.

"Night," I say turning off the light.

"Night," they say yawning.

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