Chapter 56

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I can't stand this, I swear these two are the definition of idiots. Their stupid plan is asking for us to get attacked I swear they should just wave a big bright flag yelling "hey we know what you are doing come and get us." To make it worse they are telling the Base Commander about our plan so we don't get in trouble. If he is okay with it we will go on with the rest of the plan.

First, off they are asking for the Commander's permission so I don't get kicked out of the base for possibly killing someone. Then I am going to be staying at the base instead of going with my group for a day off. That alone should catch the attention of the head witch right away as I never take days off unless they are planned weeks before. If that isn't enough Damon is going to be sending a message to them asking to meet alone. Come on you never ask that you are just asking to be attacked. Eric planned the meeting outside the third building so that if they don't plan to meet us we can intercept them on their way to the classrooms.

Eric and Damon will be at two different closets armed with their preferred weapons as well as a long-range weapon. Eric will be on the ground level well Damon is on the third floor both rooms have windows for a quick exit if I need help. Like I said idiots, pure idiots, just asking for a quick death.

My boots click on the ground over and over as I walk from wall to wall. Where are they it should not take this long to talk to the Base Commander. Rapid steps come in my direction, exhaling I scowl at the two idiots as they enter the room. "It takes you that long to ask if we can kill some people that have killed a dozen others?"

A breathy laugh leaves Damon "well I don't think he would have agreed if we put it that way."

Rolling my eyes I grab my weapons from the floor attaching them to my belt "at least he agreed now I won't get thrown out for killing someone or two maybe three...whatever. I already sent your letter by the way."

Eric looks at me tilting his head "how did you send the letter you aren't supposed to leave the room?"

Grinning I watch him as I clasp my sword "I can do more than just move the elements you know."

Eric looks at me and deadpanned "no you haven't told us what you can do so we don't."

"Right to put it quickly I sent it through the shadows I will explain later we don't have time right now we have to go." The twinkle in Damon's eyes dims at my words he still nods tightening his belt. Eric's face grows serious as he follows me into the hall. The walk from our training room to the meeting spot ends slower than I would like.

Eric slaps my shoulder squeezing it gently "be careful Kaindra I know what they did and what they want to do-"

"They want to kill Enya and every other person here that doesn't join them I can't let that happen nor will I," I say firmly resolving as hard as steel.

He nods "good luck," not waiting for a response he slips into the shadows.

Turning to Damon he doesn't wait for words as he pulls me into a bone-breaking hug. "Be honourable but not merciful the bastards don't deserve it."

I nod against his shoulder pulling him in tight "you do know I am not going off to war right."

He chuckles pulling away "yeah but one can never be too careful."

Holding him at arm's length I pat his shoulders smiling "thanks, Dam."

He smiles "any time Indra." Squeezing his shoulders one more time I slip outside into the sunlight Damon moves upstairs feet silent. Looking to the windows two thumbs up pop out before fading into the shadows again. Nodding I take deep breaths turning my back to the windows.

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