Chapter 49

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"Do you have to go?" Enya's quiet whine echoes down the empty hall.

"Sorry little one I wish I could stay but I have a job to do. But I will be back before the other kid's parents." I tap her nose as we continue walking her hand clasped in mine.

I feel her eyes turn to me "promise?"

Stopping at the closed door I bend down to her level holding out my pinky. "Promise, now remember Clarice might work on some spells with you guys so be good, yeah?"

She nods relaxing slightly. We walk into the room spotting Clarice at her desk. She doesn't seem to notice us as she continues what she is doing without falt. By the look of it, Clarice is checking spells in a family spellbook.

Putting a finger on my lips I cloak Enya and me. Sneaking around the desk I pick Enya up placing her on an open part of the desk. Tapping Clarice on the shoulder I de-cloak us. A high-pitched shriek burns my ears as Clarice jumps ten feet in her chair.

Panting she places a hand over her thumping heart. "By the first, you scared me, when did you two get here?" 

Enya giggles silently as she sits at the desk. "Not too long" she whispers behind her hands.

Once Clarice calms down she cleans up her desk. Enya hops off the desk to stand by my side. "Do you have to leave now?"

I kneel to her level "yes little one I do I promise though I will be back before you know it." She nods raping her arms around my neck. Giving her a quick hug I stand to leave. Nodding to Clarice I exit the room smiling at the parents bringing their kids to join, Enya.

The air is cool outside leaving a cloud in front of my face. The sun shines down making the snow glow. Hopefully, summer comes quickly I am done with the snow right now. The cold feeling it brings doesn't help.

Today is going to be a long day.

Plants, plants, and more plants were are you. The mice seem to have been on a roll since I missed the past few days of scouting. Sighing I call is that I am coming back.

Turning around I begin my jog back to the base taking it slower today. The forest is quiet for this time of day. Crunching comes from a distance in front of me.

Crouching down I watch my steps as I move to the sound of the noise. My sight turns on, it's not a zombie but by the looks of it, it might be a deer. My assumption is correct a fully grown male deer is snacking on some greens under the snow.

I didn't have any luck with the greens today but fresh meat would be welcome. The road is a direct route in front of me if I lead the deer there Kevin could pick it up.

Placing a block aid up around the deer I let out a sheer whistle. The deer's head snaps up in my direction staring directly at me. Painfully slowly I pull my bow off my back. The deer watches my movements carefully standing at the ready.

Taking my human facade off the deer rears back in fear. Sensing the predator in front of it. I smile preparing for the chase. Lurching forward the deer runs in the direction I hoped for, directly towards the road.

Running after it a bright smile lines my face. The thrill of the hunt pumps through my veins pushing adrenaline through every nerve. Lining up an arrow I let it fly, landing in the deer's leg it stumbles but keeps going.

Lining up another arrow it goes through its ankle. Just on time, it falls in the middle of the road. Smiling I pull out my knife slicing the deer's neck. "Kaindra to Kevin I have a deer on the North Road bedding pick up."

Kevin's response comes almost immediately "on our way."
A cloud of air moves in front of my face as I sit down. Snow seeps into the back of my jacket from the tree I lean against.
The smell of the deer's blood tempts my hungry vampire side. It growls in my head scoring me for not feeding it. I will, I whisper to it, tonight.

It growls not liking that I am leaving us hungry. Brushing my hand to the side I blow the smell of the blood away from me. The cold air nips at my face trying to break through my layers of clothing. The world fades away as I get absorbed in my thoughts.

My mind's eye focuses on the wall. No lock, no key just a wall with one single crack halfway down the side. Moving up to the crack I look through. The image of Jen and Kaitlyn's dead body flashes through. My family laughed as we sit around the table and Bellas. Jordan as his head rolls on the ground. And the little girl her blond hair tipped with red as I rip into her neck. I, standing above her smirking as I watch the life drain from her eyes.

Jumping back I stare at the wall. The only thing keeping all the negative thoughts at bay. Salt touches my taste buds. Touching my face my hands come back wet. Reaching inside I pull out the new emotion shoving it behind the wall.

The subtle sound of a car makes its way into my senses. Snapping out of my mind sharp light attacks my eyes. Blinking rapidly I wait for my eyes to adjust. A bus comes into view with some trucks tailing behind.

Kevin comes bouncing out of a bus with a skip in his step. "Good job Kaindra nice catch."

Plastering on a smile I stand up to my full height. "Thanks, Kevin, I think I should go now, Enya is waiting for me to come back."

He nods "I understand, would you like a lift back?"

"No you still have some places to stop at I should make it back before you."

Waving I disappear into the trees. The run back is silent my mind finally quiet and settled.

Skipping straight to the kid's room. I lean against the open door. Enya sits in a chair her legs curled up to her side a book in hand. At a closer glance, the book seems to be about edible plants mixed with her magic witch roots.

She seems to sense my eyes on her as her head tilts up. Her eyes light up once she spots me, she drops the book onto her chair rocketing into me. A true smile lines my face as I pick her up under her arms spinning her in a circle.
Putting her on the floor I stay at her level. "Are you hungry?"

She shakes her head "nope Clarice let us have a snack not too long ago."

My face brightens even more. Enya seems to be having a good day today that washes away all my worries. "How about we go outside, today is a beautiful day."

She nods skipping ahead of me. She takes my hand in hers allowing me to lead her to our room. She quickly grabs her winter gear rushing out of the door. "Enya slow down" I laugh quickly following after her.

She rushes into her winter gear a slight gleam in her eyes. Opening the door she rushes out cheering happily.
As long as she is happy I am happy.

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