Chapter 22

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The receptionist gives me a big smile as I stop at her desk. "I'm here to check if my schedule has changed" I inform her, she glances down at my name tag before typing it into her computer.

"Ah yes, Kaindra your schedule has changed slightly. Please wait for a second as I print out the new one." she turns around in her chair once the printer starts beeping. She hands me my new schedule with a smile, I smile in return giving her a quick thank you before taking my leave.

I walk down the hall glancing at my schedule. My training has gone down to every second day only one class a day. It changes each day from medical to plant identification, zombie evasion, hunting and foraging skills, and some raider training that I requested.

The rest of the day is work with my group. Similar to last time, I still have my morning workouts before breakfast and my free time after dinner unless there is training. Smiling I tuck my schedule away in my bag as I make my way to the mess hall.

Dinner should be starting now. Entering I spot my foraging group at the table beside my friends. Quickly grabbing some food I make my way over to the two tables. Diana spots me once I come out of the crowd waving for me to come to take the seat beside her.

Swooping in beside Diana I watch Dustin across from me. Diana was on a bench directly behind my friend's table, I could easily talk to them as well. Coughing into my hand in a lame attempt to get the attention of the table. Carol and Kate turn to me at the noise once they see who it is their jaws drop open.

I smile at them and wave silently laughing at their face. Turning to the rest I wait for them I notice me. Exasperated at how clueless the others are I divide to speak up. "So how has everybody been?"

The table turns to me at the question. The janitors are going to have a lot to clean up with his many jaws on the floor now. Innocently I smile at the waiting for a response to my question. All at once, questions are shot out. I cover my sensitive ears at the excessive noise my group mates make.

Once the questions seized I remove my hands from my head and begin to eat. "Kaindra that's all we get, you ask us that one question then eat, you have been gone for more than a month we all missed you like hell." Jacob whines reaching for me. I pull away before he could grab me from beside Diana.

"Jacob I missed you guys too but please no hugs well I am eating my food. Last time you did that I nearly throw up all over you." I screech shoving Diana into him. The table laughs at us galling back into our easy flow.

Dinner was nice I caught up with everyone including Kevin. He heard the news and came to greet me. I told them the mundane story about what I did this past month and they told me theirs. Some groups got changed with the losses we had from the zombies. Luckily our group was one of the ones to stay the same as all of us did not turn.

Since this was my group before I left I got put back on it so there are no possible problems as we all know each other. I turned my sight on during dinner as most people are in the mess hall at this time. I was shocked at what I found, Catty and Kate are witches and Jean is an angel.

I never looked hard to see if any people here were also supernatural. But it makes sense I don't know why I thought they would not be here. I hid my shock with a smile as I turned my sight off. I am getting quite good at it with all the turning on and off today.

Dinner flew by in laughs and smiles before we parted ways. Hugs are exchanged in goodbye before we all went our separate ways. At night I did my same old routine of sneaking out. Not sneaking as I just shadow out but you never know. I am glad that no vampires or werewolves showed, demons haven't come by yet but I am expecting them too soon.

Yesterday no one asked about my eyes, they are such a strange and drastic change that some should have noticed, but known did. Being back is nice I get a schedule and am busy, much better than running all day without a destination.

Today is a foraging day so no training. We have slowly moved into more traditional foraging with most farms an hour away cleared. In three days we are going with a raider group to a farm three hours away. Most groups are going that far out now but no farther unless you want to sleep outside. The thought of sleeping outside scares so many no one even wants to try, except me since I have.

On the bus, I chose to sit with Diana, Catty and Kate in the seat beside us with Jean in front of us. We are sitting in the back to make it easier to talk to Catty, Kate, and Jean. That morning Diana and I met up before breakfast to discuss the meeting. We decided on having the meeting next week so we had enough time to round up all the supernaturals.

I nod to Diana and place a sound barrier around the five of us using wind. Tapping Jean on the shoulder she turns around to face us in confusion. Taking a deep breath I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "I know what you are" I scrunch up my face.
"I mean I know that you are an angel and Catty and Kate are witches."

The said twins snap to me if eyes could kill I would be dead permanently. "WHAT" all three yell.

I turn to Diana for help she sighs facing them. "Kaindra knows because she is also supernatural like we are."

They all look at me questioning her statement. They already knew what each other are. They freeze before opening their mouths looking around the bus suddenly aware that we are on a bus.

" It's okay I put a sound barrier up before starting this conversation." They look at me with more questions on their faces. Sighing I look at Diana again pleading for her to take over. She shakes her head turning to look out the window "Traitor" I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"Diana and I want to have a big meeting with all the supernaturals at Shilo. I have stopped a few groups of vampires and werewolves from trying to get the base and if all of us could band together we could all protect the base." I finish my small speech to let them digest my words.

Jean turns to me "What you told us at dinner yesterday about what you did when you left was it true?"

Biting my bottom I shake my head "mostly yes but with the others there I needed it to sound like a mundane story." I then go into detail about the things I did that I left out. Still leaving out the big stuff about the bite on my shoulder, Enya, and Bella's house.

After I finish I let the three talk to themselves. I am inching to use some of my abilities right now other than the barrier. My nerves are on fire right now waiting for their response. Finally, Kate who is direct to my left turns to me "we will come to this meeting and help you in rounding up all the others, when and where isn't it?"

I sigh in relief and give them the date and time as well as where we are holding the meeting. Once all the final details are cleared up I remove the sound barrier. The rest of the bus ride remains uneventful.

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