Chapter 15

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Possible trigger warnings mention suicide and self-harm.
I have been in the raspberry field for four days now. It's been nice having the sweet fruits on hand but boring just circling constantly. A few times I went farther and found some other fields with different fruits and vegetables, I took my pick and had some decent suppers. A person can circle all day in the same place so much before going insane. That has not been the only problem, with me being in this area for an extended period my sent has started to bring in more zombies.

On the morning of the fifth day, I did my normal routine. Grabbing an apple from my bag I eat it as I begin my run around the area. Tossing the core I pick up my speed to cover more ground. Looking around I spot four zombies. I guess today is the day I will be departing this area. Ignoring their presence I continue my run coming around the last bend I spot my tree looking at the base a frown forms. Two more zombies congregate around the base of the tree.

I stop in my tracks as I spot movement near the top. Looking closer res eyes shine through the foliage for a brief second. That can't be right zombies can't climb smelling the air the decaying sent of zombies meets my nose. It's not another vampire so how did that zombie get up there? Climbing up the tree beside me I jump branch to branch till I am in my tree. Looking down a zombie's face looks up at me as it continues its sloppy climb.

Blinking in shock I peer closer at its eyes, then I see the slight blood look of its eyes similar eyes to my own when I go all vamp-like. This zombie is another quick as I have come to call them, a zombie with vampire-like blood. That's why this one is climbing, stuffing that knowledge into my mind I reach down grabbing my bag before jumping into the next tree. Looking back moans and growls are heard from my visitors. Grinning I continue on my way through the trees.

Finally dropping out of the trees after an hour of climbing through them I stop to feed. Taking out my last saved blood bag I down half of it before putting it back. Continuing on the ground I go north on my day of running.

Running never gets old the feeling of the wind caressing your face as you move. Or if your hair flying behind you, your breaths coming in and out with every touch of your foot to the ground. Your blood pumping with joy as you sail by. You feel like you're flying, it's so different than flying but each has there own joy. One has you feeling weightless as you go higher and higher, whereas the other you feel powerful as your foot hits the ground with each step. That's in my opinion at least.

But running at night is a whole other thing, I feel exhilarated. The cold air is a refreshing kiss fueling my movements as I go. On a clear night with a full moon, the forest looks magical. The leaves shine from the moisture in the air and sometimes I can see fog dancing at my feet. This night though has a dark cast over it taking all the joy and leaving something erring. For what I don't know but my eyes are darting left and right at every small movement.

It's been like this for almost two hours, I stopped for supper but instead of normally resting I kept moving. The feeling of something dreadful just won't go away forcing me to keep moving. It's almost one in the morning and I still haven't stopped, beginning to get aggravated I force myself to go faster. I may be technically dead but I still have my limits and I am starting to get close to reaching one. I have been going almost all day close to a sprint my energy is getting low.

Breaking the trees I halt. A little girl no older than ten sits in the middle of the clearing I just entered. Hesitantly I approach, the girl's back is to me so I can't see her face, with the clouds blocking the moon all I see is her silhouette.

Out of worry, I focus my hearing on her heartbeat. I breathe out in relief her heart is beating she's alive. Tentatively I ask" hello, what are you doing out here?"
The girl wipes around at the sound of my voice.

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