Chapter 28

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Today's the day, we'll more like the night that I go to Enya's house. Every night I have been sneaking out extra early to do my normal perimeter check, then I would shadow where I met Enya and try to find her house. I found her house last week and today is the day I am going to investigate.

Changing quickly I attach my sword and daggers to my belt before grabbing my bow. Putting a hand over my mouth to silence my laugh at the memory when the others saw my weapons. They almost had a heart attack. I shadowed them away before I came back to the room on my first day back.

When we came back to the room later to find my weapons on my bed I had a lot of explaining to do. Many in my foraging team and other raiders and guards have asked about them. So many people are jealous of them but I will never give them to anyone they are my babies. Some people's baby is their car, mine is my weapons.

Shadowing out of my room I do my perimeter check quickly. Clear thanks to the witches and angles. Shadowing the clearing where Enya was I ran the rest of the way to her house. I know it is her house by the smell, it has her smell all around it. And the smell of blood.

I have not been inside yet so this is going to be my first venture into the house. The house is off the beaten path so the family could practice their magic away from others. It is still close enough to the town to drive in twenty minutes at highway speeds.

I nock an arrow in my bow advancing slowly to the house. Turning on my sight no glows other than animal glows reach my eyes. Moving to the front door of the two-story house I gently turn the door handle, not locked. Pushing the door open I scrunch up my nose.

The stench of dead and decomposing flesh blows out the open door. Ignoring the smell I continue through the door. The first room I walk into is the living room. Furniture is pushed everywhere, the couches have burn marks with cuts all over.

Dried blood is splattered all over the walls covering the pictures. Moving I spot a family picture. A six-year-old smiling Enya is standing in front of her parents. I smile taking the picture off the wall I take the picture out of the frame fold it and tuck it into my bag.

I walk past the rest of the photos into the kitchen. Lines of blood are all over. The kitchen looks like a hurricane went through. Cupboards are broken to splinters, knives lay all over the floor dried blood coaching off. Lines of blood are on the floor a sign that the body that was once here has been dragged out.

I leave the kitchen walking past the dining room looking exactly like the kitchen. Still nobody's insight. I peek into the bathroom and closets but ignore them as all I see is more dried blood. Walking up the stairs I spot bloodlines. Entering a study I pause. Sitting in the chair is the decaying body of a man. Walking closer I can identify the man to be Enya's father.

His neck has been torn to shreds with his hands cut off resting on the keyboard in front of him. The people who did this did it for fun. The office has no traces of blood other than the line of the body being dragged. He was placed here like a doll.

Sucking back tears I leave the study. The next room I enter is a bathroom. Again not touched other than a blood streak. This time a woman I think might be Enya's aunt is laying in the tub. Her stomach was torn open showing her organs. Quickly leaving I spot three more doors.

I enter what I assume is the master bedroom. Five body's all dropped on the bed. If what Enya told me is right her aunts and uncles came to visit with her cousins the day this happened. All laying on the bed are the rest of her aunts and uncles, including her mother. This time bloody handprints are all over the walls.

Two blood streaks are on the ground. This means some fought downstairs and then ran up here before they died. Checking the body scratch marks lay on their arms. Their necks and stomachs are ripped open. Turning to leave I spot a familiar name. Walking over resting on the vanity is a box with Enya's name on it.

Picking it up I read the note left on top.
Dear Enya,
I know you have been going through some struggles learning your magic. So your father and I got you a gift we put some of our magic in it to let you know we are always here with you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
We love you.
Love mother and father.

I gently put the gift into my bag. Next time I see Enya I will give it to her. Leaving the room I go to the second last room. Opening the door my step staggers. Laying in a pile in the middle of the room is Enya's cousins.

Falling to my knees in the doorway my breath hitches. Eleven kids all lay eyes open faces stuck in a permanent scream. A lump forms in my throat. Twelve kids were there only one made it out. Choking down my tears I stagger to my feet. Dried blood is caked in their hair and on their throats.

Looking closer I spot two puncture holes in their neck. Vampires were the ones to kill Enya's family. My face darkens, and sniffing the air I stomp in frustration. Their sent is long gone. One day I will get the ones who did this to you, Enya, I will I promise.

Leaving the room I open the door to the last one. This is Enya's room. Sadly nothing is salvageable. The vampires knew they missed one and tore apart her room trying to find where she was hiding. I don't know how she hid and I am not going to ask. This was a traumatic event asking how she hid could cause her to relive the experience. The damage it could do will be terrible.

Scouring the house for any valuable things I leave soon after. Exciting through the front door I put my arrow away strapping my bow to my bag. Turning around I give Enya's deceased family a final goodbye before lighting the house on fire.

I stand there keeping the fire only on the house. I watch silently as the last remaining embers disappear. Blowing the ashes to the sky I disperse them across the trees. Letting go I let the natural wind carry them into the night.

Returning to the base with a heavy heart I change out of my clothes into my pj's. Hiding the objects and gifts from Enya's parents. I lay awake for the rest of the night.

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