Chapter 66

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"No no no no no no," sighing I rub my forehead. This past week has been fun and interesting teaching the others how to use their new abilities but also a major headache, is this how Bella felt teaching me? "You guys remember what a taught you, you are the ruler of your power you are in control not the other way around."

"But Kaindra how are we supposed to do anything if you won't teach us how to do it?" Justin asks, he is one of the younger ones I think he is twenty he controls fire.

Sighing I run my hand over my hair "Justin I don't tell you what to do with your fire that's all you. Whatever you can think of you can do. I only teach you how to control it you make yourself use it, It's up to how big your imagination is." I can't recall how many times I have said that but one of these times it will stick.

Everyone now has their abilities under control they are just learning their limit. Ailen Melanie's daughter comes up beside me watching the group do their thing. "My mom was wondering when you were going to bring your friends here?"

Not hearing what she said takes me a few seconds to understand. "Oh my gosh, I forgot, I will go right now." Quickly grabbing my bag I turn to the group "I will be back keep training Ailen you watch them and get your mother or aunt if you need anything I will be quick."

She nods sitting on a stump nearby. I train them outside the fence so they have more space and don't worry about hurting someone by accident. I start walking away slowly vanishing into the shadows. Seconds later I am walking through a familiar tree-covered ground by the fence of Shilo.

Coming into view of the gate guards I disappear in a sweep of shadows vanishing from view. Sighing I take a deep breath of air memories of spending almost a whole year here rush back. How simple of a time it used to be before all this death and possible war happened.

Strolling up to the fence I jump over floating down to the ground without a sound or a blade of grass moving. "Now where are you guys?" I mumble under my breath searching the colour landscape for the familiar glows of my friends. "There," skipping over to the shooting range I tap Diana on the shoulder.

She looks over her shoulder at me confused. Her eyes search the area spotting nothing. Snickering under my breath I tap her shoulder again making myself visible to only her. "Ahh," she jumps out of her skin seeing my grinning face "what are you doing here?" She hisses quietly.

I snicker "follow me," I whisper encasing both of us. No one looks over or even questions Diana not noticing that she suddenly vanished. She follows behind me confused out of her mind hands still gripping her bow. Finding Sam and Liam were easy they were sitting huddled together under the tree by the running track.

Walking up to them I stand directly in front of the sun. Leaning close so that my face is inches away from their napping ones I make myself visible "boo." Sam screams jumping and knocking her head with Liam's.

"What the actual fuck Kain," Sam screams rubbing her.

I clutch my stomach laughing so hard I fall to the floor. "Man that w-was it a haha," I laugh making them unseen. Sam grabs a twig from the ground throwing it at me. Dogging it I wipe tears from my eyes as I stand. Turning around I begin to walk in the direction of the next person. Looking over my shoulder I nod my head in the direction I was walking "coming or what?"

They scramble to their feet jogging after me. "Why can no one see her or us?" I hear Sam whisper to Diana.

"I don't know but it's a good thing as some people would try and kill her if they did," Diana whispers back.

"You do know I can hear you right," I say catching their attention. "And it's simple I just cover us with a layer of shadows so thin you can't see them with the naked eye so we can't be seen either."

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