Chapter 60

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Enya's light breathing evens out as she falls asleep in her hammock. The light crackle of the dying fire diminishes as the hours pass later into the night taking its light with it. I never move from my perch in the tree beside my hammock. How did this happen? Four days ago we were in Shilo and now we are randomly travelling around Manitoba with no place in mind to go.

What are we going to do? This is not the life for a child, constantly travelling in this world with no contact with people. Camping in trees every night, same meals every day what does that do to someone let alone a child?

Where can we go where we will be welcome without having to hide what we are? We can go to Bella? But I don't think I am ready to face them yet not after what happened to my fam...

Who else do I know that we can go to?

Lucifer? No, he finds you and I don't have the energy to track him.

Who else do I know? Why won't these dam voices go away I can't focus with all the noise. I growl clutching my head as I squeeze my eyes shut. Shut up shut up shut up. My pleading doesn't work it only seems to make the voices louder mine now joining in. Disease, you should be dead, leave before you kill us, blood drink the girl's blood you need blood, disease, disease, disease.

Warmth liquid drips down my arm in a black trail. Pulling my fingers away from my head I stare at my fingers. Skin and blood coat my nails engulfing my fingers in black. Why does it seem like the people were right I am a disease an abomination to my kind. Vampires don't have black blood there are no casters left to show if their blood is different, I am all alone one lonely hybrid the only and last of my kind.

Dropping to the ground on silent feet I drop to my knees in front of the small river beside our campsite. Dipping my hands in the slowly flowing water I rub at the blood already dried. Slowly the black peals away from my tanned skin. Raising my hands with a ball of water between them I drop it over my head.

The cuts on my scalp are healed leaving my blood behind. Rubbing my head I hold the water beside me as I clean. Soon the once clear water is mixed with swirls of black. Dropping the water it splashes beside me soaking into the grass. 

My eyes lock on my reflection in the dark water. The light from the moon reflected in my eyes a false tale of the light inside or the void of it. I swipe my hand over the water rippling my reflection to pieces. I sat kneeling in the damp grass staring off at nothing.

This feeling is familiar but I can't remember where I felt it before. The feeling of feeling nothing such a rare feeling but seems to be common for me. Why can't I remember where I first felt this feeling before? It seems important but...but I don't know.

Small blue eyes flash in my mind's eye the light fading from the person's eyes. I flinch pushing that thought away.

A howl pulls me back to the presence. Jumping to my feet I look back at Enya. She is still fast asleep in her hammock. The wolf howls again dragging my attention back to it. Snarling I take off in its direction falling into my vampire instincts as I track.

Sniffing the air I walked around the shrub-covered ground. Walking over a musty scent I stop backtracking over to that spot. Circling the spot I grin ferally taking off on the scent trail. Rapidly I approach the lonely wolf.

Sniffing the air again I grin this is not a werewolf but just a normal wolf and judging by its size a young one at that. Sneaking around it I stop behind it. I am not here for blood but who said I couldn't have a little fun?

Shifting into my black and blue wolf I prance out of the trees. The voices in my head quiet under my change as I push them back. The blue in my fur glimmers under the moon's light making me look like a deadly shadow wolf. I grin snapping my canines at the young wolf.

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