Chapter 23

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My group and I are getting on a bus early in the morning. The raiders are on another bus well a trailer is being pulled by a tuck behind us. It has been three days since I told Catty, Kate, and Jean about the meeting. They have been telling other witches about the meeting. With the three of them plus Diana and me, almost all the witches know about the meeting. Some are also helping in telling others.

We are leaving for a farm three hours away. None of us have had breakfast as we want to get there as fast as possible so we are eating packed breakfast on the bus. The final checks have finished, and the buses start moving out of the gates. Most of the people are eating their food well some are sleeping.

I sit with Diana again this time I am at the window. Leaning my head against the window I watch the trees fly by as we slowly pick up speed. The temperature is starting to get colder, winter should be here in a couple of weeks. I move some snow wisps around my fingers absentmindedly as time goes by.

The busses stop in front of the farmhouse. We begin to file out, fanning to the sides the raiders being to go to the house as the foragers and guards check the perimeter. I turn on my sight checking the house and mile around. No people in the house closest to zombies are a mile away.

After the sweep, the teams split off to their designated jobs. I follow Jacob, Dylan, and Carol to the back garden. Taking the row of tomatoes I begin to pick the ripe ones.

I grab a bin full of tomatoes and bring them to the front. We have been at the farm all-day now we are bringing everything from the gardens to the front by the tucks. Dropping the bin on the trailer bed I turn to get more. The trailers are almost full of supplies we are probably going to make another trip back to get the rest another time.

A scream echoes around. Turning around I scan the area. The zombies' dark red and orange glow moves quickly toward a blue glow on the other side of the truck. Sprinting around the truck I spot the red eyes of a quick. Pulling out the sword from my side I sprint to the quick as a former from another group staggers behind the truck.

The quick watch-me approach slows down nearly at a complete stop once I am in front of it. Skidding to a stop a thud sounds from behind me. Turning around I watch as the body falls to the ground. My eyebrows scrunch together watching as the glow slowly dissipates like smoke.

I drop to the ground letting out a shallow breath. That lady almost got caught stupid Kaindra for letting your hair down. I rub my face before looking around. No zombies close by checking just in case I push my sight farther. Slowly a headache begins to form the farther I push.

I groan closing my eyes and letting my sight return to normal. I pushed for four more miles past my limit my reward was a killer headache. Footsteps come my way from around the trucks. "Kaindra are you okay? Where you bit?" I hear Kevin's worried voice over the pounding in my head.

I shake my head " I'm fine just got a headache and no I was not bitten." slowly I open my eyes to see Kevin kneeling beside me.

The glow around him makes my head worse. Shutting my eyes again I turn off my sight before reopening my eyes. "Here let me clean your sword" Kevin motions to the sword-laying limo in my hand. I give him the sword as I reach into my bag for some wipes. Moving my head to my bag pain shoots down my neck. My face scrunches up as I try not to hiss.

Eventually, I get the wipes out of my bag. Checking my hands and arms for blood I begin to wipe off the small droplets. Kevin hands me back my sword "you are going to have to wash it with some bleach or heat it over a fire to kill the virus but it's good for now."

Placing the sword in its sheath I begin to stand up. The movement jars my head shooting pain down my spine now. Kevin reaches out to help me up "Thanks" he nods helping me stay steady. Luckily this pain is not the weird cold pain but the bad thing about this pain is with every movement it shoots down my neck to my toes.

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