Chapter 64

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What are you doing you're going to kill them all, leave them disease, their deaths will be on your hands. I listen to the voices echo in my head screaming and yelling. My vampire is quiet as it is no longer separate from me.

Sitting in a meditative state I enter my mind as I would when I connect to the earth. I know they could die and I know each death would be partly my fault but fate makes the choice not me. You do not, will not control me. The voices quiet down, not gone but dimmed I am in control.

I hear the sheets move as Enya wakes up from her slumber. Looking up at the child she beams down at me from ear to ear the gold in her hair and eyes shining in the morning light.

"How do you feel this morning?" I ask getting off the floor.

She grins starting to slide down the latter "good I feel go..aa." She cries out falling the rest of the way down into my waiting arms.

"What's wrong? What hurts?"

She holds her once injured shoulder her eyes slightly teary. Pulling the shoulder of her shirt down my eyes widen at the sight. The bite wound has come back not as bad slightly healed but back nonetheless.

Pulling out a bandage from my bag I clean and wrap the bite. Holding her face in my hands I stare into her eyes from brown gold-flecked eyes to silver. "Do you feel warm? Cold? Pain anywhere else?" She shakes her head and then hesitates to nod. "Dam it, " I whisper running a hand through my loose hair.

Why does she seem to have the same feeling I did after I was bitten? What about the others? My head shoots up searching around the room for my weapons. Loading my belt with my sword and daggers I grab my back from the floor strapping on my bow. "Get your stuff we have to hurry, " at my command, Enya rushes around the small room dressing and packing her bag.

Once she has everything in order I braid her hair heading out the door well doing my own.

I hope the people are okay.

Skipping over the breakfast rush I grab a bagel and apple handing them to Enya as we pass by the table. The sight turned on I quickly find the humans I helped yesterday. Most are still in their rooms well some are outside.

Going to each of the people inside I have them meet us outside by the kid's playground well I go and get the rest. Soon around thirty or so people are at the playground. Most are scratching at their arms or holding their muscles tensed.

Enya stands beside me tense but overall more relaxed than the others. Whistling I call their attention "okay I don't know why this is happening to you but it has happened to me. If it is the same as me the overall pain and discomfort will disappear tomorrow night but you should try and move as much as possible so your muscles don't stiffen up too much."

They nod, the people who were sitting stand up and they all begin to walk around some going to do chores.

Two days later and Enya and the people are mostly back to normal. Enya says her vision is funky which is going by my timeline if she is getting what I have far sooner than I. Four days later and Enya is seeing light glowing around people. Human vision is starting to fluctuate and some of their eyes are changing.

I look up at the approach of familiar footsteps. Smiling I put the dirt I was checking down dusting off my hands. "What's up Jake?" I ask once he is in a comfortable hearing range.

"The people you healed are wondering what is happening to them. Most have been healed by a vampire before and this never happened to them before."

Looking over to a small group of them I see them rub at their eyes blinking rapidly. "I think it is happening because of what happened to me. I plan to go to Melanie's coven if they want I can bring them along?"

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