Chapter 59

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People are staring, why are they staring? It doesn't matter I can't stop them from staring I can just walk, Enya is waiting. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Continuing on my mindless walking to Enya's classroom people move out of my way never once does someone step in my path.

Why are they moving out of my path?

Is that fear in their eyes?

Why do I care? I don't my mind is quiet that's all that matters.

The tension leaves my muscles when I spot Enya, Diana and her sitting on a couch with a book. Enya's head tilts up catching me at the door. She jumps off the couch shocking Diana before she sees me. I bend down catching Enya in a hug she shakes in my arms her head hidden in my shoulder.

Tilting my head down to hers I whisper in her ear "Enya what's wrong?"

She pulls away keeping her arms around my neck "people are talking about you. Someone found out you are a vampire and now everyone knows. They are threatening to hurt you." She cries hiding her head on my shoulder again.

I hold her tighter to my chest as I stand. Diana watches me as I walk with Enya to the couch. Gently sitting down I place Enya in my lap keeping her close. "What have they been saying?" I ask Diana brushing Enya's hair with my fingers.

Diana sighs moving to a more comfortable position. "Some are skeptical believing people are saying that to cause a disturbance now that the killers are gone. Most of the humans believe it though especially after your change." 

Tilting my head to her I raise an eyebrow "change?"

"You look different, older."

Pretending to be surprised I shift in my seat. "Ohh that, yeah we don't know when it is going to stop or why it happens. I grow older looking sometimes when I die only by a few years that's why some people thought I was 19, not 17. How old do I look now?"

Diana's eyes squint as she looks me over "no older than 21."

I nod looking at Enya "we should probably go the weather outside is nice today."

Diana nods waving as I get up Enya is still in my arms. I feel much more relaxed now that Enya is with me, the killers may be gone but we never know what will happen. People watch me as I walk by moving out of my way. Their eyes locked on Enya's relaxed form sitting comfortably in my arms. Worry and fear, defiantly fear all over their faces as they watch me.

Enya wiggles when we get close to the door leading outside. Gently I place her feet onto the floor worry shooting down my spine as she shoots off outside. Chasing after her my hands fisted in tense fists. I relax once I am outside Enya in my sights.

She squeals as the wet grass soaks her knees when she trips. I sigh remembering to smile. The adults watch as the two of us make our way to our normal playground. When we step foot onto the wet sand the parents and guardians call their kids over leaving us alone. Enya pouts playfully but I spot the sadness in her eyes.

"What game do you want to play?" I ask bumping my arm with hers.

She grins dropping down onto her knees. "Let's build a sculpture," she giggles clapping her hands excitedly as I sit beside her.

Minutes turn to hours as we work attempting to perfect our sculpture. "Kaindra come on just one little bit of magic, please," Enya begs to rub her hands together to clear off some sand.

"No Enya we can not use our abilities here remember." I scold "use your hands it's good to practise, we can't use magic to solve everything."

She grumbles but listens anyway. Soon a sand sculpture emerges looking like a model of the base. Dragging Enya to her feet I dust off the sand on my pants "come on let's go clean up before dinner." Enya cheers running ahead of me.

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