Chapter 18

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I have been away from the base for a month now. Time goes by fast when you are constantly on the move. My sight thing which I still don't know what to call it has stopped developing. I can now see the glow inside buildings and almost a mile away if I tried.

I have slight control over it since it is different than controlling my powers it's hard to figure out. So far I have been picturing seeing without it and forcing my eyes to do the same. It's a slow process but learning something new always is.

I found out that animals are green, zombies are dark red with orange, werewolves are gold, and witches are purple. I don't know what vampires, angels, demons, or humans are sure I haven't come across any yet. Plants don't have one I don't know why.

I also learned that the more powerful witches and werewolves have a brighter glow. Which makes it easier to pinpoint the alpha or coven leader.

I decided to go back to the base but I got sidetracked. On my way back I overheard some werewolves talking about raiding a human settlement. Me being me is now tailing them. I would have ambushed them right then and there but one of the patrols smelt me so I made a getaway. To stay out of their noses I divided to fly above them.

I shifted into my favourite wings to fly. They are angle wings but black with blue and silver highlights on some feathers. Having the ability to shapeshift means I can shift into anything I want or shift any part of my body including wings. Very handy in fights and very fun.

I have been following the werewolves for two days now. They are not going towards Shilo though and that is the only human settlement or military base in the area to my knowledge. None of the wolves have spotted me yet if any came close I just went invisible. I could have stayed invisible on the ground but I wanted to fly for a change.

I didn't kill them on the first day once I realized they were going in a different direction from Shilo. If there is another settlement I could help them get to Shilo. I need to protect as many humans and good supernatural creatures as possible.

Lazily flying above the group of werewolves I continue to practice my glowing sight. Turning it off and on almost getting it to switch in a second. Stopping I leave it on, blue catches my eye in the distance. Shooting my head up I focus my eyes ahead. On the ground around a big cleared out, area of trees is blue glowing dots moving around.

Guess I now know what humans' colour is, blue, sky blue mostly I guess the darker the blue the older you are. The wolves should reach the humans by nightfall. They are going to need food and plan once they get there. I continue following the wolves as I plan.

As predicted they got to the base by nightfall. They made camp in the trees a mile away from the humans. I landed in a tree shifting my wings away at the edge of the wolves' camp. Standing at the ready I smile as more than half of the wolves leave to hunt.

Waiting till the hunting party is out of earshot before dripping to the ground. The remaining wolves turn their heads at the sound of my drop. Growling they all stand stalking my way. Keeping my sent hidden I stand to my full height. I freeze at the cold metal in my throat. "Move and I will not hesitate to kill you," the wolf says behind me. Smiling internally at my prediction of the scout showing up. I was my hands signally I will not attempt anything, yet.

"Why are you here and who are you?" the Wolfe asks pressing the knife a little more into my throat.

Swallowing to play off as nervous I also said my heartbeat slightly knowing they could hear it. "My-my name K-Kaindra. I-I saw you-your fire and thought I could come and me-meet some new people." I say stuttering in my speech.

The wolf presses the knife more drawing a drop of blood. "Now why would a human come out here in the dark just to meet a group of travellers when their settlement is safe and sound." He sneers in my ear.

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