Chapter 8

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"Kain where were you last night?" Kaitlyn asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Out," I say dismissively.

"Kaainn," Kaitlyn says warningly.

"Kaaitlynn," I say mockingly.

"Kaindra just answer the question, please. I woke up and you weren't in bed. Where did you go?"

I sigh defeated "I go out almost every night to check the perimeter of the base okay."

"You WHAT why would you do that? You do know they do perimeter sweeps right?"

I give her a dead look "yes I do know that but things have gotten past their hard and I can move faster quieter and quicker than they can and normally finish in an hour, plus" I lean in to whisper to her. "I do need to eat I can't survive properly without having blood so also go out to hunt."

Kaitlyn's eyes widen at that last part 'I forgot' she mouths to me. I nod my head as we continue our way to the mess hall. "Hey, guys do you know what they have today?" Liam asks as he runs up to walk beside us.

"Nope," Kaitlyn says popping the p.

"I heard they got some deer and are serving it with mashed potatoes.

"Aa yay now that sounds good fresh meat and potatoes with some salad" Liam exclaims fist-pumping the air.

" Woah calm down buddy" Kaitlyn tasks pulling his arms down. "We don't want to accidentally hit someone in the face."

"Oh come on Katie you know I won't do that, do you not trust me?" Liam says fake saddens as he places his hand over his heart. "You wound me, Katie, you wound me."

We both laugh at his dramatics and lightly pinch his arm. "You are spending way too much time with Sam and Jen you know that," I say still laughing at his antics.

"Not like there's anyone else other than good old Katie here but she can be quite the buzz kill sometimes," he says pointing over at Kaitlyn.

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm the only mature one here when Kaindra's out helping get our food. You all are just a bunch of children that need a good beating to wipe your buts into shape." Kaitlyn says slapping him on the back a good few times.

"Ow, Kaindra helps us we are going to be murdered by this woman without you." Liam turns to me pleading with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, buddy this one's all you. I think I might just sit back and watch the show might be interesting to see you run around with your tail between your legs."

He grumbles under his breath as we open the doors and step into the mess hall. "You know for a military base Shilo cleans up pretty nicely," Liam says as we move down the line with our trays.

"Yay I heard they got a heads up before everything went south and stocked up on as much food and supply's as they could but also took in any extra food people being in. You saw that fence when we came in that one was new the paint marks haven't washed away yet." I say as we move to a table where the rest of our small group is.

"Huh I guess with more space they can make new additions and get rid of anything they might not need like the plains," Kaitlyn says before sitting down. I nod as we move into a new topic as we eat.

"Hey, guys do you want to play 20 questions later? We still don't know much about one another other than Jen, Kaitlyn, and Kaindra Liam and I are kind of in the dark" Sam says after finishing eating.

"Yay, why not seems like fun. We can meet in our room since all of us share but Liam can come in before bed. Sound good with you guys?" Jen asks we all nod our heads then stand to put our trays away and go to our room to play 20 questions.

"Okay, who goes first? I was thinking we could all have 20 questions since there are 5 of us so the game can go on longer. Sound good?" Sam asks taking a seat on her bed as we all get comfortable on our own with Liam sitting on the bed with Kaitlyn.

We all nod our heads and Sam starts "okay let's start simple favourite colour?"

"Blue, it's like the ocean and sky on warm sunny days," Jen says happily.

"Um Green I see it all the time and it has many great shades" answers Kaitlyn.

"I also like blue it's the first colour I think about," says Liam.

"I don't know I don't have a favourite colour just colours I prefer," I say.

"Then what're the colours you prefer?" Sam asks.

"I like navy blue, forest green, red, and black."

"Okay mine is yellow the colour of happiness and joy. Who next?" Sam says clapping her hands excitedly.

"Me me me me. What's your favourite food?" Jen says bouncing in her seat.

We all chuckled at her antics before answering in the same order. "You already known mine is spaghetti with meatballs," Kaitlyn says.

"Chocolate," Liam says snuggly we all laugh at his blunt answer.

"Don't have one?" I say smiling as they all groan.

"Why? Do you have a favourite anything?" Sam asks.

"Depends on what you ask but mostly no I don't find having one thing that you like more than any other thing so I don't choose I just roll with what I feel," I say honestly.

"Okay makes sense my turn," Sam says. "I like grilled cheese it's just soo good."

"My turn, favourite season?" Kaitlyn says looking at each of us.

"Spring, everything's blooming and coming back to life" Jen answers happily.

"Summer, we get to go outside and it's the most active season," Liam says.

"I like spring and fall the best perfect weather not too hot not too cold perfect balance and it's just so beautiful," I explain.

"Nice, mines also summer everything's so bright and warm," Sam says skill brightly.

"Mines winter you get to curl up with a nice glass of hot chocolate with a good book," Kaitlyn says.

We go around asking questions till it was 10 pm. We come around to my final question. Taking a deep breath I ask my last question "only if you're comfortable answering, what is a secret you don't want others but your closest family and friends to know? Answer only if you're comfortable."

"I'm fine with answering. Not the deepest thing but I killed my cat by accident when my parents left for a week I forgot to feed him and I buried him in the flower garden and told my parents to he ran away." Jen says not at all worried about telling us.

Kaitlyn just sits there thinking before shaking her head "I have nothing that is a deep secret to tell other than the normal stuff."

"Me to just normal life stuff nothing big or super secretive," Liam says shaking his head.

"Me neither," Sam says looking at me now.

"Okay Sam when I tell you this you have to promise not to freak out and you have to promise and I mean PROMISE me you won't tell anyone not a soul on this world or my life can be at risk, okay?" I say with utter seriousness laced in my voice.

"Umm yay, Kain, you can trust me," Sam says confused.

"Good I will hold you to that promise. Now remember to stay as calm as you can and please keep an open mind on this I will explain it as much as I can." I say looking her dead in the eyes. "I'm a vampire with elemental abilities."

"Umm what"

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